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Wikileaks has accepted bitcoin since when the website suffered from its first financial blockade. WikiLeaks publishes documents of political or historical importance that founder's censored week otherwise suppressed.
Submissions are mostly about some week cryptocurrency belong elsewhere. Sign up for the Slashdot Daily Newsletter! Wikileaks accepted bitcoin since when the website suffered from its first financial blockade. If this were the s the flavor of the decade would have been "Maoist", but we live wikileaks an era where Naziism is making a comeback, and people are tracking it.
Bitcoins rather a government be founder's and secret than productive and secret, because if it's shitty, then he gets bitcoins eyeballs and can stroke wikileaks ego.
It's HARD to steal, unless they are amateurish in their key management practices. Do you know how many times "programming" appears on the front page right now?
Ah yes one of the Clinton body counts. You would need two items to recover or clone the device: We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. As such, it founder's more week to wild inflation and corrupt banks. Somebody who is inspired by Nazi imagery is an idiot-fanboy. Let us know what you think in the comments below. Expect this to go on for a couple of months get progressively more ridiculous, probably wikileaks the primaries bitcoins next year.
Which is a lot, mind you. Ignoring them doesn't seem to have worked very well. And then he won That's because linux users aren't as likely to kill anyone, and they're much less fun to punch. The good news is that the imaginary armies of killer Nazis roaming your neighborhoods don't actually exist. The bad news is that violent leftist thugs actually do form groups specifically to go out and hurt people and destroy things, and then actually do it, and get applauded by their sponsors for doing it.
The other good news is that people are waking up to the reality of the situation's phony narratives. The bad news is that you approve of preemptive violent assault as a form of political expression. The bad news is that violent leftist thugs actually do form groups specifically to go out and hurt people. As long as you don't count the Las Vegas shooting.
Paddock had antifa related material in his room. The back side of Antifa flags always have Pepe logos on them. When they flap in the wind is when the riot starts. Frankly, this kind of misuse of the term "nazi" only serves to dilute the meaning of that term. Someone who is inspired by Nazi ideology or imagery is at least a "neo-nazi" by any reasonable standard. And in the context of this article, it's entirely appropriate: Neo-nazi groups are groups that the researcher in question has tracked.
If this were the s the flavor of the decade would have been "Maoist", but we live in an era where Naziism is making a comeback, and people are tracking it. Anybody who is inspired by Nazi ideology is just a plain idiot. It's fun in your adolescence to latch onto crap that explains why all the older people are dumb, why history is over and that there's a simple 'plan' that can just be adopted by force to fix everything.
That's how 'neo-liberals' and 'neo-cons' are born. The Democratic and Republican party are full of those fools. We have a lot of them here on Slashdot, to. I wouldn't underestimate the power of idiot-fanboyism. This is basically a somewhat less sterile term for authoritarianism. Not a plain idiot, a Nazi idiot. There's plenty of idiots who aren't Nazis, so we need to distinguish. The term of choice used to be "racist", but that's been so overused in the past year and a half that they have to switch to using another word.
I've been following the zeitgeist of this. Until around December of last year, people would flee from the word, conceding the argument to whoever first uses the word to describe the other side. One could say "OK, I'm racist" for posting an opinion about strong immigration control. Through the summer, "racist" started to be applied to just about everything. Two white parents having a white child [foxnews. I'm not making that last one up, it's "[ Now racist has completely lost its meaning.
No one online seems to pay any attention to it at all. Sexual assault is pretty big right now, but it's fading fast. It was a flash in the pan with people like Harvey Weinstein, but quickly got more ridiculous. You can tell it's on it's way out because Fart rape [squawker. So now they need a new word, and it's probably going to be nazis for awhile.
Expect this to go on for a couple of months and get progressively more ridiculous, probably though the primaries of next year. Wikileaks understands keeping Bitcoin in one wallet address is stupid. WHY is it stupid? Perhaps because it's too easy to steal and there isn't any FDIC [wikipedia.
If they're concerned about insider attacks, then they can use a special procedure to generate credentials where No one person ever gains access to sufficient credentials to authorize a transaction. Suppose the wallet is a Trezor.
You need two items to operate the device: Person 1 will make up and personally secure the character random passphrase, and give the first 16 characters to Person 2 and Person 3, AND give the next 16 characters to Person 4 and Person 5, and finally Person 8 and Person 9 will receive the rest of the passphrase. Person 2, Person 3, Person 4, and Person 5 begin the initialization process for the wallet and begin selecting an 8-digit PIN number.
Person 2 and Person 3 handle choosing and entering the first 4 digits of the PIN and their share of the passphrase, then Person 4 and Person 5 handle entering the next 4 digits of the PIN and their share of the passphrase, then Person 8 and 9.
The 24 seed words will be divided into 3 shares. Person 1, Person 2, and Person 3, Person 8 will write down and personally secure the first 8 words. Person 4, Person 5, and Person 6, Person 9 will write down and personally secure the next 8 words. Person 7, Person 8, and Person 9, Person 10 will write down and personally secure the last 8 words. No way did I say not hard to steal for most people In the US, real money is defined as gold or silver, as is similar in the Constitutions of several states and the Bretton Woods Agreement.
Historians, economists, and traders use the term 'fiat' all the time, but this may be the first time any of them were accused of being 'leet' rather than 'nerds'. In addition, he's attacking the author he sounds pretentious!
Bet they don't in everyday life. But in a discussion where you talk about non-fiat money, it becomes useful to make the distinction explicit. It's a pointless distinction Because everyone but Bitcoin zealots know that Bitcoin isn't actually money. There's no inherent store of value, such as being backed by gold, nor is it backed by the economy of a nation. It's sole value lies in the Faith of the Believers - other than that, it's not conceptually really any different from an arcade or casino token.
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