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Yet another Bitcoin institution has had its coffers drained by hackers and will be forced to shut down as a result. Effective immediately, the site said it will be shutting down and suspending its service. According to Flexcoin, the digital robbery occurred on March 2 when hackers were able to target and remove BTC stored in the company's hot wallets. You can track the movement of the swiped crypto-currency from here and here. It's worth pointing out that Flexcoin also kept some customers' BTC in cold wallets, which are stored offline and out of reach of the hot-wallet hackers: Other users, however, are being directed to Flexcoin's Terms of Service page, which notes bitcoinexchangebotcom is worth $ 895 the company what's left of it is not liable for lost Bitcoin.

Touting itself as having solved "nearly every problem that exists with the Bitcoin currency today," Flexcoin had offered both hot and cold wallet storage as well as processing services for merchants looking to accept Bitcoin transactions. The company had sought to make money by collecting fees from certain bitcoinexchangebotcom is worth $ 895, but bitcoinexchangebotcom is worth $ 895 offered free Bitcoin-to-Bitcoin transfers.

The shutdown marks the second time in as many weeks a Bitcoin exchange has been forced to shutdown after being raided by attackers. Following weeks of speculation and protests from users, the MtGox exchange finally conceded to bankruptcy proceedings.

We hold zero coins in other companies, exchanges etc. While the MtGox closure is unfortunate, we at Flexcoin have not lost anything. The Register - Independent news and views for the tech community. Part of Situation Publishing. Join our daily or weekly newsletters, subscribe to a bitcoinexchangebotcom is worth $ 895 section or set News alerts. The Register uses cookies. And you know who's going to be there?

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This section was produced by the editorial department. The client was not given the opportunity to put restrictions on the content or review it prior to publication. December 20, 6: Last Updated December 21, 9: Is Bitcoin a fraud or a breakthrough technology? Is it a valid, though untested, digital currency of exchange? Is it a promising alternative to so-called fiat currencies the ones backed by governments? Can it fundamentally alter the way economies work? And the big question: I have no idea.

On the other questions, too, I admit befuddlement. And I envy the ingenuity of the developers, like the mysterious individual or individuals known as Satoshi Nakamoto, who designed Bitcoin and apparently have a lot of it. This is not to inform, obviously, but rather an attempt to inspire fellow feeling, because I imagine many people who watch markets and think about economics are similarly confused.

The value is what the market says it is. But I do wonder: What is Bitcoin for? There might be value in a digital currency of exchange, but last time I checked, my debit card was doing a pretty serviceable job of letting me buy things without handing over some combination of paper and nickel.

At Starbucks, youngsters wave their phones in front of a doohickey or thingamabob in exchange for coffee, and I hear from friends that everybody in China and India buys everything with their phones, too — kind of like a plastic card, but easier to break. About the only proven benefit so far seems to be in moving money under the radar of regulators.

And while you can apparently buy actual goods and services with Bitcoin, the level of transactions done with it is vanishingly thin. Maybe it will be, someday. The exchanges also seem unusually subject to hacking: As an alternative, many buyers and sellers — who knows how many?

That cuts out the middleman, but…. A buddy of mine remembered recently that somebody paid him in Bitcoin a few years ago —. First he had to look around and find his PIN code, which took a while, and then he went online, found a peer-to-peer site, negotiated with potential buyers and eventually came to an agreement with one.

So it was back to the drawing board for my friend, who eventually made the sale online and got paid, via email transfer. So, as it stands, the Bitcoin market is neither reliable nor efficient. Of course, Bitcoin could keep going up forever. So one last question: Why is it different this time?

That cuts out the middleman, but… A buddy of mine remembered recently that somebody paid him in Bitcoin a few years ago —. Those controversial tax changes? Bank of Canada could raise this rate as early as Wednesday, making it more difficult for some to take on home loans.

The emerging markets are suddenly looking very fragile, with one country after another tumbling into a crisis. Find Financial Post on Facebook.