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The college had a proper supercomputer, and was getting a new one, but for a while, Kristina and her fellow ramen-eating colleagues were without a big box of computing. To solve this problem, Kristina built her own supercomputer from off-the-shelf ARM boards.

Because of the demands of a supercomputer — namely the amount of RAM and pure processing speed — Raspberry Pis and BeagleBones were out of the question. This supercomputer just needed more speed. Only the Radxa Rock was available in Bulgaria at the time, making it the only choice. Personal clusters have been around since before the Beowulf joke on Slashdot was new, but in recent years cheap ARM boards like the Raspberry Pi have given cluster computing a resurgence.

There are node clustersnode clusters with displays on each machine, and a few built out of Lego. The biggest problem is getting the software running. This is scientific computing, after all. With the cluster completed, it was time to actually use it.

Kristina is using this cluster for natural language processing, deep neural parallel adapteva bitcoin price, and simulations of quantum physics. Using this cluster, Kristina was able to run a simulation of the Pauli Exclusion Principle, resulting in a publication. At least the faster than a desktop cpu statement! A usd core i7 is at least 10 times faster than this. And if you are able to get parallel adapteva bitcoin price code right use the new simd instructions or just a little portion of the intel gpu for computing you are at least x times faster than a single rk Also the desktop cpus nowadays are 64 bit, they are not in the same league, as a low budget parallel adapteva bitcoin price bit arm.

If you need single-thread or few-thread processing, yes. If you need massively threaded processing, a bucket of ARM boards, bit or parallel adapteva bitcoin price, is likely a much better way to do that. These arm boards are so underpowered in computing performance. Also if you want to make parallel computing use a GPU. Because this student clearly has done the tests, and came to the opposite conclusion. Unless the goal is learning networking technology, a single motherboard is going to parallel adapteva bitcoin price 1Gbe in the dust for bandwidth and latency.

But to be honest this is a ridiculous statement. Even you, if not working with computers not writing computing softwarecan easily verify, with some google benchmark search, that this is simply not true.

We are working with arm, intel and power pc cpu boards some of the boards are our design. I really like and prefer arm cpu-s in some applications, but the performance computing is not that application. There are several factors if you want to choose a platform for computing, is it a computational or memory bottleneck problem, or you need fast response time etc. And I mean by the several factors is more thanand even a small factor like is it a VIPT cache cpu or not will hit performance really hard.

A task switch can happen in 10us vs us just to name parallel adapteva bitcoin price thing. And for parallel computing there is one thing GPU. You cannot beat the GPU in parallel computing or you can with custom chip made for parallel computing. Then again, with a little more money they could have bought an Intel Phi card. They might be export restricted. But they are not. However, come back parallel adapteva bitcoin price you build out a cluster of Intel Edison boards.

Might make a good Hackaday. And you more valid in what you are attempting to parallel adapteva bitcoin price. People have been making these clusters for decades, and things sure have got cheaper sing the year ! And I almost forgot, http: Can you provide us with any optimizations, enhancements or parallel adapteva bitcoin price or perhaps a website where you built something similar to Kristina? Without ebay or amazon or customs restrictions? Bonus points if you have a PS3 Cluster in a forgotten underground tram substation.

I use every system on my LAN as a rendering cluster, is that what you mean? What has it got to do with me or anyone else in particular when everyone who have ever needed to in the last 20 years has had no trouble making a Beowulf cluster? Jim P, Drop it. The comment factor you eminate smells something like… like you work shilling Tivoli or CA Unicenter, after selling out the user group to take a job at the factory.

Now that is a bit harsh, given even a 10th grader could do it, https: Eight rks are not faster at MP workloads than a single ik. Any benchmark you can get to run on both systems is going to show the the i7 achieving an order of magnitude greater performance. I built a simple i desktop last week from normal parts for about USD The article states some real high BS, and you come with this. No point in criticizing that, is it? She solved a problem inexpensively. Then she used the tool to get publishable results.

She also showed all work. Now I know about Radxa boards and FreeBasic as well! She says in the video she only used 4 boards, so 16 cores. The recommended PSU is 5v 2A, so 10 watts max each or 40 watts total. Just ONE Zeon is watts!! That is with no peripherals and no fans!!!!!!!! Sure it might run a bit hotter, but they have air in Bulgaria. All sorts of latencies and inefficiencies are gonna creep in and kill performance.

Possibly using Ethernet if she wanted to hook a couple of them together, only GB Ethernet. The basic principle is that x86 are made for performance, ARM units like that parallel adapteva bitcoin price made for limited parallel adapteva bitcoin price, low power use, low heat, cheapness, etc. Tool for the job. Sure — reddit, the junkyard of the internet. Did you read the two most important bits? She is in Bulgaria!

And she is a PHD student at a university with a Supercomputer. Do you think she had no access to advice? How much do you thing your solution would cost in Bulgaria? Did you make any attempt to find out? Not only did she make this, at a reasonable cost, but she actually used it for real work, and got a paper out of it. What is it with you people? Did you not read the article? Did you read any of the background stuff?

I think your way is only better if you are in the US. It was a neat solution to a problem with multiple parallel adapteva bitcoin price of solving. There is no single best way to solve academic problems like this, and half the innovation comes from how you solve that problem and come to the conclusion. Not necessarily what that conclusion was.

Of course for an student curriculum vitae it looks way cooler to build some contraption with several arm boards and manage to make it work.

How did we get from a discusiion of parallel processing to the throwing of personal insults? When did believing in personal liberty become a bad thing on a hacking website?

Your post is so confusing on so many levels. Maybe you could clarify, else just go have parallel adapteva bitcoin price beer and have a few laughs. In the bitcoin world, Amazon gift cards are one of many ways to transition in and out of something of value. I buy you a dollar gift card and you give me 4 bitcoins, for example. Parallel adapteva bitcoin price is no involvement of any chips on these cards and GPU mining is simply a way to earn new bitcoins by monitoring and documenting the worlwide trade in parallel adapteva bitcoin price.

No Parallel adapteva bitcoin price cards are involved in the actual GPU mining. OK, I get it — he was talking about the hard disks. Overworked hard disks — this is first time I have heard of that being an issue and it is no reason to imply that the guy is personally unethical or dishonest. Face Palm…… This comment of yours is the height of hubris and ignorance at the same time.

Why not hire compute time in the parallel adapteva bitcoin price https: On CPUs that are underutilised the only cost is the energy to use them, everything else is pretty much already paid for.

So is the cloud the most energy efficient way to crunch a large pile of numbers? The scales of economy also suggest it is the most efficient way to go. Unlikely it would allow her to finish her PhD work in time …. Looking at what I actually suggested would get you a very different result. See the original comment.

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Adapteva is turning to Kickstarter for their Parallella computer to get the funding to take their Epiphany multicore daughterboard and shrink it down into a single chip. What I got from the article was that the OS runs on the main CPU [dual-core Arm A9], and you could code an application to run on the massively parallel co-processor.

The coprocessor is -likely- not an ARM processor, or even if it is, it might not be compatible with the Cortex A9 API — hence, it will not be that simple. I suspect that it would realtively easy to write small kernels for the coprocessors and use some simple MPI to signal between the main program and the kernel.

I got the feel that that was just the sort of reason they want to build it — to provide a test bed for such applications. Some system with lots of CPUs that was supposed to be great, but never made it to the big leagues because of the difficulties of designing software for such a system. It looks very much like an array of Transputers stuck into a single package.

XMos is the modern equivalent. Here is a 64 XCore Hyper Cube implementation. I had the pleasure of working with a core XMOS system and it is surprisingly easy to program with a C derived language that is optimized for parallel computing. I figured I would chime in and answer some of the questions.

I can tell you one thing for sure. This is NOT vaporware! Both would be accessed through the same programming framework like OpenCL. The OpenCL code would need to be written in a parallel way, but that seems to be the chosen approach until we come up with something better one of the goals of Parallella by the way.

Now it is only useful for graphics. I was hoping for many better applications. What's the advantage of this form factor? GPUs are only useful for a limited number of computations like pixel shaders, or really anything to do with graphics. Also, all GPU cores calculate the same thing at the same time. This is a more general purpose solution — it can calculate anything — and each core can be controlled separately. Interesting, they clearly know how much of a problem the difficulty of parallel computing is, and want the community to help them solve it so their chips are useful.

As said above, requires quite a lot of software work. Could be great for specific tasks I think. I would assume you could effectively do that with this system if you wanted. It supports USB and would just require a little coding to accept parallel tasks over a wire. But you could just have it suck code to run from a git repo or similar and make things easier. Or just get your platform of choice running on the thing, which seems most reasonable. Maybe something like Esata could work, but thats still retarded.

You could give them more ram DDR4? Not so much anymore. The Parallella platform will be based on free open source development tools and libraries. All board design files will be provided as open source once the Parallella boards are released. When we say open,we mean open datasheets, arch ref manuals, drivers,SDKs, board design files. The only way to get any kind of long term traction is to publish the specs.

Clock skipping would also work.. Slight correction to the title: You can buy the GreenArrays GA today. But you have to program it in Forth. They already have a chip ready and working.

They want money for scaling up manufacturing. Remember the Connection Machine? I wonder what easily available information survives about the architecture, implementation and application software tools. This is also on top of developer experience. The Probelem today is NOT insufficient computing power or not enough cpus. Wired just had a piece about a guy who wants to fly to the edge of space in a balloon. Cobbled together a prototype pressure suit from parts he got on eBay and at Ace.

We use fabs just like Nvidia does so as soon as do full mask set tapouts our per chip pricing is not far off from Nvidia. Still,we are less than th the size of Nvidia so selling our mousetrap is a real challenge. XMOS has been running a monthly design competition for a while now.

The competition is a joke, merely an easy way to win a prize. Will the Parallella will somehow change this? Ask yourself those questions. Adapteva should have asked, and been able to answer those questions, before embarking on this project; and especially before seeking Kickstarter funding.

So what is their answer? So to be brutally honest: Chris, Thanks for the thoughtful comments! Constrains programming model too much. We do feel that the Epiphany would serve as a better experimentation platform and teaching platform for parallel programming.

Halmstad U in Sweden is even playing around with Occam. The future is parallel, and nobody has really figured out the parallel programming model. Without broad parallel programming adoption our architecture will never survive, so we obviously have some self serving interest in trying to provide a platform for people to do parallel programming on.

I also mostly agree with your comments on the alternatives; except the GA, which I have some thoughts on. Most use high-level languages, compiled either to the native language, or to p-code which is often executed by a stack-based virtual machine.

Admittedly not quite as fast as on a machine with a C-optimized instruction set, but having massive parallelism at your disposal could potentially make up for it in practice.

From a business perspective, GreenArrays should have already pursued this. Being strictly an issue of compiler design, this is an possible example of a more direct approach to fulfilling your stated goal, of making parallel computing available to the masses. So to that end, I do wish you luck, success, and ultimately proving myself and other doubters wrong!

Have you seriously looked at the Thimking Machines aka Connection Machine information? A few minutes with google got me these links:. The Connection Machine pdf. Data Parallel Algorithms pdf. I also found online manuals for the Thinking Machines parallelized languages e. Loads of people have figured out the parallel programming model, they just get ignored by people banging on about how hard threads and locks are to use and thus they require more work.

I would direct your attention to CSP — Communicating Sequential Processes, the underlying process calculus behind the Occam language that was used to program the Transputer, a massively parallel architecture in the s. This calculus was developed and PROVEN mathematically by Tony Hoare, and can be used to develop highly parallel programs that can be proven to never deadlock or livelock, and never have race conditions. In fact, because it is SO easy, they often model what many people may write three functions for as three separate processes running in parallel.

Not just people, but research groups and conferences dedicated to the subject. Look what happened with GPUs.

People didnt know how to use it for GPGPU and now every university has a cluster of those, and a ton of software has at least plugins photoshop for example. I can tell you for a fact that the cause and effect here is entirely the opposite to what this project is talking about. I have no idea where they are in terms of producing this thing. Their website only mentions the two 16 and 64 core iterations of the device that are mentioned in the kickstarter.

Even if it were, it could very easily just be a demonstration model without anything inside. The first expense is the soldermasks. These need to be very durable and precise. As far as I know, these are patterned onto quartz glass using e-beam lithography very expensive. These can easily cost upwards of a million dollars, depending on the complexity, for the entire set you need one for each layer, and something like this will definitely have a lot of layers. They could be using something like MOSIS, which brings the cost down by making a grouping together several different chips from other clients.

The obvious problem here is throughput, its designed for prototyping. If they have any real silicon its probably something like that. In terms of actual manufacturer, you basically have two options: FPGA transfer, and cell-based. Cell-based use standard cells and let you lay out each gate.

Moreover, there is the cost of validation and software. Software is self explanatory. If they managed to get enough investments to get the soldermasks supposing they have them then why do are they turning to kickstarter to get funding? Even besides those problems, how are they going to get anyone to make this for them? As others have mentioned, you can get chips with much higher performance, for much less, with the added advantage of not being a first generation adopter.