What Is ZEC? Introduction to Zcash

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Nearly a lifetime time ago in Zcash zooko shoes, likely before you were born, there was an altcoin called Gavincoin. It had 20 MB blocks. Why, on to the next project! Bitcoin is an amazing and complex machine, but the most important thing about it is simple: For the same reason, anyone can extend and improve it without permission. The improvement that we are adding is privacy. We have assembled a world-class team of cryptographers and engineers; We have made scientific advances in the underlying mathematics, and built a working, privacy-preserving variant of the Bitcoin software.

But hey, if one zcash zooko shoes your pillars of existence is a strawman, who am I to stand in your way? Why did they submit so willingly?? Developers can download the source code, compile it, and connect to our live testnet. There is still much work to be done to make Zcash into an open system fit for a global marketplace. The current software is insecure in several serious ways, and testnet-bux are worthless and always will be.

Zcash zooko shoes Technology Preview release is solely for other developers and entrepreneurs around the world, who can help us inspect, debug, and improve the technology and who can learn how it works and how they zcash zooko shoes use it. Please remind me, did the creator of the most successful cryptocurrency project to date, Satoshi Nakamoto, apply for any patents? Then what the fuck difference does this make.

Just a word to the wise. We believe that personal privacy is zcash zooko shoes for core human values like dignity, intimacy, and morality. The infantile simpletons who make claims to the contrary must necessarily commit the logical fallacy of Appeal to Authority.

Oh, the United Nations said that everyone deserves a house? And did the Latin Bible also say that homosexuals should be stoned to death? Privacy is about consent. You have the right to choose which of your movements, words, and actions will be shared or published. You have the right to choose whether every detail of your life will be recorded and analyzed, by acquaintances, neighbors, family, employers, faceless organizations, or massive supercomputers.

It is worth fighting for, and we can win. Again, you have no rights. You have what you take and what you fight for, nothing more. Companies need privacy in order to conduct their business. This is true for all sorts of companies, in all sorts of businesses. Hint to potential Zcash investors: I was surprised when I started talking to businesses about Zcash at the strength of the positive response from the financial tech industry. Banks and their customers absolutely require privacy in their financial transactions.

A currency needs privacy to be long-term viable as a medium of exchange, because of fungibility. In a financial transaction, fungibility means the following: Fungibility is necessary for large-scale commerce. Zcash zooko shoes, every time someone were going to accept money, they had to think about the consequences of accepting this particular payment vs. As previously discussed, Bitcoin is already the zcash zooko shoes fungible currency on the planet. GLHF with that one. In an open and programmable financial system, financial privacy is the only way to ensure fungibility.

We believe that privacy strengthens social ties and social institutions, protects societies against their enemies, and helps societies to be more peaceful and more prosperous. A robust tradition of privacy is a common feature in rich and peaceful zcash zooko shoes, and a lack of privacy is often found in struggling and failing societies.

As we move more of our lives into the Internet, and integrate our lives more with the lives of people from around the globe, we zcash zooko shoes the new society we are building to be one of the peaceful and prosperous kind. Do we want a prosperous society? I want to live in a world where art and science vii flourish like a thousand cherry blossoms, but do I want a peaceful society? I want a society where idiots pay for their stupidity with their lives so as to leave more room for those of us with reason, resources, and the divine bestowment of a lucky star.

I want a society in which social mobility is spoken of as fantastically as unicorns farting rainbows and where the state is so small that I can fit it in my pocket.

This dream, of course, necessitates that much blood be spilled, both digitally and physically. So do I want a peaceful world? These are the reasons why we are devoting these years of zcash zooko shoes lives to this project. Many of zcash zooko shoes leading thinkers in the Bitcoin community zcash zooko shoes already expressed zcash zooko shoes support.

We welcome your help and support. You can find our conversations at the Zcash forum. Care to guess how Zcash will be funded? There will, of course, be much media hoopla supporting Zcash. All of the aforementioned individuals and groups are hereby! They can only steal, murder, rape, pillage, cheat, lie, swindle, and generally behave in a base manner. Zcash zooko shoes can be no other way, which is also why the purpose of life, if such a zcash zooko shoes can even be said to exist, is to obtain privilege.

Then again, what could be more violent than Bitcoin? And I seem to be doing pretty well here. Go break some fucking windows already!!

February 28, at Please, do a little more […]. Your email address will not be published. You may use these HTML tags and attributes: Because privacy is a human right We believe that personal privacy is necessary for core human values like dignity, intimacy, and morality. Because privacy is necessary zcash zooko shoes businesses Companies need privacy in order to conduct their business. Because privacy is necessary for commerce A currency zcash zooko shoes privacy to be long-term viable as zcash zooko shoes medium of exchange, because of fungibility.

Because privacy is a social value We believe that privacy strengthens social ties and social institutions, protects societies against their enemies, and helps societies to be more peaceful and more prosperous. How is the Zcash project funded? Now hit the bookskiddo. March 7, at 4: A blog by Pete Dushenski says: December 4, at February 20, at 1: The kinds of comments other blog commenters have for Intro-to-Bitcoin articles in January 11, at 2: Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email zcash zooko shoes will not be published.

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Zcash is a cryptocurrency aimed at using cryptography to provide enhanced privacy for its users compared to other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. The Zerocoin protocol was improved and transformed into the Zerocash system, which was then developed into the Zcash cryptocurrency in Its founding team includes cryptographer Matthew D. Green from Johns Hopkins University. Roger Ver was one of Zcash Company's initial investors. Zcash payments are published on a public blockchain , but users are able to use an optional privacy feature to conceal the sender, recipient, and amount being transacted.

Transactions can be "transparent" and similar to bitcoin transactions in which case they are controlled by a t-addr, or can be a type of zero-knowledge proof called zk-SNARKs ; the transactions are then said to be "shielded" and are controlled by a z-addr.

Zcash affords private transactors the option of "selective disclosure", allowing a user to prove payment for auditing purposes. One such reason is to allow private transactors the choice to comply with anti-money laundering or tax regulations. Overwinter is the first ever network upgrade of Zcash done through a hard fork at the block number [7] which is expected to be on 25 June A new feature will be introduced that allows users to set transaction expiry times.

This upgrade also improved the signature verification that helps improving the transaction speed. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the cryptocurrency Zcash. It is not to be confused with Zerocoin or zcache. The New York Times. Delaware Department of State: Ethereum Ethereum Classic KodakCoin. Dogecoin Gulden Litecoin PotCoin.

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