How to use ethereum wallet on ledger nano s

The recovery phrases is all you need to restore the contents of your Ledger Nano S. So if your Ledger Nano S is lost or broken, you can use that recovery phrase to "restore" your private keys to another app that supports it. If the ledger is broken or stolen, I can recover with Mycelium app using the word phrase. Also, does Mycelium supports the same way as Ledger for Stellar Lumens, which requires browser support turn on.

Does the Ledger Nano S hold Ethereum tokens? If you know your eth address you can see the balance without your device. This is because the balance is stored in the blockchain. Receiving coins can be done if someone uses the address you give them and you do not need the Ledger connected for this. If you want to send coins you will need to connect the Ledger to confirm the transaction you create on your computer with a button on the device. The Chrome app only shows one eth-address but you have many more.

If you use https: If you want to use myetherwallet you need to enable 'Browser support' in the settings of the eth wallet. To send tokens to the device you send them to one of the eth-addresses. To send token from your device you need to enable 'Contract support' in your Ledger settings and use myetherwallet. You select the eth-address you sent the tokens to and choose if you want to send tokens.

Check with small amounts first! When sending choose the correct token and not eth. On the next screen your address will be displayed in the section highlighted in yellow. Copy this and provide it to the sender. Do not copy or share anything that says private key, or unencrypted, no matter what. Anyone with access to any of these can take your ETC. A new screen will pop-up, please check it carefully to ensure that the transaction is as you want it.

This will send your ETC to the recipient. PNG x 58 KB. After sending the transaction will confirm shortly. It is always a good idea to send a very small test transaction first, confirm the recipient has received the ETC, and then follow up with a second transaction. This helps prevent accidental loss of ETC.