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Beware of Google Chrome browser extensions for faucet collecting - some will steal your passwords Hide. Deposits can be made to Deposited funds are available immediately. Deposits can also be made to old addresses if you prefer. Most withdrawals require 1 confirmation of deposits. You can earn by referring people to the site with your own referral link: Whether they win or lose the bet, you still earn money. Reset to base after win. Reset to base after loss. After losing max bet Reset to base bet Stop.

We believe it's important for our visitors to be able to try out our casino. So, from time to time we will activate a faucet. You can claim a small number of from the faucet for free. This way, you can try out the casino, learn the features and get used to the controls without risking any money. You will be banned if you automate this 0 1 bitcoin free. The faucet is available if your balance falls below: No bitcoins were claimed from the faucet: This language is newly translated.

A few wrong words? Send a message in the "Contact" tab! You are not logged in. You can login or create a username and password under the "Account" area below. Withdrawals will be processed after deposits are confirmed: Your display name is. Your identity is Create or Attach an Identity.

Your emergency withdrawal address. Allow bet changes using keyboard Allow setting max bet size using keyboard Allow bets using keyboard Overlapping bets allowed Show "All Bets" stream Announce high bets in chat min: XMR Confirm max bet Warn after switching currencies.

Switch to user name Password Google Authenticator Login. Update Update 10 Cancel Pending. Bets are guaranteed to be fair because the seeds for the bet are known before you bet. You are given the server seed's hash. Once the bet has been placed, 0 1 bitcoin free server seed is available, and you can verify the fairness of the bet. For automated bets, all bets are made using the same server seed. Your current client seed is. The current server seed hash is Get Server Seed Hash. It was inspired by others, and intended to 0 1 bitcoin free even simpler - as simple as possible!

That's not a statistical difference of 0. There are no commissions or fees other than 's built-in transaction fee - there's no way to avoid that! Deposits do not require any confirmations before being 0 1 bitcoin free to your account. Most withdrawals are processed immediately.

This site is fully funded by private investors. No further investments in the site are currently available. A number between 0 andis generated. Total wagered by your referrals is. Total paid to you is. More Earned - Pay Out Now. Do not spam other dice sites. You can put the link in a signature, or email and skype it to all your friends, but don't spam.

This site is new, but there are lots of betters to go around. If you have any questions, suggestions or run into any troubles, feel free to contact the site owner by typing your message below. If you want a response, make sure to provide an email address in the message or under the "Accounts" tab. The site owner is often available in the "Chat" tab too as "Admin 1 ". An API for programmers to integrate with the site is now available. A sample bot is included.

Your API key is Create. For questions, bug reports, feature requests, or any other help, please get in touch using the Contact tab. Amount Withdraw Withdraw 0 1 bitcoin free. The standard transaction fee of will be deducted. Creating a username and password increases your security. It allows you to access your account from other browsers and computers, and 0 1 bitcoin free protects you from 0 1 bitcoin free your account if your browser's cookies are cleared. The payout is The house edge is only 0.

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Android - iOS - Blackberry. Google Authenticator Create Wrong code Not now. An identity is unique name which you can use on many accounts.

The name you pick will be shown to others in chat. Creating or attaching an identity to your account is permanent and cannot be changed. This can be a dangerous place. Please read the rules and warnings before chatting. Earn You can earn by referring people to the site with your own referral link: Win Profit 0. Automatic Betting 0. Free Faucet We believe it's important for our visitors to be able to try out our casino. A claim can be made once per account, once per IP, once per 2.

You have 0 1 bitcoin free claimed Your next claim can be made 0 1 bitcoin free Minutes Lets Play! It's too early to claim more bitcoins from the faucet!

Your next claim can be made in: Minutes For your IP: Player Number Target Bet size Profit. If you run out of bytes, hash it again and start over. Find the value's modulus of 1 million The modulus is the bet result! The current server seed hash is Get Server Seed Hash Set the client seed manually Here is the actual SQL function this site uses error handling stripped out create function dbo.

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This site pays That's a house edge of only 0. The game is simple. Select your bet 0 1 bitcoin free and your chance to win. The potential profit for your bet will appear. Then place your bet, either high or low. Total wagered by your referrals is Total paid to you is More Earned - Pay Out Now Here is some sample html you can use in forum signatures to promote your personal referral link: Your API key is Create For questions, bug reports, feature requests, or any other help, please get in touch using the Contact tab.

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Win BTC every hour with this free bitcoin faucet for freebitcoin! The app uses a random number generator to award bitcoin from a few bits to 0. For app support, tweet grgarside , or send a message to facebook. Uses a 'provably fair' random number generator to award bitcoin randomly. You can verify your rolls using the independent roll replay code which you can run locally on your own computer, coming to the app soon. Every roll has a minimum win which changes daily — you're guaranteed to win bitcoin with each faucet roll adding to your freebitcoin balance!

You don't need to run the app for the bitcoin to be withdrawn by the server and paid into your account. Earn interest on your bitcoin stored in the app, at 4. You don't need to run the app to earn interest! Simply maintain at least 0. See Widthdraw above for how to withdraw. Lottery system with a chance to win over 1. Any tickets that you receive will be automatically entered into the current weekly round.

After the round ends, a script on the server will pick 10 winners randomly from the pool of users having tickets in the current round. When the countdown timer runs out, the current lottery draw will end and a new one will begin automatically. The more tickets a user has, the higher their chance will be of winning a prize. Having more tickets will also increase the chance of winning a bigger prize. A user will not be able to win more than 1 prize in a round ie. The prize money will be credited to the account balance of the winners.

An email will also be sent to them to notify them of their win. The lottery system is handled by the server and does not require you to open the app. This is almost a complete rewrite of the app! Entirely new UI, earn interest and view the lottery! Do you want to help with development? Tweet me or contact support above.

TestFlight betas are available for users, or contribute with writing code to the open source repository. This should be the final build before App Store release. Only known bug is with iOS 11 status bar, which I will fix at a later date prior to iOS 11 public release.

Please let me know of any issues ASAP. Earn interest on your bitcoin at 4. View your interest history and watch your bitcoin interest be compounded daily. Entirely new UI with pages of information about lottery and interest. View all your account information in the app. Toggle the auto withdraw. You can now disable auto withdraw as well as enable it. This is to support the interest feature, since interest is earned on your balance in the app.

Winnings table; before you roll, see exactly what your current winnings would be, based on the Bitcoin exchange rate. Roll hashes provided for independent verification of your rolls. You can now change your Bitcoin address from the payout settings screen, as well as view other account information such as your currently logged in email address.

Game Center integration to earn achievements for your Game Center account. Lottery system explanation and info, including the 1st place prize which increases as more people roll, as described above. Shows the maximum possible win before rolling. The minimum and maximum win changes every day, keep checking back! Correctly handles re-opening the app before the hour has passed. Introduction screen for new users to explain how the app works and to show faucet statistics.

Beta Do you want to help with development? There's a lot of new information presented to you, about lottery and interest. All this data should be accurate and display correctly without crashing. This absolutely needs testing as much as possible, with the variety of different accounts people have. It's now possible to disable auto withdraw after enabling it. Not only does the app show the maximum win, but also each level of roll winnings in a table beneath the faucet button. Check the data is shown correctly formatted.

Hashes of the roll are shown below the roll counter. Making sure this always reports correctly is useful in verifying the rolls should someone wish to do so. Pull-to-refresh on the main page. Much of the content should update automatically, but if you've been away from the app a while, this stops to conserve battery. Whilst the app does try to detect this, I've implemented pull-to-refresh so that you can force the app data to update.

Useful if you've just made changes on the website. An email should be sent with a link to confirm your bitcoin address. This should be fully functional now. You can now change your bitcoin address from the payout settings screen. This is very experimental and needs testing. Don't forget to click the link in the email to confirm the procedure.

Open the app for the first time to be presented with the new app introduction. Reinstall the app to experience this if you used the previous version. Login and signup error handling.

There's a green colour scheme, so the navbar should have a green border. Also, the navigation bar should have backdrop blur to match the rest of iOS rather than being opaque. This needs testing on iOS pre