Noteworthy Tips on How to Care for Your Alluring Angel Wing Begonia

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Size, for example, ranges from a two-inch miniature with leaves smaller than a penny to a six-foot giant with leaves two feet long. Some begonias creep and crawl, some grow like a tree and others are viny or bushy.

It's angel wing begonia leaves curling large family of plants, with at least 1, different species of begonias. Horticulturists have loosely divided the family into three groups: At this time of the year, fibrous and tuberous varieties are the most popular and widely available. Leading the field are wax begonias also known as fibrous begonias because of their stringy root systemsprized for their delicate red, pink or white blossoms. Angel wing begonia leaves curling flower clusters are sometimes so profuse that they almost conceal the glossy green, red or bronze foliage.

The best feature of the wax begonias is that they will bloom continuously if given enough sunlight. Not as common but just as delicate-looking are the angel-wing begonias. This begonia is aptly named since the graceful leaves do resemble angels' wings. Because of the drooping nature of the blooms, you'll often see the angel-wing angel wing begonia leaves curling as a hanging plant. While fibrous rooted begonias are relatively easy to care for, they are particular about soil conditions.

They need well-drained soil that is kept moist but not soggy. Peat moss or perlite added to regular potting soil will help to prevent the "wet feet" that begonias dislike. Tuberous begonias are unsurpassed for glorious displays of color.

Blooms can be up to four inches across and come in almost every color imaginable: All tuberous begonias grow from fleshy underground stems called tubers and require a slightly different type of care than the fibrous rooted begonias. Most importantly, tuberous begonias need a resting period during the winter months. During that time they should be watered sparingly and kept in a cool spot, at about 50 degrees.

True tuberous begonias will lose all their top growth during their resting period, while semi-tuberous begonias such as the Rieger begonias will not.

In early spring, with increased watering and bright light, the tubers will again produce foliage and flowers. While the fibrous and tuberous begonias produce the glorious blooms, it's the rhizomatous begonia that presents the most flamboyant foliage.

These plants spread by means of thick stems, called rhizomes, that creep over the ground. In this category, you'll find the popular Rex begonias with their broad, tapering leaves dramatically patterned in shades of maroon, silver and green. Iron cross begonias, with their angel wing begonia leaves curling colored markings on richly textured, bright green foliage, also are quite distinctive.

Rhizomatous angel wing begonia leaves curling do not need direct sunlight, but they do require a high humidity level. Leaf edges will curl and turn brown if the air is too dry. Conversely, though, too much damp, stale air can bring about an attack of powdery mildew, which shows up at first as small powder-coated spots on stems, leafstalks and leaves. Keeping the plant and its growing area dry and maintaining good air circulation should minimize the the problem.

Begonias are among the loveliest of all plants -- and among the most diversified. There are no comments - be the first to comment.

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Begonias are probably one of the most varied and well-known houseplants. The varieties of begonias number in the thousands, and their popularity is quite apparent. Begonia blooms range from small and delicate to large and roselike. More popular than begonia blooms, the leaves of certain begonia varieties grow into mosaic patterns of varying colors. Several factors cause begonia leaves to fall off suddenly and rot. The most common reason begonia leaves rot is too frequent watering.

Begonias are succulent plants with stems that are mostly water, which makes them very sensitive to moisture and fungus. Overwatering begonias causes their leaves to turn yellow, a process called chlorosis. Eventually, those leaves rot and then fall off. If you see brown spots on the leaves as well, they have the fungal infection botrytis, which thrives in cool and wet conditions. Other factors that affect begonia leaves' health are temperature and humidity. Begonias originate from tropical environs and are accustomed to growing in bright, warm and humid conditions.

If your begonia's leaves begin to yellow, all hope is not lost. If your begonia has yellowing or rotting leaves, another treatment is to change its growing conditions by moving it to a sunnier, warmer place; if a begonia shows signs of chlorosis, it probably is not happy in its location.

If your begonia has botrytis spots on its leaves, cut off and dispose of the leaves to avert the fungus' spread. Preventing leaf rot and botrytis requires a few simple measures. When purchasing or planting a begonia, ensure that the potting mixture is light, airy and drains easily; that will prevent the begonia from sitting in water. Plant or buy a begonia in a pot that matches the begonia's size; an oversized pot holds more water in the soil than the begonia can use at one time, resulting in the plant sitting in water.

Grow begonias in a sunny or partly sunny location to increase their location's temperature, which will prevent rot and fungus. Some begonia leaves have a mosaic pattern.