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Click to download free version of Acrobat Reader Share this page: These resources are provided for teachers to help students with severe disabilities participate in the general curriculum. Please limit the use and distribution of these materials accordingly. Printed color notebook copies of adapted literature are available for local loan only through the Sherlock Center Resource Library. Some titles are available in electronic format and can be downloaded directly from this website.

Contact Sharon Terzian, sterzian ric. We are my trading bot is amazing grace adding to this list. Available formats for Adapted Literature: The adapted literature is presented in an interactive manner. Students can my trading bot is amazing grace a mouse or other click device switch to move through the pages. These files are saved as My trading bot is amazing grace Shows ppsx to include all features sound, auto navigation, etc. The adapted literature is presented using Writing with Symbols and basic text.

The my trading bot is amazing grace literature is presented in notebook format using pictures, symbols, and my trading bot is amazing grace text. Notebooks are loaned through the Sherlock Center Resource Library. We also have a limited number of interactive story boxes not listed here, but specifically designed for hands on activities for children with sensory loss and only loaned to those classrooms.

Right click to download and save. A Bad Case of Stripes. A Chair for My Mother. A Color of His Own. A Tale of Two Cities. A Squash and a Squeeze. Adventures of Taxi Dog, The. Al Capone Does My Shirts. Alexander and the Terrible etc. Alligator Under the Bed. Amelia Bedelia Family Album. And Tango Makes 3. Are You My Mother? Best Teacher Ever, The. Biggest Snowman Ever, The. Bonnie on the Beach. Boy Who Cried Ninja, The.

Boy with Pink Hair, The. Bridge to Terebithia, The. Brown Bear, Brown Bear. Call of the Wild. Cam Jansen Baseball Mystery. Candy Corn Contest, The. The Cat In the Hat. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. Cloudy, with a Chance of Meatballs. Crayon's Book of Colors. Cricket in Times Square. Day the Crayons Quit, The.

Deep Blue Sea, The. Diary of Anne Frank, The. Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus. Duck On a Bike. Elf on the Shelf. Exploring Physical Properties 1. Exploring Physical Properties 2. Exploring Physical Properties - Touch 1. Exploring Physical Propterties - Touch 2. Fall of the House of Usher, the. Flat Stanley at the Firehouse. Fox and the Hound, The. Franklin has a Sleepover. Frog and Toad are Friends. From Head to Toe.

Germs are Not for Sharing. Ghost of Fossil Glen, The. Gingerbread Girl Goes Animal Crackers. Go Away Big Green Monster. Goldie Locks and the 3 Bears. Green Eggs and Ham. Hands are not for Hitting. Harold and the Purple Crayon. Henry and Mudge my trading bot is amazing grace the Big Sleepover.

Henry and Mudge and the Forever Sea. Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night. Henry and the Cannon. Holiday Handwriting School, The. Hooray for Fly Guy. House for Hermit Crab. How the Government Works. How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I Am Lebron James. I Heard Said the Bird. I Love You, Stinky Face.

If You Give a Dog a Donut. If You Give a Moose a Muffin. If You Take a Mouse to School. If You Take a Mouse to the Movies. If You Give a Pig a Pancake.

If You Give a Pig a Party. Island of the Blue Dolphins. Jack and the Beanstalk. James and the Giant Peach. Jungle Book Jungle Friends. Jones Almost a Flower girl. Jones and the Smelly Bus. Kidnapping of Christina Lattimore, The. King and the Oobleck, The. Leo the Late Bloomer. Life of Antoni Gaudi, The. Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe, The. Little Engine that Could, The. Little Red Hen, The.


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My favourite aspect of Grace is our supportive community in which we are given various opportunities to grow from grit in all facets of life. Whether it be through academics, sports, or the arts, our community provides us with the basis to build individual character. I have experienced significant growth during my two and a half years at Grace, and feel I am privileged to have been gifted with the opportunity to serve our community in return for what it has given me.

I believe the foundation of leadership is to influence. Influence is achieved through building connections and this, is a personal goal for I hope to connect with as many of our wonderful individuals, to listen and learn from them, as well as influence and empower them to develop the courage to experience growth throughout our year ahead.

In we aspire for the College culture to continue to grow. Grace is so much more than a place of education. I believe that true leadership holds a far greater significance than simply a title. The very essence of leadership stems from relationships. Friendships which thrive through influence and not authority. I enter this year encouraged knowing that it is these friendships that will be central when remembering the six incredible years Grace has given me.

Ultimately, my prayer for is to serve not in my own strength, but to be first led by Christ. I hope this year to lead not out of my position, but instead out of my identity as a perfectly loved Child of God.

My aim is to really get to know younger students and act as their mentor. Through guiding others and sharing experiences, I believe I can begin to nurture a culture in which, as a mentor, my ceiling is their floor. A legacy in which I hope remains at Grace for years to come. Through consistently creating challenges, I hope to promote growth, whether it be emotional, physical or academic. This is one characteristic that distinguishes our College culture.

It is a bigger movement of supportive teachers, parents and students which I feel privileged to be a part of and privileged to lead. Every day at school, I see evidence of students achieving both collectively and as individuals far beyond their expectations through grit, persistence and encouragement.

It is these leadership qualities I wish to focus on this year as Middle School Captain. Grace College has enabled me to develop lifelong friendships, involve myself and experience new activities I never thought I would try but now really enjoy, like AFL and Performing Arts. For me personally this year, I want to lead by example. I hope to grow by striving for excellence in all that I do while always being encouraging, loving and graceful.

Also, to take myself out of my comfort zone knowing I have the support of the Grace community behind me and never forgetting to have a laugh along the way. This school means that I can connect with other people and create new friendships, especially as a new student.

What I love about the school is that there are endless opportunities to do the sport or art or whatever you love. If you give everything a go, school becomes an enjoyable place to be. I went to India in September for a missions trip with my church Bridgeman Baptist Community Church and seeing the culture of the Indians really shook me. They have nothing and yet we have everything except they just seem to be happier because they don't have the same materialism in their culture.

There isn't a great need to get the latest technology. We stopped on the side of the road to meet these travellers who walk up and down the mountains depending on the season of the year and they literally carry their life on their shoulders. So we pitied them because of their lack of resources but these were their exact words: You guys have hard life".

We were quite taken aback but when we really thought about it, the reason why they said that was because we are easily caught in the trap of materialism and we always try to have the best thing or whatever; they don't have that same desire.

They are the ones with an 'easy' life. My aim this year is to become the best leader I can be and therefore being a positive role model to others by being an influence just by actions. Discover the Grace Way and how your child can develop into a respectful, caring and responsible young adult. Annelise Elson, College Captain " Grit, Growth, Grace are three simple yet powerful words that I believe aptly encompass our Grace community as a whole.

In my first few years at Grace I always looked up to my school leaders and thought wow, I wonder what it took for them to get there? I soon realised that each of them all walked their own path to leadership and I just had to find mine. As years went on things in my life changed when my role model, my Grandfather, Bruce Carter, passed away.

My Grandfather was one of the most influential people in my life and from him I learnt many lessons but without him I got lost on my own path to leadership.

It took me awhile but I realised that although this was a sad point in my life, it was one of the most pivotal and I had to persevere. From my Grandfather I learnt that leadership is communication, inspiration and impact. Communication is the language of leadership, with strong communication you gain trust and relationships. Inspiration, the ability to inspire people, is a true gift of leadership that allows you to help people to aspire to greater things. As a leader of Grace for this year I wish parents, teachers and students a wonderful and look forward to growing with you all this year.