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It has been years since then, and rivers of ink have been used to write about Nostradamus, as you are generally known to this enigmatic character. Epidemics, earthquakes, wars, floods, murders, droughts, battles and other, unfortunate events, are the topics that occupy the so-called prophecies revealed by this French doctor, theurgist and astrologer who, according to legend, had the power to know about anticipate upcoming events. According to his scholars, North Korea, the United States and its president, Donald Trump, as well as Pope Francis, figure among the protagonists of the predictions of the Gallic prophet from the year The great theater full will ruin.

The bitcoin 2016 predictions by nostradamus predictions, heaven and earth, darkened and disturbed, when the infidel, God and saints, will run, "the astrologer wrote in one of his quatrains. This fragment would refer to a supposed earthquake that would take place in the United States.

The catastrophe, believed to be triggered by the San Andreas fault, would occur on May This, because the sign of Taurus begins on April 21, and from that date would have to count 20 days, resulting in May As if that were not enough, Nostradamus would also have predicted a new eruption of the Vesuvius volcano, in Italy, which would be the worst in history and would cause a huge loss of human life.

This has been one of the most commented prophecies in recent years. According to the scholars of these texts, Pope Francis would be the last leader of the Catholic Church, which would imply his imminent death.

In fact, in Augustthe pontiff himself made some disturbing statements stating that he had "two or three years to live". Two or three years. And then, to the House of the Father! The French visionary is credited with having predicted, among other events, the great fire in London, which took place inor the attack on the Twin Towers, which occurred on September 11, in New Bitcoin 2016 predictions by nostradamus predictions City.

In his 97th quatrain, Nostradamus writes: A few years ago, inone of his admirers, the user of Reddit viper, seems to have found in Nostradamus' quatrains what could be considered as the "Bitcoin Prophecy".

Christianity governed through other laws, when a new source of gold and silver is discovered, "recites the prophet in verse 53 of his first century. There is nothing better to find something than the desire to want to find it, so that Viper, whoever it is, linked this bitcoin 2016 predictions by nostradamus predictions other verses to elaborate what would be the talk between the crypto-phantasies and also enthusiasts of the astrologer.

Another bitcoin 2016 predictions by nostradamus predictions the famous prophecies of Nostradamus is the one that, supposedly, says that " People will refuse to pay taxes to the king Your supporters may say that it was right, because the few real houses that bitcoin 2016 predictions by nostradamus predictions in the world no longer charge taxes.

In those days ordinary people were fleeced with taxes everywhere. They had to be paid to the king, to the lord of the land, to the count, to bitcoin 2016 predictions by nostradamus predictions marquis and to anyone who had him under his domination. In fact, it was the abuse with taxes, one of the triggers of the great revolution that broke out in France, his native country, just over years after he died.

Could Nostradamus have predicted the appearance of cryptocurrencies? Earthquake and eruption "Sun twenty of Taurus so strong earth trembles. The death of the Pope This has been one of the most commented prophecies in recent years. The twin towers The French visionary is credited with having predicted, among other events, the great fire in London, which took place inor the attack on the Twin Towers, which occurred on September 11, in New York City.

Also the Bitcoin A few years ago, inone of his admirers, the user of Reddit viper, seems to have found in Nostradamus' quatrains what could be considered as the "Bitcoin Prophecy". As expressed by Brian Dunning, creator of the Skeptoid podcast: No more taxes Another of the famous prophecies of Nostradamus is the one that, supposedly, says that " Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.

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I like how the wrinkles gathering on the arching poop deck of his prominent chin have vanished. Kerry is a member of the Skull and Bones secret college society of white power elites trained for aristocratic overlording us in the US. For appearances sake, he went under the knife prior to a game of thrones: That chin defiantly thrust itself out at the echo chamber press corps last August into September.

The Syrian al-Assad regime, the chin said, had gassed thousands of Syrian civilians sympathetic to the Free Syrian Army and punitive US attacks were imminent. Assad only had to set in motion immediately a United Nations monitored dismantling of all his chemical weapons still in his possession. So says investigative reporter Seymour Hersh in a recent article based on leaks coming from inside the Pentagon.

In fact, the missile battery that fired on thousands of civilians in an eastern Damascus suburb were launched from longer-range chemical weapons platforms manned by al-Nursa Front Sunni jihadis with the help of Turkish intelligence agents!

On 17 April, that chin was smooth and ready for a second close-up—a second close shave—with the truth. He had just come before the worldwide press after finishing a marathon, seven-hour negotiation with EU, Ukrainian and Russian diplomats to find a workable program of intentions, on paper at least. It was a call to all parties, especially extremist militias of Eastern and Western Ukraine to lay down their arms and abandon occupied and barricaded government buildings. I sensed Kerry was once again in a Syrian fix once again.

He was backtracking on his prior brinksmanship trash talk once he and the President who advised him or he advised…. Anyway, the conciliatory words said between the lines, that some little modicum of geopolitical and geo-economic sense might have stirred from Washington that the consequence of an escalation of sanctions with Russia was revealing the US and EU were playing a weak geopolitical hand.

Time for Kerry to stop horse-facing around. Time for words of sobriety, adulthood, equanimity and not a moment for throwing out uncorroborated news reports…. But, hey, what am I smoking? Kerry paused to let that sink in. Then he reared up at the podium and puffed up as best he could his flying saucer-sucking thin lips in an inverted V before grousing a breathy and ponderous alarm about ethnic Russians renewing old anti-Semitic demons:. Fortunately there are a few real reporters and journalists on the ground in Donetsk, who actually went to the address on the pamphlet and checked the story.

They talked to Pushilin. First of all, no one calls me by that title, no one elected me. He added that the stamp was too large in the fake and the letter was rife with bad grammar. This pamphlet anti-Semite story is just another false flag in the propaganda war going on over Ukraine.

Journalists question more and checked their facts because if they got it wrong—Boom! Now, mostly in the West, I see cranky children in seats of power ready to up the anti, excelerating their tit-for-tatting by any lie the press badly reports on from cranks as credible sources, as long as it supports their narrative. A similar hysteria overtook leaders and journalists years ago staring the First World War in Only this time, leaders incapable of prudence actually HAVE the weapons of mass destruction that neither Saddam Hussein possessed nor al-Assad launched on his own people.

This is a special expanded edition with a chapter about the Blood Moon Prophecies. The Kindle, Kobo and Nook editions will not contain this expanded version. I am taking advance orders now. Please help me in this work to give us a future for ourselves and our children that fools with nukes might never snuff out. The danger is close at hand… But a few years away.

Let us turn ourselves away from that future. It was not any great stretch to predict Obamacare would be born a misshapen monster, an inelegant, unwieldy and soon to be bureaucratically lumbering system that may take 20 years to become what I should have been at its inception, a universal, single-payer system like other modern democracies. That last prediction is still a long shot for most people, but you heard it here.

What was harder to predict given the mass media views in and about the ACA being impossible to pass in Congress was that Obamacare would pass.

In these pages of Hogueprophecy, I dated it passing into law by late March of Moreover, I presaged that all attempts to rescind the law, even in the anti-Obama, Roberts Supreme Court, would fail to kill the O-care. He is still fulfilling a more negative potential future in his second term: His premature ejaculation of slogans like Change we can believe in and Yes We Can , reveal a president too unprepared for prime time office who has failed to fulfill most of his promises of change.

Indeed, he looks like another mediocrity like his predecessor in the White House. With that said, the Oracle does not play favorites and will report a positive future fulfilled. Despite all this, my Oracle throws us a curve about Obamacare in It will meet its financial requirements by March to enroll a minimum of seven million subscribers because the website will be fixed.

The bugs will be worked out. There will be a rush of millions in the last-minute signing up, indeed I predict is will far exceed its seven million minimum goal by end of March Predictions for , Chapter 2: The Obamino Effect Prophecies documented on 20 November Instead, he showed his abject ignorance for his own healthcare plan.

He really was clueless about his own signature legislation, given that an immature executive will surrender his oversight to others, whom he may pick as his councils, who are often less capable than himself. Who does he follow? Well, in the case of Obamacare, the language of the bill was penned by executives and lawyers of what I call the Sickness Industrial Complex.

Many of you reading this today know how accurate that prediction was. The Obamacare website was fixed. I have much more to say about the future of Obamacare in Predictions for Also, if you download a free Kindle APP off Google, you can read it on iBook, Sony or any other reading tablet you like even if you purchase it from Amazon Kindle outlets. I also have available an expanded special PDF eBook edition that includes an additional chapter on the prophecies of Mattias Stormberger.

Will it be a new cold war or a nuclear war? Find out more by clicking on Obamacare. The US Electoral College: The Beginning of the End Foreseen. The Federal Government may keep its people bound by archaic voting traditions, such as the Electoral College system, but the American people using the powers of given by the US Constitution to their states are beginning to see a way out of its 18th-century misrule, circumventing it altogether without the need to make a new constitutional amendment.

Moreover, they have options to change their vote. Fortunately, after a couple of centuries, the people want their vote to finally count. They want their candidates to campaign in all 50 states, not just the dozen swing states that win or lose one the electoral votes needed to carry an election.

Bush in won his election without winning a majority. Five Supreme Court Justices silenced the voices of , voters! You only notice this flaw and folly of law that makes state identity more important than the will of the national populace in national elections in those rare close elections.

Jeb Bush, former Governor of Florida and some would say G. Whether what followed was a Constitutional perversion that led to an illegitimate presidency or not, the people of the future will judge.

Yet if enough states join this movement, by the next presidential election in November there will never again be a Florida hanging-chad dispute. Soon New York will officially join these states and it is expected Oklahoma will be next.

Currently, the movement has grown to ten states and the District of Columbia with electoral votes, or 61 percent of the electoral votes needed to reach electoral votes, the number needed to clinch all elections by popular vote forever just with a minority of pledged states. Tell us in detail what Constitutional reforms were required to stave off a bloody revolution in the streets of America happening in the early s. It logged this prophecy, a little over a year and eight days ago, 12 April End the Electoral College: The people vote beyond their state borders for the Federal President overseeing the Union of States.

No more wasted focus on battleground states. My Oracle proclaims something that to my programmed sensibilities seems impossible. It visualizes a future of breathtaking and positive changes that will come from the smallest spark of the seemingly most insignificant individual. It is talking about you, alone, reading these words. Just you, no one else, can change the world. The grids of power, like electrical power grids, will lose their hold on us because the Internet is teaching it and soon our technological advances will transform overnight, any time in the next four years after , far more than the overthrow of captains and kings in The way we define money, the way we define what is a power grid or federal governance, may all be completely upended and changed when technology, under the influences of the science and humanism-friendly new Aquarian Age, provides individuals with more power and responsibility over their lives.

Soon will come the days of Cold Fusion ending the fossil fuel addiction of civilization. Soon your Cloud software systems will become Cloud financial funding and Cloud parliaments online. Money becomes a form of interactive community. Predictions for , Chapter 9: If for some reason you cannot leave your comments in the comments box below, just send them to me via the Contact email button.

If they are interesting and clearly written, I will post them with my inserted comments. So please reread your stuff, use spell check and punctuate. Those who do the best they can will be rewarded with it being published here. Are you not american or author is from another country. HOGUE Hi Ramiro, I am born in America but I consider this identity imposed on human beings of this beautiful planet, like all the other illusive identities like, American, European, Hindu, Muslim, Jew, Atheist, Deist, whatever borrowed identity over which society tries to coat and suppress our divine and innocent intelligence underneath as idiotic.

Thanks for asking, though. Now we turn to the discussion from two of my Facebook Friends and my reply concerning what I see as the honest blinders that peace-loving people put on when trying to understand why people keep promoting war.

STEPHEN The US, west, NATO are military itchy they certainly want cold war with Russia, then hot war WW3 certainly our western leaders are kids with toy guns and they must be young souls in their incarnation cycle and decisions must be immature trouble is we all suffer with their stupid decisions could end us all so wake up change coarse.

Thanks for your discussion.