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The challenges of this mass market segment shine light on the areas where the financial services industry is truly broken. So-called crypto rails like the Ripple network allow currencies and payments to flow cheaply, rapidly and smoothly as information on the internet. Platforms like Ripple and other cryptocurrency features can benefit everyday people in four primary areas: The typically lower-income people who send money to friends and relatives in their home countries pay 8.

Crypto rails can help provide relief from such costly fees. Numerous digital currency startups already make it easier to buy Bitcoin with cash Local BitcoinsZipZapa phone number Blossom or credit and debit cards Circle.

But the numerous steps involved in the process, a lack of trust in the system fifa street 3 pc download bitcoin limited ways to buy Bitcoin with cash inhibit people from using Bitcoin to save on remittance fees.

Ripple Labs and BitPesa among others, are striving to address these problems. BitPesa is a new remittance service to Kenya that leverages Bitcoin to reduce the cost and time of money transfers. The Ripple protocol is a distributed exchange network that allows exchanges between any fiat currency as well digital currencies like bitcoins and ripples. Using this protocol, users in the U.

Emerging middle class consumers can also benefit from the liquidity and speed offered by crypto rails. Crypto rails enable these consumers to receive funds sent by peers, employers, or lenders in a digital wallet in minutes or seconds. Users can also use their digital wallets to pay bills or send money to family members at a rapid speed and minimal cost.

Meanwhile, companies like Xapo are developing bitcoin- and ripple-based debit cards fifa street 3 pc download bitcoin will allow customers to use existing point-of-sale merchant infrastructure to make digital currency payments offline. Customers who prefer to use cash can load money onto digital wallets at thousands of participating merchant locations thanks to ZipZap.

The company's cash-loadable digital wallets helps people who lack easy access to traditional banks to accumulate savings, perform cross-border payments, send money transfers and make online payments.

Finally, crytpocurrencies will eventually help creditworthy but overlooked customers to gain access to affordable loans. Customers fifa street 3 pc download bitcoin regularly pay bills through alternative channels can struggle to establish credit history. Just as analytics companies like InVentureCignifi and First Access use consumers' mobile payment history to evaluate creditworthiness of unbanked people in emerging markets, underwriters will soon be able to evaluate public wallet addresses for insight into cash-flow and bill payment history.

The cryptocurrency ecosystem is steadily maturing. Bitcoin is evolving from a speculative asset to a medium of exchange, while mainstream companies are starting to build essential infrastructure to support digital currencies. But we have a long way to go before cryptocurrency powers everyday transactions for most Americans.

By building solutions for the emerging middle class, entrepreneurs will use cryptocurrency for good and accelerate widespread adoption of these powerful tools.

And that will benefit all of us. Arjan Schutte is the founder of fifa street 3 pc download bitcoin a managing partner at Core Innovation Capital, a venture capital firm targeting financial technology companies for the emerging middle class.

He is based in Los Angeles. Partner Insights Sponsor Content From: Comment Start the Conversation, Login. Like what you see? Make sure you're getting it all Independent and authoritative analysis and perspective for the banking industry.

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Twenty years ago, discussions over digital currency were confined entirely to the realm of science fiction. At the time, the notion that value could exist digitally and absent management by individuals was not only laughable, it was in many ways a proven impossibility. The problems that blockchains solve were well-documented by none other than Microsoft itself in , but the quest was largely the pursuit of fools seeking the 20th-century equivalent of perpetual motion.

When Satoshi Nakamoto announced Bitcoin on Halloween of in a mailing list of cryptography experts, his work was initially perceived as not much more than an articulate rant by yet another idealist. Six years after that announcement, the laughter over Satoshi's discovery has long since stopped. While some are still skeptical about Bitcoin itself, the entire reason that digital currency has entered the world of pop culture and finance is thanks to Satoshi's invention of the blockchain.

From an application standpoint, blockchains enable users to own "things" without the need or ability for a central party to secure this ledger. The list of "things" that can be secured by the blockchain are varied, but easy examples include company shares, game tokens, dollars, and of course bitcoins themselves.

When users in a blockchain network "own" a given item, they are the only ones who can transfer the right of ownership to another person. Each of these transfer operations, once issued by a user, are assembled into "folders" called blocks. A blockchain is a progression of these folders over time, stretching from the blockchain's inception to the present.

To understand who owns what, one merely needs to progress through these transfer records. The revolutionary part of the blockchain process is how miners manage to keep these blocks accurate and tamper-proof.

The easiest way for a layperson to understand this security is not in mathematical terms, but in economic terms. When miners attach a block to the Bitcoin network, they don't just place that block neatly to the adjacent block. They glue the block to the prior block by "burning" energy. Yep, you heard that right. Miners are able to defend the Bitcoin network by burning electricity and creating a cryptographic "glue" out of the process. The total amount of electrical energy burned by all the blockchain's miners in a ten-minute period is the "glue" that affixes the newest block to the prior block.

The economic cost of burning energy is "proof" that miners have attested to the contents of the block. This means that in order to undo the newest block that was just created, an attacker would have to use slightly more energy to break that block off the chain than went into the glue that attached that block to the chain.

This concept is the primary and revolutionary innovation that powers a blockchain. Just how much energy is needed to enforce the security of a blockchain? No one is entirely certain. But what is certain is that more is always better, and that the cost of the energy being burned should exceed the benefits that an attacker would receive by interrupting the blockchain service. Estimates as to how much energy is being burned by Bitcoin miners vary wildly, but the amount of electricity would appear to be measured at nearly a million U.

A logical question to be asked by anyone who understands this process is: Why anyone would burn so much money to secure another person's data? The answer is simple. In exchange for burning electricity, the miners are awarded newly minted bitcoins by the blockchain.

In this way, blockchains provide programmers with one very simple feature that was never before present in the history of computer science: This concept is known as "immutability.

This resistance to tampering is the root of a bitcoin's intrinsic value. A bitcoin is a voucher, redeemable by the bearer at any time, for the tamper-resistant storage of their data. Given the success of Bitcoin, there are now hordes of speculators, programmers, and companies that are competing to design newer and better blockchains. But with so few experts to evaluate their claims, it is difficult to tell which of these will succeed. While perpetual-motion seekers are in no short supply, thus far the results from nearly all these competitors have been discouraging.

And while many wait for a competing blockchain to arise, Bitcoin is continuing to amass support, gain strength, and embarrass its skeptics. Chris DeRose is the community director of the Counterparty Foundation. Follow him on Twitter derosetech. Partner Insights Sponsor Content From: Comment Start the Conversation, Login. Like what you see? Make sure you're getting it all Independent and authoritative analysis and perspective for the banking industry.