Keiser Report: Bitcoin Fight Night (E582) | RT

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In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss putting the entire economy into a plastic bag and towing it across the flood of Central Bank liquidity. In the second half, Max interviews Matt O'Connor, the promoter for the first ever bitcoin championship fight to be held at the O2 Indigo Arena on 5th April.

When Matt brings along one of his fighters who is fighting on behalf of the bankers, things don't go so well between him and Max Keiser! RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion Keiser report bitcoin fight night e582 views benchmark.

Enjoy light bearer's revealing dark practices. Not that im religous but an old saying true. Your labour is not in vain. Many bankers committed suicide but we have to become more active Where are those militia that make a citizens arrest on behalve of the people. The bankers killed over The camera-man were awake and working in Pearl Harbor in on Sunday! They knew and filmed the slaughter of their keiser report bitcoin fight night e582 Americans.

It's all staged people. As Admiral Cur said, the Keiser report bitcoin fight night e582 Illuminati make these theaters of war. Unfortunately, the history of the rich guys financial empire is an additional mega bail-out so I doubt that anything will change If anything has been beheaded its the cryptocurrency. It seems Max's prophecy of bitcoin super zillionaire wealth is as devoid of reality as the value of the fake bitcoin currency itself.

I've seen some shooting stars in my time, but this guys takes the fruit-cake folks. Its clear who is the real intelligent person and who forgot his bitcoin badge. It must be still in the bathroom where he left his logic haha Bitcoin's kaput bro.

Yeah, I can see it now The distant red neon shivered in the heat Keiser report bitcoin fight night e582 was feeling like a stranger in a strange land You know, where people play games with the night God, it was too hot to sleep I followed the sound of a jukebox coming from up the levee All of a sudden, I could hear somebody whistling from right behind me I turned around, and she said "Why do you always end up down at Nick's Cafe? Bitcoin might be an interim solution for value exchange but hey, it's still an invaluable medium against paper fiat currency until something else comes along to replace the entire rigged, flawed and corrupted market system for the longest possible forward future.

This thing is staged, but as long at keiser report bitcoin fight night e582 grabs attention My bitcoins price just shot up! They were supposed to be that mad but never threw any punches? If all those Halloween movies have taught me anything it is that sometimes crazy wins. Keep at it Max One day you will convince all of those wrestler keiser report bitcoin fight night e582 twice the size of you that Bitcoin is the answer. In the future we will all be soulless machines working for bitcoin. Fake or Not Max have been waiting for that moment all his life.

Every person who knows how bank economy works, would love to do it too. Jamie Dimon has been reported to financial regulators for market manipulation of Bitcoin www. Today's banksters are the present incarnation of the pre French nobility. The difference between keiser report bitcoin fight night e582 and now is that the French nobility did not own a mainstream media to distract and hoodwink the people.

Photographers readied their cameras. Then, the murmuring grew into a low roar. His hands were tied behind his back, held together by handcuffs. As flashbulbs popped, the agents guided Dimon into an awaiting vehicle, and drove off to take him into police custody. Even putting aside the rap sheet of crimes committed by JPMorgan Chase over the past several years for which its CEO can be said to be ultimately responsible, just a week ago, Jamie Dimon explicitly violated a federal statute that keiser report bitcoin fight night e582 a prison sentence.

The law in question that Jamie Dimon violated, by his own admission, can be found in Section of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The french revolution is always seen as the people making a difference, the poor farmers uprising Truth is that the only one who wanted to fight for the rights of the labour was Roberspierre, who was beheaded and seen in history as a madman. The truth is that during the french revolution the ones who actually made profit where the bourgeoisie I'm not defending aristocracy, just trying to prove how even then there was a very Orwellian Animal Farm result, but yeh, things are certainly better now!

I reckon at least two of these people regularly asphyxiwanks. Just throwing it out there! This is a publicity stunt. But I love it! Put these bankers in the ring and throw away keiser report bitcoin fight night e582 bell the after the fight starts. I thought it was rather keiser report bitcoin fight night e582 class for your status, damaging your reputation somewhat.

Interestingly, it came over as a stunt mixed with some genuine hatred of yours against MEjew banksters like Jamie Dimon, so not entirely a stunt. It's time for a paradigm shift of unprecedented proportions, one where we see the power of the most diabolical institutions in the world Banks reduced to rubble. How long can the economic chokehold on the dumbed-down masses of the globe last in the presence of decentralized currency, 10, perhaps 15 years? I wish this technology had been developed when I was but a young child.

This is what I have been saying for years. Now that is some damned fine passion showing through! It actually says "staged event" Why is anyone confused about the authenticity of the fight?

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In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert are joined in the first half by Russell Brand to talk about the austerity headlines. They chat about the UK government's expanding debt and growing deficit, despite the alleged austerity and GDP expanding thanks to heroin addiction and prostitution. Russell learns about the water cannons bought for use against anti-austerity protests which the government itself will stoke. Finally, they talk about the people revolting as they must do when the social contract has been broken: In the second half, Max interviews Russell Brand further about his independent media outlet - The Trews; they discuss revolution and spiritual journeys.

RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion IN-vid views benchmark. RT Russia Today russell brand kesier report stacy herbert revolution russell brand revolution uk deficit crypto currency gdp uk gdp finance debt crisis the trews brand on RT russell brand interview russell brand RT russell brand on russia today Episode E Keiser Report In fact its arguably got even worse, and no one cares.

A mass of uneducated people voting irrationaly. Not much you can do about that. They are trying to get him into bitcoin as a revolucionary new system. I don't know why a lot of people full of hate said communism. Just because they criticize the system. We the Militia are sleeping in peace with our wives and children because of crypto currency! I beg you to keep going to give the children of America and the world a chance to survive the money changers who are the destroyers of nations!

It has been my honor to hear you speak! Really 3rd world In some EU countries you can't even turn of Internet. Strange that there have companies which are important employers in economies and are layout largely as markable tax payers,developments, hope creators and opportunity of wellness innovators but why always criticism and negatiwises from different platforms and might be is time to reach those goals of stable illuminative risingnal growth in fields of non critical dimensions in future where we can see collaborative platforms in futurizing future.

Important is of course that we all carry responsibilities in different situations but one of those great ways is to do it is compromises or intergrational claims. Russell is such a commercial faux personality. No originality, just trying to be a hippy 40 years too late. A mouthpiece is not a life sustaining skill that will serve you well in the coming decades, blah, blah, blah.

They can fuck with it, but even they can't control it it. Russell Brand , drug addict, tosser and worlds unfunniest comedian talks revolution on RT lol. Martial law could be a reason to cut it off. Brand,like a flying monkeys fart in the wind. Its 3D there ,its gone ,no trace. All gas no substance. I mean humanity has been prety stp. Russell Brand is a 33rd degree freemason, who got where he is because of his cohorts helping him.

In a real revolution, this pieces of human shit need to be hanged. The Germans in the s placed them under arrest and placed their ill-gotten gains on public display in town centres, to explain to people why they were put in camps. Look what happened to Germany, a nation coalition destroyed it. Master Mason, why don't you tell us how many of you fellow masons are involved in the kidnap, rape and murder of children?

They've stolen from you, idiot. The founding fathers didn't give us rights, and the constitution doesn't give us rights either. We have those rights inherently. Small clarification, but necessary nonetheless. That was not a very clear explanation of crypto currency. Max come up with a simpler explanation. Just curious if any of you some odd thousand people who watched this, if you would really consider ol russell a revolutionary?

And if you fucking monkeys in england think you escape trumps stench; he's a rothschild baby. The French revolution wasn't from the people, it was from the masons.

Those who know history also know these assholes only wanted to eliminate monarchy for one reason: That revolution had some good sides of course, but it was among one of the first steps towards a global elite control we see today.

That guy is trying to make Russell go back to addiction by talking about spiritual journey. Edpred yea dude I am, soo far I'm enjoying being brainwashed by Russians its awesome cyka blyat. Capitalists reaping wealth from the workers like they always have-'Communism'. Could you get any more ridiculous? Mind Maze the moment when you open a door and forget to take your foot away from it and I think you know what happen next.

Brand is just a pseudo-revolutionary. Once he grows up he may then be able to realise his ambitions for change. Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies are still fiat as the number of coins that can been mined in any crypto-currency has not been set in advance by nature. And the problem with money in general is that abundance equates to no profit in any monetary system. Brand really comes off unnaturally. His movements are forced.

He tries to make a good impression, but because he's trying too hard he fails. His whole body language is fucked up. Hidden Truth About Greece E Meeting of Megaminds E, ft. Russell Brand The Cambridge Union. Russell Brand's political revolution. Russell Brand's Revolution msnbc. Max Keiser on fraud and financial terrorism. Under The Skin with Russell Brand. Remove money from politics!