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Many of our members have been progressing along their Dream Ring quests thanks to Nazar, Riesig, and Kraken kills. Serpentis is able to be run fairly regularly, and we can often knock out Weekend Dahuta in ten minutes or less.

Please reserve your upvotes and election votes for one of these membersand pass public raids lead to them. Elected heroes must reach 4, Leadership by the end of the month to receive payment for their services to the faction, so be sure to help them earn leadership whenever possible!

Since we have a lot of new members, I feel it appropriate to do a different format for our newsletter this month. Below are some questions and concerns that have been brought to me frequently archeage kraken vs galleon trade the past few weeks. If we split our support, thumbs, and votes archeage kraken vs galleon trade more than about three members, we are increasingly less likely to benefit as a guild. We choose archeage kraken vs galleon trade hero candidates based on the same criteria as we chose our officers: Every member benefits either directly or indirectly from the expenditures from our coffers.

As we grow in not only numbers, but strength, there is no reason we should not be able to hold a castle of our own. We are not currently strong enough, although I believe we are close.

If you want us to hold a castle, you, the members, need to work with me to make this happen. We currently have an official raid schedule here. Before I will add more to it, I need to see more participation in the existing events. In particular, I want to see more participation in Abyssal Attackbecause that feeds our coffers, our Enoan Galleon goal, and our PvP practice.

Raids I would like to begin regularly not included on the raid schedule are: Dahuta 10 manLibrary floor bosses at resetand Anthalon on archeage kraken vs galleon trade schedule but on hold. We receive numerous tangible and intangible benefits from our alliance with them. I will enumerate them below:. We are a large guild, hovering at near-cap, with more applications coming in every day.

We are the lesser partner, plain and simple. If we want to be on truly equal footing to them, we need to push ourselves and grow in strength. In the mean time, I will continue to use diplomacy to our advantage so we are able to engage in top-tier content, and I need our members to honor and support the arrangements I negotiate. Neko is playing a long game, but we are still interested in continued progress. I believe this diversity is crucial to the community we have builtbut it does limit our raw strength.

As listed above, everyone can — and should — contribute. Your email address will not be published. Skip to content Breadcrumbs Home June 13 June: Keep pushing that gear score!

Regular guild income generation through a more formalized donation system and consistent Abyssal Attack raids. Increased participation in scheduled archeage kraken vs galleon trade raids. Why does Neko have sponsored heroes? What is the Guild Fund and how does it work? Our Guild Fund is also variously known as the guild treasury and guild coffer. Effective immediately, officers will be required to give a archeage kraken vs galleon trade of 50g per week to the guild fund, payable each Friday.

Members are not required, but are strongly encouraged to donate a weekly stipend based on income, especially if you are unable to participate in guild income-earning events. Our plans for the guild fund are: As the fund grows, we will also begin purchasing Enoan Galleon Scraps towards the 5, needed to construct the ship, and we can consider purchasing castle siege scrolls see below.

Do we have any plans to hold a castle? What needs to happen before I will consider holding a archeage kraken vs galleon trade Our average guild gear score needs to be around 5k. We must be able to hold our own against the strong members of every faction during a siege. Our guild coffers must be able to support bidding on castle siege scrolls. We currently hover around k gold; that number needs to be closer to 20k. Members must show themselves willing and able to participate in guild-scheduled raids.

There is no reason to expect people to be present for a castle siege if they are not currently showing in force for much easier, more consistent, and less crucial raids.

I will enumerate them below: When we help them kill dragonwe receive the same treatment as their guild. We are the only guild on the server they are forbidden to steal froma benefit that should not be overlooked. They augment our raids as we do theirs. Killing mana towers in Auroria benefits the faction more than it does Awakening.

Also do some arenas with guildies. Archeage kraken vs galleon trade for some tips from our experienced PvPers TeamSpeak is easiest for this.

Nothing beats the rush of a good battle with your guildies at your side. With the event gear, everyone can get 4k gear score and be at least viable. Everyone, PvPers included, needs to try to make time for these. We are in serious need of more participation so we can get mats, gear, and gold.

And finally, every member should… Help your guildmates. Help them run dungeons, packs, grab land, and archeage kraken vs galleon trade their questions answered. PvP Lessons Part 1. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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Archeage - So you want to be a Pirate! Here I'll cover some of the basics of Archeage and explain the Faction known as Pirate! Currently their are two races for each faction with more being added soon. You won't see PvP action until lvl 30 when you can start lvling up outside of the safezones. Just like WoW you'll be given many themepark type quests to develop your character in the beginning.

You will gain exp off tradeskills as well. How to Gear Up: The games is truly a sandbox in this regard. You can gain gear from questing, dungeon instances, world raid mobs, tradeskills, and PvP Honor pts.

Tradeskill System This is where the game gets truly unique. One of the best ways to make money and gear is through tradeskills.

You can plant crops, raise animals, and collect resources. Both are great ways to make cash. And the tradeskill aspect directly impacts world PvP. If your mount or ship are destroyed the packs fall onto ground and can be picked up by players and whisked away by their own mounts or ships. Comming crimes can earn you jail time, which you must either escape from and incur more infamy pts or do your time. If your infamy raises too high you become a Pirate.

Your removed from your old guild, stripped of any land or holdings and kicked from your factions chat. Your new faction is now Pirate and can use Pirate chat. If you die in pvp on either starter continent you go to jail. You will not go to jail if you die on the Northern continent or at Sea, which is pretty much the only places you want to go anyways. Well you would't want to be a pirate until you've achieved Max LvL and gotten yourself a Galleon or Clipper.

It's best not to become a Pirate until you have established a crew to roll with, as boat combat is not something done alone. But there are many benefits to being a Pirate! You no longer establish crime pts for killing players of either Faction and both teams now gives you honor. Pirate Island is also prime real-estate for sea invasions, as you can see below it's set in the perfect spot to disrupt trade routes.

As a pirate each day your life consists of putting yourself into a battle at a whim and dynamically fighting for stolen goods on both land and sea. Now if that sounds boring and running the same instance 20x a day is where it's at for you, than you prolly don't want to be a Pirate.

Feel Free to PM me with more questions, we will be running a Pirate Crew on live as well as a starter guild to recruit new players to Pirate Life and gear up alts before they switch to Pirate. We haven't established a guild name yet for either guild and are talking to the active Pirate player's on Alpha and Beta. Hope to see ya guys there! And when out at sea Looks like a blast. I will probably look into this.

The kracken video was pretty hilarious. Dude had a rainbow with the word aids on his boat lol. Fun game, not sure I want to go pirate just yet. Not much there for it yet. It's not something you do until maxed out, plus lvling not really hard here so I would expect most pirates to have a non Pirate toon. Not much of a choice fer me as I spend all my time on MMO's pvping anyways. That dude was fucking hilarious. ROFL yeah I thought that one was hilarious as well. No release date yet but the game runs smoother in closed beta than most games do at launch.

Not far off for release. You think this will be more pay to win? I really do not wanna get involved in another pay to win game. The game looks pretty good but most of them do and end up being shit. Not really, if you want to play hardcore and own land you have to pay monthly subscription. The only shit you can buy from Marketplace is cosmetic gear, mounts, worthless pets etc. Same shit they had going back to EQ2. This game reminds me so much of Lineage 2.

I can't wait to check it out. Gonna make an Eidolon Shadowplay, Witchcraft, Auramancy. Personal Farmland and area to raise animals, this leads to tradeskills, lol your literally gonna have to mate animals, butcher them and make leather from their hide lol oh yea they went there. I personally I love there system although it is very grindy it's like what you'd have to do if ya actually lived in medieval times.

When does this actually launch? Or is there a way to get into closed beta? Get into closed beta by buying one of the founder packs. So you take the stuff you make with tradeskills on a boat to In most town area's their are merchants you can trade a pack into.

One merchant gives gold the other gives gilda stars which is like AA currency for certain things. Another continent will pay more for the pack than your own. Freedrich Island pays the most, but that Island is in the middle of the ocean a stones throw from pirate island, so guess where most Pirates spend they're days.

Anyone wishing more details can enjoy the over- animated voice of Willow as she narrates exactly how to haul a pack to Freedrich Island https: Complete with Pirate Assault! I want to try it, but I don't want to lose my life to it. Go pirate at 50, log in from time to time to raid and attack people, log off whenever you want knowing there's no dkp system or raid attendance to adhere to.

Think of it this way guy takes all the time to tradeskill pack gear, haul it to Freedrich Island and you just kill him for all the reward. Kind of a pvper's wet dream.