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If you read recent media reports about future of bitcoin, you wonder what is going on. We have known since for so many years. Self-inflicted miseryturf wars between developer and stake holder fractions, etc. Forbes reports about what is going on in the social and developer media: The question is about ending the sordid monopoly of current bitcoin developers on dictating dodgy crypto standards to govern blockchain technology at large.

Financial cryptography bitcoin networks went wrong on bitcoin crypto front so far? Few days after this was written, on 9 nov, the date of the bitcoin fork has been postponed.

Due to large numbers, we have split into two groups for a guided Bletchley Park tour, and also had assisted at two bombe demonstrations. After our trip many students have asked to do GA18, and unhappily we have run out of space [the course is currently oversubscribed]. I would like to thank prof. Angela Sasse for financial and moral support for this event, and also for organizing previous events. In the recent crazy wave of ICOs we hear every day that investors should be warned and there are lots of scams or that it is unlikely that ICOs can deliver.

It is a difficult question, but let us look at some examples. The common pattern in these ICOs is that they are not too aggressive trying to sell as many coins as possible.

In contrast, several ICOs were advertised widely and many of these, honestly, look dubious. First we should ignore all ICOs announcements received by email we have not asked for.

Then there are those which seem to attract unreasonable amounts against all logic. For example EOS have employed an aggressive sale technique: Previously it was different. For a long time their communication looked like, well they are deliberately trying to abuse the naive investors. Financial cryptography bitcoin networks day their website financial cryptography bitcoin networks at at this is a unique opportunity to buy tokens which is going to end soon; with a clock ticking….

Now I am not sure have many investors have actually heard about this FT report. Are investors blind and deaf and not reading the press, or is EOS so valuable and people who buy them surely know what they are doing? Declaration of conflict of interest: The author of this post holds some of crypto coins cited here.

He has also been approached by DomRaider in order to become their advisor. Imagine that you went to a station in rush hour and it took you 1 month to get home due tube or rail network jamming.

This is exactly what happened to bitcoin in the last months, and which is shown on this graph: For example on 8 May I have created a sample transaction for financial cryptography bitcoin networks USD, not a small amount, and using a standard Android app with default settings.

This transaction tool exactly 1 month to be approved by the bitcoin network. The graph shows that millions of other transactions have known a similar sort and a lot of bitcoin users have seen their transactions delayed for days and weeks.

Moreover, on some days blockchain. This means that maybe the backlog was higher than the curve above shows as clearly blockchain. A very detailed study showing that RSA can be re-engineered in financial cryptography bitcoin networks to remain practical, yet it will no longer be broken by a quantum computer.

The financial cryptography bitcoin networks does not go down to zero anymore. If the curve sometimes went down to zero, financial cryptography bitcoin networks transactions would eventually be approved. However, the last time the curve was lower than 10, was 2 May As a result there is a permanent huge backlog of payments which are simply no longer executed in any reasonable way.

This looks like a permanently saturated network. One year ago the norm would be to have just a few thousands of unconfirmed transactions waiting for being mined.

Now the situation became MUCH worse: Some detailed statistics on waiting time vs. It is also clear that blockchain. Therefore the actual figures could be higher. Bitcoin has become a network where economic activity is taxed and a lot of small transaction will not happen at all.

It is rather correct to say that the network can now only handle larger payments for the super wealthy and large transactions are executed, cf.

For ordinary users this means losing their bitcoins — in practice — for example most ordinary users of many mobile apps will not know how to recover their bitcoins from a backup of their private keys and app developers typically do not explain how to do it. If bitcoin loses in dominance who are the winners? This curve shows that each time in recent 4 years, bitcoin dominance is eroded, clearly, this has coincided more or less with an appreciation of one single currency.

First it was Ripple, then Ethereum, and very recently both financial cryptography bitcoin networks the same time [and few other]. In addition there is a malicious remote shutdown attack which could be triggered by a MITM attacker.

And some other brilliant crypto innovators are also doing the same thing: Possibly this is what we really want, a distributed ledger system which is very hard to corrupt and acts for the benefit of the honest players rather than the bad ones.

The anti-dote to our mafia economy and all the fake sponsored financial cryptography bitcoin networks run by the corrupted few, in media, science, politics, etc, which we see every day. On the surface, Dr Micali financial cryptography bitcoin networks the tool which we all want: A space where people can live their digital economy lives without fear of being abused by fraudsters and criminals.

The system works by deterministic randomness which is quite hard to control for the attackers and which decides which entities will be able to vote on the future state of the ledger.

It is designed to be extremely robust and stable. It is claimed to be secure in financial cryptography bitcoin networks quite strong adversarial settings, for example the attacker is allowed to corrupt the very person who will be [temporarily] in charge of deciding the next update of the ledger.

And the system claims to resist this sort of attack. Micali his this nice metaphor: However in fact Micali is doing just this. He has just started to suppress the very brilliant ideas he has been building in the last few years. The process of suppressing these brilliant financial cryptography bitcoin networks have already beganand the person who runs the revolution and the counter-revolution is the same, Dr Micali himself.

On the first page of their paper we read:. These technologies are the object of the following patent applications: You bet that for the next 20 years we will be left with what we have: Why it is the systems such as bitcoin which financial cryptography bitcoin networks free and open source and good ones patented?

Danezis in UCL blog wrote: When Marc Stevens and a team of researchers from Google have finally found a collision for SHA-1, which we have been expecting for financial cryptography bitcoin networks than 10 years, somebody who is apparently none of financial cryptography bitcoin networks people, has apparently used it to obtain 2. Financial cryptography bitcoin networks people and companies have withdrawn their support for SegWit2x bitcoin and the so called New York agreement is not widely accepted.

Bitcoin developers claim that Bitcoin SegWit2x will be just another altcoin: Horror stories are told as we read here: Forbes says that bitcoin is at the edge of destruction. Not a single bank card, not a single TLS transaction on the Internet, not a single ID card, electronic passport, etc etc.

Not a safe curve etc… We need to recall that ECDSA signatures has become popular only because in the old times, Schnorr has patented his signature scheme, which patent has however expired in financial cryptography bitcoin networks SHA is also a problem: Our trip took place 29 Sept Some 32 UCL students participated. Students have explored the past in order to find role models for the future.

Without making too much noise, for expert investors only. Another currently ongoing ICO Enigma Catalysthas allocated pre-sale investors less coins that they have asked for, and informed them by email that they should not sent more money than they are allowed to. And investor could only buy tokens during few hours. Now it is too late to buy any. As the demand cannot be met, fees paid to miners went to the moon as shown on the graph below.

The Challengers If bitcoin loses in dominance who are the winners? On the first page of their paper we read: Shame on you Silvio Micali! Frankfurt is a major CIA outpost for hacking ops. CIA is masquerading to make things look like cyberattacks come from Russia.

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The curve does not go down to zero anymore. If the curve sometimes went down to zero, maybe transactions would eventually be approved. However, the last time the curve was lower than 10, was 2 May As a result there is a permanent huge backlog of payments which are simply no longer executed in any reasonable way.

This looks like a permanently saturated network. One year ago the norm would be to have just a few thousands of unconfirmed transactions waiting for being mined.

Now the situation became MUCH worse: Some detailed statistics on waiting time vs. It is also clear that blockchain. Therefore the actual figures could be higher. Bitcoin has become a network where economic activity is taxed and a lot of small transaction will not happen at all.

It is rather correct to say that the network can now only handle larger payments for the super wealthy and large transactions are executed, cf.

For ordinary users this means losing their bitcoins — in practice — for example most ordinary users of many mobile apps will not know how to recover their bitcoins from a backup of their private keys and app developers typically do not explain how to do it.

If bitcoin loses in dominance who are the winners? This curve shows that each time in recent 4 years, bitcoin dominance is eroded, clearly, this has coincided more or less with an appreciation of one single currency. First it was Ripple, then Ethereum, and very recently both at the same time [and few other]. Your email address will not be published. Currently you have JavaScript disabled.

In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. As the demand cannot be met, fees paid to miners went to the moon as shown on the graph below.

The Challengers If bitcoin loses in dominance who are the winners? Miner Tracing and Shutdown Backdoor.