Krypto waluta bitcoin wallet
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A Bitcoin SIN is comparable to a Bitcoin address, as they are both able to be derived from the same type of public and private keys. To generate a pem file by running the following:.
To create your webclient:. A URI can be added to pair with the test server. The BitPay server requires a public and private key which are used for all client interaction with the server. The public key is used to derive the client identity and to securely sign all API requests from the client.
Storing your private key is necessary. Depending on your circumstances, there are two methods to create a private key, internally or externally and inject the key into the SDK.
Create a private key using the SDK:. Store the private key, as it is necessary, and inject it into the SDK:. Inject the private key into the SDK:. You will then use your keypair to derive your SIN. When creating your keypair and SIN, you must be sure to save your private key.
First, create your keys. Which will return something like:. Packages are available for Python 2. With the package installed, import the BitPay Key Utilities:. Save the pem file:. Running the above code will return a response similar to the following response:. Generate a pem file by running the following:. Run the following to get the SIN from the pem file:.
Note that for this example, we are pairing to BitPay's Test server. Request pairing using the client:. To generate a pem file by running the following: Internal Create a private key using the SDK: With the package installed, import the BitPay Key Utilities: Article is closed for comments.