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Following Josh is the amazing true story of two men going in opposite directions through life while travelling together from China to Europe by rail. It is a memoir of changing from a twenty-something kid into a married adult, and an amusing tour of the countries, cultures, and history they encountered along the way. How did Ghengis Khan conquer so much of the world And what's that have to do with Beijing's city planning? Why is paintball the perfect game in Russia, and isn't vodka more Polish than Russian?
Following Josh does a tremendous job of illustrating history with anecdote, and weaving deft cultural observations with humor, background, and insight. More than a memoir, more than a history, more than a travelogue, Following Josh is a modern adventure story wrapped in a thousand years of history.
Read more about this amazing new book! Click here to preview it and BUY via Blurb. Buy a copy directly from the author! I report on sports, travel, and local news. I'll cover anything, anytime, anywhere. Let me know how I can serve your publication.
My fine art photography is on permenant display at Cuban Pete's in Montclair, NJ, and is represented in numerous private collections. I do commercial, documentary, fine art, and other photography by commission. I write commissioned biographies and other works of any length from short narratives to full length booksand have several book-length manuscripts currently under consideration. The special event will include several H2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price County, IL, writers, and I'll have lots of my books for sale!
Spring I'm currently booking author talks and readings for the Spring, with an emphasis on venues in New England.
If you want me to come to your local bookstore, you have to tell them about me! Then drop me a line right here! March 2, I'll be at this month's First Friday in Portland, selling books on the street! Come get h2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price signed copy of "Following Josh," get a copy of "White River Junctions" autographed to give as a birthday or just because gift, and share a good story!
Following Josh is now available! Buy your copy here! There was a time in Victorian England when the rich and haughty would stroll the arcade--before "arcade" became synonymous with "clanging den of children pumping coins into flickering video game machines"--in their finest Sunday attire, taking such conspicuous and leisurely and conspicuously-leisurely time h2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price they pleased, merely to flaunt their wealth in public.
My favorite legend from the era is of an artist taking a lobster on a leash for a conspicuously self-indulgent stroll down a main street of London, making quite the spectacle of shameless attention-grabbing, among the shrieking well-to-do who were engage in the exact same thing while sans crustaceans oblivious to the irony. My top-hatted, broke-artist-in-New-Yorker-caricature attire, balloon-enabled image was something of an h2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price dream inspired by the man, h2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price lobster, and London.
Anyway, it was hilarious to me at the time. So the thought went, "I can buy a top hat off eBay, I can rent a balloon, but I'm broke, so how can I get someone else to pay for the ordeal? It made me remember a video from the centennial, of which all I can recall is a beige-tone were the late s really that brown?
There was an image of h2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price town's dance h2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price, Turner Hall, even more faded in my memory than on that primitively reproduced VHS What it shows is Columbia, on several ordinary days, during one particular time: The modern DVD would focus on the special events, which when I thought about it, was a valid strategy rather divorced from the focus of that original effort: I felt a surge of love for the tape.
Two other events unfolded in the short time h2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price which I was originally h2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price by the balloon idea: I recalled that my father had made a little money, and had a lot of fun, doing aerial photography of St. Louis during his halcyon days of working romantic jobs that barely exist anymore like teaching regular people with an interest in flight, how to fly inexpensive small planes they could actually own, before insurance and liability lawsuits destroyed that market and would-be civil aviators got distracted with more mundane h2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price like cruising the internet.
I also happened across a dusty old memory of the town's funeral home, where I saw a few people I knew in uncharacteristic repose and many others in unique states of animation. The walls in their greeting hall and break room have pictures of Columbia through the last hundred fifty years--of saloons long gone and roads since paved and other complementary reminders of the world's habit of moving on without us.
I can hardly think of a more appropriate motif for a funeral home, if only because I've never thought about the subject before at all. The more I thought about those photos--pointedly ignoring related memories of the place--the more of them I wanted to see. There are a few good collections of photographs, in books and calendars and private archives, that show Columbia through the years At least, it became the problem that vexed my attempts to open those door-like photos and see any farther into their ages.
I couldn't, because there aren't more than two or three photographs of Columbia from any one year, in any one collection. To see the home on Main Street that supposedly quartered Union troops during the Civil War, I might find it in the background of a picture fromor front and center h2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price a parade shot from I couldn't watch the old distillery in town grow up from whatever lot it was before, watch my great uncle get pushed off the roof following a labor dispute, see the main structure burn down, and the damaged auxiliary building eventually reopen as a pizza place, car parts store, Tae Kwon Do studio, and currently, boutique salons and a photography studio.
I can see the salons now if I walk down Main Street, of course, but being both greedy for knowledge and lazy, I wanted a premade montage of images from each year to unspool before me This, of course, is impossible And that pokes at one of the central challenges of historic preservation: We are biologically programmed to seek interesting stimuli--from the red color of edible fruit in the distance to the movement through the grass of a predator, the same skills updated now to find the McDonald's Golden Arches in the clutter of strip mall neon and the blur of a motorcycle changing lanes into ours.
We don't see the grass in the medians, just the signs and the big rigs, and forget even these as we move on, unless something spectacular happens--like a flaming big rig crashing into h2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price McDonald's. This is the kind of thing I want to see in historical montages. So laziness and human nature and the understandable desire to do something more productive than repetitively photograph unchanging things on fixed timetables takes over, so that when we take a break from a great-relation's funeral to stare at a picture of a delivery man lowering a wooden barrel out of a horse drawn wagon three blocks over and a hundred years ago, h2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price think "man, what DID town look like back then?
This is another central problem for historic preservation: Troves tend to exist in random places, like birth, death, and marriage records at churches, which are archeological gold for certain pursuits and utterly useless for most others. I don't know how to see the rest of Main Street in the year of that deliveryman, and as desperate as I am to shake that picture left and right, it doesn't work like the camera that took it--I can't shift the focus around to see any more.
That's all there is Now the first sign of real trouble like that, the first big setback, would usually send me scurrying to Facebook to make a snarky post or otherwise avoid the problem until I forgot about it and could move on with my day It was rather more important than the banal problems I usually face in a workday notable mainly for its lack of pants a writer, I have a home office.
The problem, as it applied to me, was that it would take far more effort than it should--and still be incomplete--to create anything like that montage of old distillery pictures that I wanted.
That interest can be ignored, of course, as can many recreational interests in history, because it wouldn't really serve any purpose beyond the sort of self-gratification that I can get way more easily on the internet or from any of our culture's vast choices in entertainment, edifice, and instant gratification. But what about those with a legitimate interest in history, like students or civil engineers h2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price academics studying the development of architecture, or fashion, or transportation; those interested in how various transportation revolutions changed the very layout of American cities.
There are many theories, lots of maps, and some pictures, but a set of overhead--satellite, airplane, hot air balloon -perspective drawing--images would really help illustrate the point and inform the research. But in towns like Columbia--and we've been blessed by the money and photographers to indulge image making more than many small towns--there is no hope of finding or making any such collection of images of the same thing over many years.
Images chronicling these changes can't even be said to be lost--such documentation never existed in the first place. So, if studying history begins with the art of collecting its remnants h2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price hopes of getting enough material to work with, couldn't we declare some time to be Moment Zero and start a better way of doing things Which sets up h2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price fatal contradiction: We are the only creatures h2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price bother preserving more of our history than just memories, and in the streamlining effects of this--as anyone who ever h2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price out their attic or basement can attest--perhaps the beasts have something on man.
So, between the poles of not recording things and recording everything, can't we find some hallowed ground to stake, call Moment Zero, and move forward from? How could we get funding to doing something with it? And how could any of this get me up in a hot air balloon, wearing a top hat and monocle, drifting over my hometown in an ostentatious sendup of an English rumor? By talking to John Conrad. Every town, I'm finding, has a John Conrad; usually several of them, allocated as one per three thousand year-round residents.
They are the men and women who grew up locally, sit on just about every board, and tell years worth of stories if you have the time. In the days of Roman architecture, they were called "pillars of the community. I have a modicum of God-given, father-instructed talent with a still camera, which I could angle over the side of a hot air balloon while drifting overhead, snapping aerial photographs that show where the streets go--and don't--and whatever else of future historic merit can be seen from a basket dangling below a glowing orb.
If I could pitch a worthy historic preservation idea to John Conrad, he might approve it for presentation to the Committee, who might pay me just enough for the balloon and top hot I could borrow the monocle.
The above ideas occurred to me rather swiftly, and as momentary flashes of inspiration often do, set me cackling with an unnecessarily evil laugh. I stroked my h2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price, laughed, and imagined my flight, which would certainly pass over the homes of every teacher who ever fixed me with a patronizing look, which were a few, and every peer who never expected me to soar quite so literally above my humble beginnings, which were many.
I wonder how many great achievements were the downrange accomplishments of what began as petty fantasies. And the more I thought about it, the more I felt that there really was something here--a h2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price chance for active historic preservation, which I hold is the act of looking around and trying to document or preserve today what may be of interest tomorrow.
It's informed with experience and historic context and precedent, of course, but also involves a lot of guesswork, and takes a sort of intuitive feel that h2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price best be answered by the kind of people who also ask the questions. I wondered what life looked like in I was able, through my camera and profession, to capture what life looked like in So that idea pushed aside the dreams of lobsters and monocles and hot air balloons, as I started h2o delirious wallpaper bitcoin price what was so worthy today of being preserved for tomorrow Who are we to say that one person is worth remembering, but not another?
What is so special about Tiny's Tavern that it should be photographed, specifically this year That last part is obvious--what doesn't get done now, won't get done now--but takes on a certain relevance when you think about time's relentless push towards the future.
There has always been tomorrow. There always will be tomorrow. We can promise to do all things tomorrow. But we can only do them, actually do something, today. We can't do a blasted thing in the past; plans are not action themselves, and today is tomorrow's history. If we want something done inwe simply must do it in If we want to have eaten a sandwich, we need to have made and eaten it, and if we haven't yet, can only do so now with apologies for tardiness. So of course, I could take pictures inor miss that and do a version Especially when John Conrad likes the idea of taking pictures around town and wants me to present a formal proposal to a committee convened on the singular occasion of the town's th anniversary.
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