Bitfinex is getting more and more suspiousbitcoin talk

Gox — an earlier digital currency exchange that eventually failed, in part due to losses attributable to hacking. And now we have this If you don't own your private keys, you don't own your coins, plain and simple. Essentially, the memo unveiled a devious plan to cover up the half-a-billion-dollar theft and attempt to continue business as usual.

Our first action to take regarding MintPal, is to beef up the security, make a number of performance tweaks; do a formal audit and review of operational procedures, However, in an abrupt announcement in October of that year only a few months laterAlex Green announced that Moopay would be filing for bankruptcy and would immediately cease all operations. The indictment alleges that Vinnik obtained funds from the hack of Bitfinex is getting more and more suspiousbitcoin talk. BTC-e was one of the largest and longest running cryptocurrency exchanges until it was shut down in July,