Announcing BitCoin Ace Indicator

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But for years it has been glaringly obvious from the huge and obscene bonus payments Bankers give themselves, that something is not right. Earned is the term they use. That's a laugh were it not so serious. The banks have only themselves to blame for the birth of Bitcoin.

Necessity is the 'Mother of Invention' and competition was sorely needed as an alternative to the Greedy, Fat, Bloated, Bitcoin ace Financial Bodies, and their 'You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours' cosy club. On international transactions, things can be worse and even more inefficient. Banks use a system called Swift - Except it aint.

Travel abroad and the banks rip you off on bitcoin ace exchange rates. They take a cut of commission from your transactions. As happens with all who enjoy a monopoly position but abuse it, a competitive answer was needed and sought.

It took much longer to find an alternative in this instance, but the final straw was the banking crisis in It's surely no coincidence that Satoshi Nakamoto revealed Bitcoin and Blockchain technology to the world in ! I think there is a place for existing but reformed national banking systems. With Cryptocurrencies as an alternative, the checks and balances that a healthy democratic system needs, is now there.

The people of the world — the average Joe and Jill — now have The Peoples Currency as an alternative money source, which will help to keep banks in check bitcoin ace costs down. Holds all the aces. That's why Cryptocurrency is here to stay. Some days ago my sister transferred money into my account and when I checked my balance, it had already gone below 0 before the transfer which meant I was already owing the bank. It's just sad and ridiculous. I think Bitcoin will be around for a very long time.

Banks have never faced real competition ever before. There are signs that they are waking up to the fact that Bitcoin bitcoin ace here to stay and poses a big challenge to their monopoly. I think it is inevitable that they will lose most if not all of foreign exchange transactions,for the reasons in my post.

This will force them to concentrate hard on their domestic market, and offer service with a capital S to customers for the first time,and about time!

Yes I think there will be much discussion in bank boardrooms about the looming dark,threatening shadow bitcoin ace Cryptocurrencies. Publicly they convey an air of indifference, as if it's a pesky pest they can swat away. But I doubt if there is much they can do, other than pressure government to ban or throttle it with bitcoin ace.

Oh ya there will be legislation guaranteed!! They will throw the kitchen sink at this one, as it gets bigger and bigger they will feel the pressure. I seem to have missed replying to your excellent 'Throw the kitchen sink' comment. That, and bitcoin ace out of the pram',we are going to see in spades - Coming Soon! Pretty sure Ripple is up for this task. It's centralized as i heard, but with the help of Ripple transactions will take a few seconds instead bitcoin ace a few hours or days.

If banks bitcoin ace to stay in the game they'll have to adopt Ripple or another cryptocurrency if a better one bitcoin ace. I've heard a lot of good things about Ripple, and I bitcoin ace to look further into it.

For me the outstanding reason for financial Cryptos to do well is because as I put in my bitcoin ace, their bitcoin ace ability to speedily process foreign transactions. I like Ethereum because it is the Crypto for Business and is growing in popularity with both National and International companies for processing Contracts on the Blockchain. Bitcoin bypasses their favorite tool, the printing press. I agree about the common government practice of bitcoin ace money. Quantative Easing is the name they give it I bitcoin ace.

Sounds better than Debt. Is a lot of misery waiting for future generations down the line? Their bitcoin ace is to have all the boats sink simultaneously so that nobody can jump ship for another. The thing I most admire about this new science fiction paradigm called Bitcoin that we are building is that bitcoin ace has expanded the collective consciousness into contemplating new possibilities for the shape of our future.

I'm not sure that Bitcoin will become the alternative finacial system. It seems there are too many bitcoin ace grumbling away in the background. Transaction charges too high - Processing too slow - Limited scope to scale to handle increasing demand.

It's one of the drawbacks of being first. The important invention in my view is the Blockchain. It provides ways and means to be independent of the financial institutions. Scaling any blockchain is hard.

I think the roadmap that Bitcoin ace is on will work Bitcoin got too popular too fast this year, and that big price bump really incentivized some ridiculous stuff. Pretty bitcoin ace every other altcoin could be torpedoed by a legal summons. I hope you are right about Bitcoin because I have transferred a small amount of my Steemit earnings into it. You have much more practical knowledge than me. Much of my writing on Cryptos is from instinct. I just feel a latecomer will benefit from bitcoin ace problems that Bitcoin seems to have, and avoid them.

Bitcoin has the most decentralized and smartest devs. Very nice to see Steem crypto doing so well. I suspect it is largely Korean speculation and new users.

I just want to survey some people. I don't know where the price of Bitcoin is going in Up and down volatility is a certainty for some time. There are some astonishing forecasts being made as bitcoin ace know.

Have you read the book by Sam Volkering. Ripple and Stellar Lumens will probably play a large role in the inter-bank payment system. In the end, that is bitcoin ace with overall costs of international and national payments decreasing. For those that want to pay outside of the banking system, numerous crypto networks already exist Bitcoin, Ethereum, dark coins like Sumokoin, DeepOnion and Monero and will continue to exist.

Crypto is slowly merging into the existing world and the existing world is slowly but slower than crypto merging into the crypto world. It is good to hear that competition is already causing banking charges to decrease.

Your description of the slowly melding of the Crypto and orthodox financial worlds already going on, is interesting. I did not expect it to be bloodless!

You are being celebrated here. Is this the Bitcoin Ace? But for international transactions, it is obvious that - A Cryptocurrency, decentralised, therefore independent of banks - Borderless, therefore bitcoin ace to all countries - Holds all the aces.

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. It seems there are too many issues grumbling away in the background - Transaction charges too high - Processing too slow - Limited scope to scale to handle increasing demand. Those coming after bitcoin ace from seeing the problems with the original.

Bigger and better Cryptocurrencies will evolve.

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