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In either case, we are here to enlighten you with some techniques for making your 3D printer run like a dream. Makerbot replicator mini filament jam best way to prevent 3D filament jams is to notice them ahead of time. This can be achieved in many ways including, but not limited to: Proper nozzle height is key to successful 3D extrusion. If your nozzle is too far, your filament will be printing in the air, which means that your filament will not adhere to the print bed.

To make it clearer, we have an illustration that demonstrates this point. Proper temperature is a must, and each filament requires a different printing temperature. This may seem obvious, but it never hurts to check and double check what temperature your filament optimally extrudes. If your hotend is too cold, it can cause two different kinds of makerbot replicator mini filament jam.

As a result, the hobbed bolt grinds away the filament, leaving nothing behind to pull on. This is one of the easier jams to clear by increasing the extruder temperature. If you leave 3D filament in the hot nozzle for a long period without extruding, it can cause a jam similar to Jam 2 above - this is called heat creep.

Heat creep is when 3D filament plastic heats up beyond the 'Melt Zone' and melted plastic 'creeps' into the heat break area see image below for zone definitions.

PLA filament is particularly prone to heat creep because of its low melting temperature and high heat capacity. Remedies for heat creep can be pushing filament though manually, or increasing the temperature for a moment, extruding, and then decreasing temperature.

There are different kinds of hot ends you can read in more detail here but in all cases, be sure you have an active cooling fan on the Peek or metal heat sink makerbot replicator mini filament jam when the hot end is at temperature. All Metal Hotend Configuration. Make sure that your 3D filament is loading into the printer properly, with minimal makerbot replicator mini filament jam outside of the extruder.

Be sure that the spool of filament is mounted and is able to spin freely - often tension from the filament leading to the extruder can cause a printer to stop extruding.

We have written an article on software bed leveling herebut I think we can cover some of the basics. As we covered already, if your nozzle is too low, you will cause retrograde extrusion which will very likely cause a jam.

Though easier than hardware calibration, it is still recommended that you get your printer as calibrated as possible in conjunction with software bed leveling. The first thing that you should try in the makerbot replicator mini filament jam of a filament jam is heating your hotend up to a slightly higher temperature than you normally would, for whatever material you were printing with. After it heats up, take your filament and try to push it through the hotend by hand.

If your filament is too makerbot replicator mini filament jam, it is fine to use a small screwdriver or other such tool to push with. Note - when using a tool, be careful not to damage the hotend by pushing too far. This technique will clear the vast majority of your jams, if the problem persists, there are two more things to try. If you find that your filament has been ground away, you can typically check your printer's extruder and find that the teeth on your hobbed bolt are filled with plastic.

If you can, always check with the manufacturer of your 3D printer before any major maintenence - you don't want to accidentally void your warranty. Take a small pointed tool something like a toothpick will workand gently scrape the plastic out of the teeth.

Your bolt will have a renewed ability to pull your filament. Tightening your drive block a couple turns may help as well. Once again, you will probably want makerbot replicator mini filament jam review the dynamics of your extruder before attempting this. If neither of these things are working, there is makerbot replicator mini filament jam method.

This can dislodge little pieces of hardened plastic, and hopefully allow your filament to extrude smoothly. Note - though effective, this is somewhat risky.

Do not try it unless you're confident that you don't require any outside help. Full dissasembly of makerbot replicator mini filament jam heating unit is possible for most machines, but as stated earlier, may void warranties. If you are able to get the nozzle free, it is possible to melt out the residual filament using a heat gun or blowtorch do not do this without taking the makerbot replicator mini filament jam safety precautions or under supervision.

Once the extrusion path is clear, you can reinstall makerbot replicator mini filament jam nozzle. Printer manufacturers typically offer support for a time, and they will know their individual printers the best. Store 3D Printers Assembly Required. This guide is intended to help you prevent such jams, or fix with them as painlessly as makerbot replicator mini filament jam. Add a Comment View Comments.

Understanding Jams The best way to prevent 3D filament jams is to notice them ahead of time. Nozzle Height Proper nozzle height is key to successful 3D extrusion. This is wil not stick to the bed. Layers are predominantly choppy and short. Continued printing in this manner will likely cause a jam. How nozzle height can affect a print. Temperature Proper temperature is a must, and each filament requires a different printing temperature.

What is heat creep? Filament Tension Make sure that your 3D filament is loading into the printer properly, with minimal tension outside of the extruder. Bed Leveling Calibration We have written an article on software bed leveling herebut I think we can cover some of the basics.

I've tried everything to fix my clogged nozzle, and my 3D printer is still not extruding. Good luck, and happy printing! Too much distance will cause the filament to extrude into the air.

The tip of the nozzle is adding slight pressure to the top of the filament, greatly increasing how much filament is securely sticking to the bed and subsequent layers.

The filament is not flowing properly, which can cause retrograde extrusion.

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The Makerbot Smart Extruder was built to attempt and put an end to filament jams, and it has many interesting and unique features. It is also built to be semi-disposable, and is absolutely not meant to be serviced by the end user. If you have Makercare, when your extruder becomes inoperable, Makerbot will send you a replacement. This is probably the easiest step of this entire process.

Just gently pull up on the filament guide, and it will slide right off. This is a little toughter. The small plastic clips can be gently pried off using an X-acto knife or very small screwdriver. If you pry too hard, it will snap off. This is definitely the hardest part. Remove the cover from the extruder by lifting the six tabs that hold it on.

Once again, these are prone to breaking, and must be handled with care. This is where you will find your jam. The plastic can be removed easily, and should slide right out. Easier to get apart than back together but managed it and still in one piece! Glad you liked the write up! Were you able to fix your problem? Makerbot has solved most of the problems of this extruder with the new version, the Smart Extruder Plus. The Makerbot Smart Extruder. The filament guide can be removed by gently lifting it up and off the extruder.

The extruder after removal. Gently pry the four clips up, and the shroud will pop right off. The Smart Extruder with the shroud removed. The clips on the side must be pried very, very gently.

This is what it looks like when you break a clip off on accident. This piece should come off easily. See that green plastic? The jam should be pretty easy to remove. The view from the other side. Make sure to check the heat fins of the nozzle for a jam, as well.

Adam on April 11, at 5: Did this fix your jam or did it rejam? Roman on March 30, at 2: Andrew Sink on March 30, at 2: Try using the steps in reverse order to put yourself back together!

Dave on April 1, at Andrew Sink on April 1, at 5: Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Site design by John Ewing.