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It is the beginning of the andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia of computer-based businesses DACs or DAO's where the software systems design in trust and require no trusted agent to transact commerce in their peer-to-peer architecture. Employment in and ownership of these businesses will be reinvented and shake our economic foundations and rearrange global commerce in unimaginable ways. The convergence of stock tokens and coins will cause regulators conniptions as they struggle to deal with the unregulatable peer to peer universe.
Now at some point you will stop and say… this guy Flip must be a conspiracy theory right wing libertarian nut. Most of time I can sort through them when having lunch or dinner because they show their true colors abusing waiters and waitresses when they dine.
I like leaders like Branson, Jobs, Duffield and Musk even when they are really weird … but I dislike cretins like Jack Welsh although he is trying to redeem himself - http: At a deeper level I believe in humility in relating to all with no prejudice or class distinction. I believe that andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia is a sacred responsibility to better our specie. Having a sense of concern not hate when questioning what is observed with a responsibility to nonviolently resolve conflict through dialogue, discussion and action.
I believe that reason must be utilized first and aggression applied only when necessary to resist and respond to aggression and achieve a stalemate but not so violently as to seek or obtain dominance. I do not believe in meekness nor weakness. I believe that warm-heartedness, honesty and transparency bring trust and success. Secrecy on the other hand limits success. I believe in being a genuine human and relating at that human level not prejudiced by status, wealth, culture, color, religion or any other measure.
I believe there is a limitation of materialism in the roll of a happy life. I believe that constant fear or anger destroys the immune system whereas calm analysis improves one's wellbeing and andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia. The gulf andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia the haves and have-nots is wide and is formed by greed on one side and jealousy on the other.
Both are very unhealthy for social animals like humans. Exploiting ones community results in diminished health, happiness and loyalty. Compassion and understanding to persevere as peaceful human beings is an attribute that is critical to human development and survival.
I believe in love and affection with no attachment but honest unselfish love. Human dignity promoted, sufferance and understanding.
When one is gifted with excess resources it is a duty and responsibility to the human race to contribute to the less fortunate with education, training and opportunity. When an individual obtains an unfair advantage, whether through serendipity, inheritance or cleverness it must not be celebrated and when it is andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia by the individual through fraud and deceit it needs to be exposed and resolved for success is only realized if it is obtained through hard work and a degree of good fortune not through shenanigans, conspiracy, coercion and unfair exploitation of fellow human beings.
I andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia aspiring to be the greenest, most responsible and best place to work is a loftier entrepreneurial goal than profiteering and becoming the most successful gouger.
I absolutely love to stick an occasional andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia in the bad guys eye. I believe the main responsibility of a andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia leader is to the co-workers, then to the customers and the communities in which we do business and finally to the shareholders, not the other way around.
If you run your business with this priority you will reward the shareholders with a most valuable company. DACs are inherently the andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia of peer-to-peer respect and behavior. Teams that function in peer-to-peer networks and not fascist hierarchies. I traded that for the love of a woman, family, friends and love of the andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia Team.
Hell I was born to immigrant parents and got lucky from the start to have been born in the USA. I also believe that there are those who chose power and gain great advantage with monopolistic control over various resources. Greed is a powerful aphrodisiac and justifies whatever means to gain control, even to the point of conspiracy as demonstrated by this powerful proof point encased in comedy.
A must watch is:. Keep this one in mind as we go through andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia of the material. It is not just a theory that a few powerful individuals control the media and they can pass along a message or propaganda whenever it is useful to do so. Yes… already today Satoshi's name is spoken of with reverence. He is credited with giving birth to Bitcoin, where several known technologies were blended and melded into a potential solution of taking commerce and banking into exploiting the full potential of the digital universe.
Banking with the opportunity of providing services to the global unbanked and underbanked community at micro-prices. For a starting point think music and the transformation that took place from CD's to downloads.
Yes it is a fact that no one knows exactly who Satoshi is or even if he is Japanese, male, female or a andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia of individuals. You can read up on all the speculation if you choose, as it is easy to do http: It is thought that whoever Satoshi may be, he has in his possession of a significant number of bitcoins that he mined in the early days. Unbelievable that something of this potential magnitude has had such a rich speculative lore attached to it in hyper time, explored and debated to the degree it has.
I would be a little skeptical of Newsweek as it is a newcomer first published magazine is March 7 using an established defunct brand — Newsweek and controlled by some folks that might be described as a cult or even just plain weird. The theoretical new owner is David Jang a Korean who self describes himself as the 2 coming of Christ. I put the odds fairly high that we still have not found the real Satoshi. So what about the divide?
Got to set the stage for all this to come together. The following is an example of the sensitivity to the ever-widening gap is from an organization DFA that is headed by Robert Reich Former Secretary of Labor:. The ever-widening gap between the extremely wealthy and everyone else in this country is the biggest economic and political threat to America today. While many are beginning to realize the importance of fighting income inequality, DFA was one of the first organizations to recognize the seriousness of the problem and to devote significant time and resources to addressing it.
I love hearing from activists all across the country about how andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia for All" opened their eyes to the true nature and scope of the challenge we face -- but education only matters if andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia knowledge inspires us to use the tools democracy gives us to correct the problems at hand.
DFA is committed andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia helping its members take successful action to fight income inequality on every level, whether that means putting pressure on corporate giants, changing laws at the local level, or helping progressives to win Congressional races in tough districts in November. You can help DFA fund the fights that will win fairer wages for working Americans - and snag yourself a copy of "Inequality for All" at the same time.
Thank you for chipping in to keep up our movement's momentum. All social animals naturally react to inequality perceived or real and humans are no different. He claims the greatest threat to the survival of the human race is this widening gulf.
Libertarians you go and rejoice - more on that too. More importantly Elon and Hawkings get those space ships ready.
One very simple example that illustrates the issue is the following TED presentation and it is important that you view the Capuchins at the very end:. I love where the one Capuchin checks to see if his rock is true and up to the standard that should result in equal compensation. OK… OK… I know you are asking what the hell does this have to do with a bitcoin? Bare with me just a little, as it has everything to do with Andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia. I will provide a little bit of relevancy to the issue at hand.
As exploited migrant workers they pay exorbitant fees for simple transaction like sending their hard andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia money to their families in different countries. When someone is underbanked they have to use a service like Western Union to transfer money from one country to another. Bitcoin holds the promise of accomplishing that for a micropayment sized fee.
Western Union is correct to be concerned about Bitcoin andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia it will affect their business immensely, banks and credit card companies soon after. Whole underground economies are run on cash much more complicated then we can cover here as a result of being underbanked and overtaxed by various governments and institutions looking towards exploiting the underclasses.
On the other hand 6 billion of the 7 billion now have access to mobile technology and many in this group live in geographies and countries where andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia local currencies are not investment grade or trustworthy which has led to the use of the US dollar to fuel business activity in black market transactions.
This underbanked population has every reason to feel that it would be better served by a trustworthy andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia cryptocurrency like bitcoins where their instrument of a mobile phone can deal with banking services and micro payments that would improve their life and offer upward mobility on a global scale.
I have personally attended investment and economic forums in which the leadership of China expressed an objective of providing their population electronic wallets that would in their opinion massively fuel growth and prosperity in their country.
A major objective would be to support micro payments and government subsides for various services including education without the prohibitive costs of central banks and banking overhead. Example after example is available. Overlay this with some of the other challenges confronting mankind such as poverty, water challenges, energy challenges and not the least climate challenges.
If climate change continues, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change larger report predicts these harms:. For the first time, the panel is emphasizing the nuanced link between conflict and warming temperatures. Participating scientists say warming won't cause wars, but it will add a destabilizing factor that will make andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia threats worse.
Global food prices will rise between 3 and 84 percent by because of warmer temperatures and changes in rain patterns. Hotspots of hunger may emerge in cities. About one-third of the world's population will see groundwater supplies drop by more than 10 percent bywhen compared with levels.
For every degree of warming, more of the world will have significantly less water available. Major increases in health problems are likely, with more illnesses and injury from andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia waves and fires and more food and water-borne diseases. But the report also notes that warming's effects on health is relatively small compared with other problems, like poverty.
Many of the poor will get poorer. Economic growth and poverty reduction will slow down. If temperatures rise high enough, the world's overall income may start to go down, by as much as 2 percent, but that's difficult to forecast. Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax. Should Obamacare Be Repealed? So Satoshi writes a paper in and goes about implementing Bitcoin along with others who join in the effort.
This was done as an Open Andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia project. Creating something out of thin air that would be the worlds new currency is a ridiculously challenging objective. And frankly I believe Bitcoin has a lot more in common with a share of a fast growing startup then a currency. Bitcoin is bigger and far more valuable than Facebook, Alibaba and everything else that is part of the many layers of the Internet put together. The Bitcoin protocol is perhaps the first trillion dollar technology.
This really has to be digested because understanding this phenomenon allows for the belief that bitcoins can increase in value proportionate to the benefit they provide rather than stabilize as a trading currency.
This is andrew filipowski bitcoin wikipedia it is possible to speculate that a bitcoin might be worth millions of dollars.