June 2018 E-Letter
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Connected and Cruising Through Innovation in Florida. Atefeh Abad 07 Jun CA trucks will revolutionize the trucking industry and positively impact the national economy. How Does Platooning Technology Work? When in platooning mode, this technology allows them to keep distance between 40 to 75 feet from each other.
Both truck drivers control the steering while get passive incomes on autopilot by using stateoftheart trading robot at gb building the front driver controls acceleration and breaking. The Study Phase focused on three primary areas: With regards to safety, DATP-equipped trucks and those with similar technology also have Air Disk Brakes on all tractor axles which are safety features and key building blocks to the technology.
In other words, DATP-equipped trucks are safer than most trucks on the road today. As for liability, for non-platooning trucks the responsibility for safe operations falls under the operators of the vehicle. This is the same case for DATP operated trucks. Lastly, upon conclusion of the pilot project, the study found no significant effect on the existing infrastructure and traffic, thus recommending that platooning be allowed in Florida.
The two-day event began with presentations and demonstrations to key decision makers from the State of Florida showing how the technology works. The second day trucks travelled in platooning mode between Orlando and Palm Beach with a separation distance of approximately 50 feet while being in command of professional drivers. The platoon trekked a total of miles in moderate traffic conditions with key personnel on board the trucks and Florida Highway Patrol Aircraft following the platoon.
A second win was that the DATP system was effective in managing other vehicles cutting in front of the lead truck by automatically activating the breaking system on both trucks. The initiative showed state officials that truck platooning can be implemented safely without disruption to infrastructure and other road users.
This type of initiative is part of much broader effort to build a connected and autonomous vehicle ecosystem in Florida to drive matured technologies and proof safe use operations to be prepared for the future of transportation.
The future of transportation is already upon us and we are using Intelligent Mobility Initiatives like this one to help shape this future and continue to be trusted advisors to our clients in this digital transformation age.
Intelligent Mobility is a new way of thinking about how to connect people, places and goods across all transport modes. It is about utilizing a combination of systems thinking, technology and data across the transport network to inform decision making and enable behavioral change. Intelligent Mobility combines a strong focus on putting the customer at the heart of the service offering with the requirement of integrating all transport opportunities into a whole system. Thoughts after participating in UITP ideation workshop on artifical intelligence.
Jason Hutchings 07 Jun This led to an invitation to attend an ideation workshop for Artificial Intelligence AI in Mass Public Transport in the Next 5 Years, organised by the International Association of Public Transport UITPand gathering together transport operators, software solutions providers and educational institutions.
UITP presented the interim results of a survey of appropriate users and stakeholders, and the top three responses in terms of the current applications of AI in public transport were:. This article shares my thoughts in response to the above, and is focussed on AI in public transport. Whilst there are many ways to define artificial intelligence, in its simplest form it is the ability of computers to learn and self-improve.
The development of artificial intelligence comes at an appropriate point in our technological development, as we become overloaded and consumed by data, and more importantly the management, appropriate access, and use of this data.
We are now at a stage in technological development where the collection and storage of data exceeds our ability to process it. It is also important to recognise that the output from a database may not necessarily be known or even recognised at the time of collection of the original data set. Data is being stored in many different formats, organisational protocols, and languages. It is clear that access and management of such data presents a huge challenge and one which can only be solved through the application of artificial intelligence.
Transport operators already collect and store huge amounts of data from every aspect of the industry, spanning travel booking to wear and tear. For example, an average metro train has over sensors providing constant and real-time information to the operator. It is the organisation and access to this data which is currently inefficient and impractical, but already increasingly assisted by intelligent search and processing algorithms.
Most of the public realm is covered by digital video camera, either in public or private ownership, from security cameras, secondary monitoring systems, and even information captured from person devices such as dash-cams and smartphones. The storage of such data typically increases with demand, but the efficient access to this raw information, and the recognition of useful data within it, remains impractical and restricted. A recent breakthrough in research at Stanford University has allowed AI systems to learn to visually recognise elements within a scene, label them, and describe what they are seeing.
This get passive incomes on autopilot by using stateoftheart trading robot at gb building sound fundamentally simple, but the ability of a three-year-old child to recognise a get passive incomes on autopilot by using stateoftheart trading robot at gb building or a dog, distinguish them, and do so irrespective of actions, lighting, shape or partial concealment is something that computing power alone has not, to date, manage to achieve.
Through AI, get passive incomes on autopilot by using stateoftheart trading robot at gb building computer systems will be able to search and recognise specific collections, patterns, and trends in datasets required to inform decision-making.
An interesting and seemingly obvious development is the ability to assess the emotion of people in an environment by counting the smiles! This is known as sentiment analysis, and is already being employed within a limited context. This may sound simplistic, but we now have the ability for our computers to look at a scene, understand what they are looking out in even the smallest detail, process that information, and provide us with usable output data.
On a more pragmatic level, public transport seeks to be dynamic in its operation, and strives for an on-demand service resulting from inputs such as traffic flow analysis, ticketing and demand prediction.
For example, this is applicable to bus services allowing for increased bus availability where required and reduction of empty busesand flexible metro headway insuring the optimum waiting time and carriage space availability. An interesting concept discussed at the workshop is AI making the platform screen doors project a colour code allowing waiting passengers to understand where congested and free space occurs on the next train.
Providing AI visual access into the public arena may provide value in recognising abnormal behaviour such as a lost child, a sick person needing assistance, or a person with mischievous intent. At a larger scale, the AI would recognise patterns of behaviour get passive incomes on autopilot by using stateoftheart trading robot at gb building normal or crowd situations building on its experienceand alert operators to the likelihood of a problem occurring and a proposed solution such as the closing of a station, the re-routing of public buses, or even pro-actively bringing the situation to the attention of the emergency services.
There remain constraints to the collection and processing of data, not least of which being cyber security, and the regulatory governance of this relatively new and hugely expanding field. Although it is interesting to get passive incomes on autopilot by using stateoftheart trading robot at gb building that AI itself is one of our strongest allies against cyber security breach, as it can quickly and efficiently recognise abnormal or inappropriate behaviour in access to data.
He raises the question: Should we give control of our lives to AI processes, and will we be able to turn them off if necessary? Loss of control to AI is a theoretical situation well known to fans of science fiction, such as when HAL from Notwithstanding the content of any interaction with AI systems, a product of the system itself is its ability to communicate using natural language processing NLP.
So an AI system is able to communicate with a user of a transport system the travelling publicinforming them in any language of travel options, changes, and advice regarding routing and destination.
This may be through a smart phone or personal digital assistant as part of a mobility as a service MaaS platform, or through public announcement and information systems available within the public domain. This overlaps on the development of Augmented Reality ARand will inevitably result in context-sensitive information being available to transport users. In this way, repair and maintenance regimes efficiently predict necessary action, alert operation and control staff to possible failure, and assist in accident, crime and emergency prevention.
The data from this holistic experience of the travelling public, and those responsible for operating and maintaining this system, can be fed back into the dataset allowing for constant improvement as a direct response to use. It is widely accepted that public transportation cannot fund itself purely from fare generation. Artificial intelligence is already part of our lives whether we realise it or not.
From self-driving systems in cars, to the smart phone in our hands, these positive interventions will increase in complexity and scope, whilst becoming more intuitive and ubiquitous. I believe that we have an obligation to respond to such technologies if not inform and drive them. We should consider how they change the interaction of people with the infrastructure we create. Do we understand the role of Electric Vehicles EVs in supporting improvements to air quality and urban mobility?
The number of electric cars on the world's roads doubled last year and alongside rapid advances in electric vehicle EVs technology, are impacting the number, and type of vehicles on our roads.
The contribution that petrol and diesel vehicles make to poor air quality and the impact on our health are well documented. Improving air quality is a challenge that many major towns and cities are tackling around the world so that together, we can meet air quality targets and create a future that is healthier, safer and happier for all of us. With emissions from traditional vehicles currently a main contributor to poor air quality, the increase in EVs has the potential to significantly improve urban air quality.
Increasing uptake of EVs might improve urban air quality but could these new technologies also pose a risk to our health and environment in the longer term? Could incentivising EVs encourage personal vehicle use and increase congestion?
Some of the resources used in current batteries might be in limited supply, and may not be obtained in an environmentally sustainable manner, and even if recycled how can this be done in an environmentally friendly way? Transport for Get passive incomes on autopilot by using stateoftheart trading robot at gb building TfL has already introduced 2, standard charge points for electric vehicles across London, and the introduction of rapid charging points will see the average time it takes to charge a vehicle reduce to 20 to 30 minutes compared with the seven or eight hours it takes at regular charging points.
The installation of an extensive rapid charge point network is central to enabling cabbies to ditch their dirty diesel vehicles and replace them with green alternatives. We should not overlook fears that electric vehicles could put strain on the power networkand should develop intelligent charging solutions such as vehicle-to-grid and emerging technologies such as blockchain and its potential use in mobility payments, EV energy pricing and asset valuation. Security of energy is another key factor.
We must avoid energy just being syphoned for example. This article was first published on PoliticsHome: Stations as catalysts for transformative growth and regeneration. Liam Harrison 05 Mar The recently released Leeds Station Integration Plan sets out a bold vision of transformative economic growth, regeneration and connectivity.
The station, which is already the busiest transport hub in the north of England, is being remodelled to provide a distinctive gateway hub of international significance, integrating national, regional and local transport services with HS2 and Northern Powerhouse Rail. Developments, including new entrances and a new central common concourse, will provide a seamless interchange, with increased capacity creating huge increases in passenger and user numbers for the station.
Apart from creating a stunning landmark at the heart of the city, the remodelled station will play a pivotal role as an economic and regeneration driver for the city and wider region. This will be complimented by a get passive incomes on autopilot by using stateoftheart trading robot at gb building 7, square metres of complementary leisure and retail space inside the station. Results for the year ended 31 March - 15 June Atkins hires digital disruptors - 13 June Sign up to receive the regular Angles summary from Atkins.
Once subscribed, you will receive periodic emails with the latest content highlighted. Please note — this link will take you through to a website operated by another organisation. ATKINS do not have any control over the content of external websites and can accept no responsibility or liability in respect of the material on such websites. UITP presented the interim results of a survey of appropriate users and stakeholders, and the top three responses in terms of the current applications of AI in public transport were: Real-time operations management and supervision, Intelligent ticketing systems, Customer analytics.
Artificial Intelligence Whilst there are many ways to define artificial intelligence, in its simplest form it is the ability of computers to learn and self-improve. EV technologies are developing at pace The number of electric cars on the world's roads doubled last year and alongside rapid advances in electric vehicle EVs technology, are impacting the number, and type of vehicles on our roads.
Opportunities for air quality improvements The contribution that petrol and diesel vehicles make to poor air quality and the impact on our health are well documented. How can we ensure our towns and cities are ready to support this shift? Security of energy infrastructure Security of energy is another key factor.