Why the Great Firewall of China Is Causing Serious Issues for Bitcoin Miners

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Huang, a year-old manager of a bitcoin mine, inspects a malfunctioning mining machine during his night shift, in Ngawa Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan province, September 26, China often dominates the market for Bitcoin, a virtual currency managed by a decentralized network of computers: Energy subsidies there make it economical to run electricity-intensive computer banks used to do the mining.

In September, Beijing moved to curb Bitcoin trading in China, with what appears to be limited success. Is China the future of Bitcoin, or its past? China has in recent years been at the forefront of new forms of credit. Most important are telephone-based systems for payments through Alipay and other means. It has also been very great firewall of china bitcoin about unleashing non-standard loans through the Shadow Market.

Unfortunately, regulations always seem a step behind what people do on the ground, often resulting in ponzi schemes and other problematic forms of finance. Not surprisingly, Bitcoin and other blockchain-based systems appear to have fallen into a similar trap, which great firewall of china bitcoin why we now have a government backlash against them.

China mines more Bitcoin than any other country. Because of this, some miners also started to speak out on the global stage and influence some of the key decisions and strive for consensus around core cryptocurrency technologies.

On great firewall of china bitcoin one hand, the crackdown was spurred by concerns that, if nothing were done, there would be a stronger reaction at the imminent 19th Party Congress. On the other hand, Great firewall of china bitcoin banking regulators long have had valid concerns about decentralized technologies which, sooner or later, could threaten their control and power.

It remains to be seen if Beijing someday will regret the crackdown for having undermined the potential to lead the world in this sector. Blockchain needs to be open source and relies on social consensus to work. Open source is another key building block of any cryptocurrency. Why bother using blockchain at all? Just take over WeChat and Alipay to great firewall of china bitcoin as much money as Bitcoin ever did. As Isaac has already pointed out, most Bitcoin mining is still in China, and plenty of private, person-to-person Bitcoin trading is still happening despite the ban on public exchanges.

Even if private trading is ultimately outlawed, such a ban would be pretty difficult for China to enforce. It might prove impossible to enforce with other, more privacy-focused cryptocurrencies like Monero. I would expect a whitelist-style system for exchanges, where only a few exchanges with government licenses are allowed to operate and customers must submit identity verification before trading. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum are additional global currency markets that China and its citizens can strongly influence and profit from.

There are already a ton of domestic blockchain projects, so I would expect one or more of these to ultimately receive government support of some sort. The most promising domestic blockchain project at the moment, NEO, has seen its value increase massively over the past six months and has already attracted a ton of interest from foreign investors.

Great firewall of china bitcoin even if China does ban Bitcoin forever, I would expect it to embrace one or more of these domestic alternatives. They have the potential to generate a lot of wealth for China, and as long as the government can reasonably track where all that money is going, I think it will find a way to allow some sort of cryptocurrency market to exist domestically.

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