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Under pressure from a growing movement of activists determined to make supply chains more ethical, businesses that once disclaimed responsibility for their overseas suppliers' behavior are re-examining that stance. Companies are scrutinizing the supply chain on questions ranging from environmental standards and product safety to the treatment of workers.

Some businesses are adopting corporate responsibility codes, while others are wielding new technologies to enhance transparency. As they try to meet this challenge, lumber liquidators bottom buy now stock are confronting numerous obstacles, including far-flung supply chains and regulatory standards that vary by country.

But the consequences of failure can lumber liquidators bottom buy now stock high: Bad news about a company's supply chain can damage reputation, depress sales and alienate investors—and the negative reviews can spread quickly in today's hyperkinetic information environment. These are among the issues companies and their critics are debating: Do ethical supply chains enhance profitability? Is it possible for a company to ensure its supply chain is ethical?

Are voluntary standards, industry certifications and governmental regulations lumber liquidators bottom buy now stock enough? Please login or find out how to gain access.

An economist who owns the media company Ethical Markets Media outlines the history of ethical business. Two experts in sustainability explain the circular economy—an economy that strives to produce no waste—and outline five circular business models.

Brown University's provost evaluates enforcement of fair-labor standards in global supply chains. An executive at the public-relations firm Edelman analyzes a handful of companies that she says are using ethical sourcing and other socially lumber liquidators bottom buy now stock practices.

The British news magazine cites the controversy over Apple's labor practices to question whether standards and audits, even by outside organizations, can improve working conditions at overseas factories. A journalist uncovers evidence of slavery in the Thai shrimp industry. A human rights consultant argues that current corporate social responsibility practices fail to improve labor conditions because underlying business models in supply chains have changed in the last 20 years.

The head of research for a network serving procurement executives discusses the challenges of monitoring and auditing ethical supply chains. The Swiss foundation fostering public-private cooperation describes how companies achieve what it calls the triple supply chain advantage, in which ethical supply chains increase profits, help society and protect the lumber liquidators bottom buy now stock.

A coalition of environmental and consumer groups issues a report card on U. Two corporate watchdog groups highlight labor and human rights violations in Indian textile mills, which supply fabric for many brand-name clothing lines. The survey research firm gives an overview of consumer reaction to the sustainability reputations of major brands. The anti-poverty group issues its second annual report ranking food and beverage companies based on their sustainability and labor practices.

Lake, Quinton, et al. Two organizations survey companies on whether and how they uncovered slavery in their supply chains and what they were doing about it. Researchers at England's University of Sheffield argue that audits fail to ensure ethical supply chains.

Supply chain industry association APICS and the American Society of Transportation, both of which set industry certification standards, agreed to combine to broaden their research into supply chain issues. Some human-rights activists are seeking a stronger certification process for seafood products after investigations lumber liquidators bottom buy now stock American grocery chains were selling shrimp caught in Thailand using slave labor, but an international labor expert says most nongovernmental certifications are lumber liquidators bottom buy now stock.

Fair-trade certifications alone do not make products more sustainable, experts say, and some companies have raised supply chain standards without seeking certification for their products.

Technology company Apple spent five years auditing smelters and refiners of minerals used in its mobile-phone processors, motherboards and screen displays to ensure that no supplier was processing minerals that funded guerrilla groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Small seafood companies, large-scale food producers and retailers are introducing digital tools on their websites or labels with codes on packaging that allow shoppers to see where and how their products were caught or grown. McDonald's could address long-term reputational challenges over food safety by making its supply chain more transparent, says a professor of operations management at Oxford University's Said Business School.

A growing number of companies in the floral and food industries are making their supply chains more transparent, which benefits consumers by giving them more ethically produced products and helps farmers by treating them more fairly, says the founder of a flower-delivery service. Numerous global brands and several leading U. Consumer products companies wanting eco-friendly custom packaging made from recycled paper and agricultural waste are turning to San Francisco-based Pulpworks.

Recycling and the reduction of food waste in U. Ethisphere Institute N. Institute for Supply Management E. Centennial Circle, Tempe, AZ https: Sedex Southwark Bridge Rd.

It runs an online database where members can store, share and report on supply chains. Sustainable Apparel Coalition 82 Second St. Javascript must be enabled for the correct page display Skip to Content. Ethics and the Supply Chain April 25, Can businesses police the behavior of global suppliers?

Executive Summary Under pressure from a growing movement of activists determined to make supply chains more ethical, businesses that once disclaimed responsibility for their overseas suppliers' behavior are re-examining that stance.

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