How To Setup A Mining Pool?

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Your miners will find a first-class pool with extreme performance and efficiency. They will connect to it using the stratum protocol as they would in any other pool. They will find everything running great and will love you create your own bitcoin mining pool that! Yes, merged mining is available! Configure if you want to mine just one coin or more than one at the same time. Same mining power, double the benefits. We allow a good set of coins and are working to add even more.

You are the create your own bitcoin mining pool operator and deserve a profit for it. You can configure how much profit you want to get. We also take a profit to maintain the platform, but it is low enough to give you the freedom you need to operate. And all of this without you having to worry about servers, chains, deployments, security, etc. Our platform will take care of everything so you can focus on your community.

You will not only save money and time, you will get coins for that! You will have access to an advanced tool to configure and monitor everything about your pool in real time. Even advanced statistics and graphics will be there for you from the first minute. Your miners need to feel at home in your pool and sure they will!

With the miner panel they will have real time access to their mining and pool statistics. They will manage their workers, track their balance and transfers and much more in a nice and mobile-friendly interface! Every time your pool finds a block, you and your miners' balance will be updated. You can track your balance in real time in you control panel. Once a day, you and your miners will receive a transfer with your coins.

Your miners will be able to join your pool, reset their password and close their accounts without you having create your own bitcoin mining pool worry about that. All of this following standard security practices like email validation and security tokens. We offer a set of first-class tools for you and your miners so you don't have to worry about technical stuff and can focus on building your community. You can learn more in our technical page where you can find detailed information about Poolarchy.

You can also write us an email and let us know what you think about it. Advantages Management Join Contact. Ever dreamed of creating your own coin pool, being the operator and create a community around it?

We know, it involves lots of tech knowledge and hardware expenses. With Poolarchy you can create your own pool with just a click and you will get everything you need to operate! Create an account and you will have access to your management board where you will configure all the parameters about your pool: Everything will work since minute one and you wont have to worry about the techie details.

You don't have to pay anything. Strong platform Your miners will find a first-class pool with extreme performance and efficiency. Merged mining Yes, merged mining is available! Set your own fee You are the pool operator and deserve a profit for it. Operate with no hassle And all of this without you having to worry about servers, chains, deployments, security, etc. Operator create your own bitcoin mining pool You will have access to an advanced tool to configure and monitor everything about your pool in real time.

Miners panel Your miners need to feel at home in your pool and sure they will! Daily payments Every time your pool finds a block, you and your miners' balance will be updated. Account security Your miners will be able to join your pool, reset their password and close their accounts without you having to worry about that. The Poolarchy Team info create your own bitcoin mining pool.

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