Need cheap VPS to run my steam trade bot. [1~2 GB RAM] [4$]

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Installing Profit Trailer v2 is very simple. I have the steps below to install it yourself, or you can use my script to install vps for trading bots automatically and quickly. Now my script is setup assuming you will be running multiple bots. If you are not, that is OK, it will still work either way.

If you do choose to run another bot, you are already to go. It makes it much. Let the script run. It should only take a few minutes to run. The first time will be the longest as it will update your Ubuntu as well. Now there are a few things in this file you need to add for Profit Trailer to work. This is the bare minimum. You are free to customize anything else that fits your needs.

If you are using Putty, you can right click where you want to paste it. This will save the file. Once you do that, it wll take you to the login screen. Enter in your password and you are all set. If you ever have issues with your bot and you want to stop, restart or look at the log files below are the commands to do it. This is good for troubleshooting any issues vps for trading bots they arise. If vps for trading bots want to manual install Profit Trailer v2 you can copy and paste the commands below.

They are the same I used in the script. Copy one line at a time and press enter after each line.

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So bandwitdh and disk space won't make much difference. But I'd prefer 1 TB bandwitdh. Traffic hi, I was actually going to order the service few hours ago. But it is in my list ty! RunAbove is a great decision for Europe, if you don't mind sending them your passport or ID card. Have a look at current promotion here http: So US, not Europe. Nyr well, I honestly don't know much about VPS servers. My website is moreover for European players so I thought it would be better. But if you say so I am open to suggestions!

It will send and receive data faster to and from Steam's servers less latency. For the trading bot, it does matter a lot, ms of latency are very significant. The Steam market backend was in the US last I checked don't know where exactly Seattle, says ChauffeR , so you should strongly prefer a server as close as possible.

Hi, we have really accessible prices for VPS. Check our web page for further information. Community Rules Rules for selling Need help? It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! Categories All Categories Please read our 'Community Rules' by clicking on it in the right menu! July edited July in Requests. I need a VPS to run my steam trade bot.

I prefer 1 gb or 2 gb RAM. But NA would be ok. What are your bandwidth and disk-space requirements? July edited July First of all, you should be more specific about specs in your request. And is yearly payment OK? Thanked by 1 ProviderService. Thanked by 1 century1stop. Thanked by 1 Traffic. RunAbove is an option. We have this available in Los Angeles if you're interested. Sign In or Register to comment.