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The EU forms a customs union and a large unified market having free trade among the member states. It levies a common tariff on imported products coming from non-EU countries such as the United States, Japan, and Canada. As all members of the European Union, Italy adapts a common trade policy.
The EU has a liberal import regime where import licensing is not common. Import licences are issued with due consideration for instruments used by government to restrict trade provisions of relevant European Union trade agreements and the needs of the specific importing country. Under the EU New Approach to Technical Harmonisationcertain products are required to meet specific quality standards.
The directive applies to toy safety, machinery, electromagnetic compatibility EMCtelecommunications terminal equipment, active implantable medical devices, medical devices, non-automatic weighing equipment, construction products, explosion proof electrical equipment, low voltage electrical equipment, simple pressure vessels, personal protection equipment and gas appliances.
Qualified products must carry a CE mark to show its compatibility, fixed onto the product by a manufacturer or importer as self-declaration of compliance. Traders must pay attention to the EU product liability law, which covers all liability regarding defects not ordinarily expected by a consumer. Both the seller and the manufacturer in the EU are liable under the law.
Import duties into EU countries are subject to import tariffs normally applied on the import c. The imposition of the VAT rate increase will be dependant on the performance of the Italian economy. The EU announced developments in the EU's Eco-labels scheme to products, particularly footwear, textiles and personal computer. Exporters instruments used by government to restrict trade with the scheme member country will need to get their instruments used by government to restrict trade adhering to strict production methods in order to comply with the label award.
Canadian exporters may have to ensure that the concerned production methods comply with the labelling criteria prior to the EU.
For more information on the list of product groups involved in the Eco-labelling scheme. Environment Protection, Directive on Packaging and Packaging waste, sets out common waste recovery and recycling standards. Manufacturers and exporters should minimize the packaging of their products exported to the EU.
Italy, as well as all European countries, imposed a ban on the sale of animal-tested cosmetics in Products governed by these regulations must adhere to certain European standards at the point when they are imported. The "CE" sign of compliance must be on the product, either when the product is imported or when it is sold.
Generally a specialized laboratory known as a "competent agency" or "notified agency" must be used, including the following: The labelling requirements vary depending on the products, are complex and different from those in Canada. Some adaptation is nearly always necessary. The label should include information regarding origin, identity, quality, composition and conservation of the product. Here is a very useful link to the European Union Commission. On April 18, strict rules on GM labelling entered into force in Europe, extending the mandatory labelling to countless food products in the supermarkets.
Under the new rules, all foods that contain or consist of genetically modified organisms GMOsor are produced from GMOs will have to be labelled regardless of the presence of GM material in the final product.
Labels must be written in Italian and contain the list of all ingredients contained in the product and the expiry date of the product. Other particular features may be required for particular ingredients. This specific data can be sourced from local port of entries Veterinary and Sanitary Offices. Italy applies customs duties to all imported products.
Rates can vary considerably, depending on whether instruments used by government to restrict trade imported product is bulk unprocessed or ready for consumption in retail packages. The Commission develops and operates several databases in conjunction with Member States' Customs and Taxation Services. The databases are parts of the information systems instruments used by government to restrict trade Taxation and Customs Union. Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, through the Multilateral Market Access Division TMAoffers market access information like tariffs, taxes, rules of origin and some entry procedures to Canadian exporters.
Information can be obtained also by contacting TMA directly by phone atby fax ator by e-mail at TMA international. For further information regarding import regulations in Italy, please contact the Commercial Economic Section at the following e-mail address: If you wish to export your product to Italy and need to know the tax amount you have to pay for your exporting operations, please consult the following links: Importers of cosmetics must submit a list of each imported product ingredient to the administration.
In order exhibit any products during trade shows, an ATA Carnet may be acquired to facilitate temporary imports into Italy.
By presenting an ATA Carnet to Italian customs, products will pass import duty free and import tax free into Italy for up to one year. A Carnet will reduce costs to the exporter, eliminate value-added taxes VATduties, and the posting of security normally required at the time of importation. It would also simplify customs procedures and allow a temporary exporter to use a single document for all customs transactions, make arrangements for entry to many countries in advance, and do so at a predetermined cost.
Virtually all goods, personal and professional, including commercial samples and professional equipment, and goods intended for use at tradeshows and exhibitions are covered e. With the creation of the single market 1 Januaryveterinary checks on animal origin products and on live animals, carried out to protect the public health and animal health, are now carried out by the Authority in the Country of production and sale of the product or animals.
The EU country that receive animals or animal products coming from a country within the EU is allowed to proceed with non —discriminatory, random sample checks. Animals and animal origin products coming from outside the EU borders are instead subject to systematic checks before being allowed into EU territory.
Animal products must come from establishments approved by the EU. These include seafood, meat, meat-based instruments used by government to restrict trade and dairy products. Pet foods must come from factories approved by France. These products must be accompanied by appropriate sanitary certificates. Some products can be imported commercially only by approved operators, and include tobacco and alcoholic beverages.
Checks on vegetable products imported from countries outside EU borders are the responsibility of the State and are carried out by the Ministry of Health.
These Posts also carry out checks on additives, aromas, technological aids and materials destined to come into contact with foodstuffs. With exception of a small group of largely agricultural items, practically all goods originating in free-world countries can be instruments used by government to restrict trade without import licenses and free of quantitative restrictions. There are, however, monitoring measures applied to imports of certain sensitive products.
The most important of these measures is the automatic import license instruments used by government to restrict trade textiles. This license is granted instruments used by government to restrict trade Italian importers when they provide the necessary requisite forms.
Various apparel and textile products and controlled items such as arms and munitions are the most frequently regulated items.
Import instruments used by government to restrict trade are generally rapidly granted and delays are usually from lack of proper documentation or information. Licenses are not transferable. They may be used to cover several shipments within the total quantity authorized.
In general, the goods involved are indicated on the license by the Harmonized System classification number and the corresponding wording of the tariff position.
Please visit the Agenzia Delle Dogane for any other categories. Skip to main content Skip to secondary menu. For more information on the list of product groups involved in the Eco-labelling scheme Environment Protection, Directive on Packaging and Packaging waste, sets out common waste recovery and recycling standards.
Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market Trade marks and Designs General Overview Conformity to European standards and "CE" marking Products governed by these regulations must adhere to certain European standards at the point when they are imported. Since the list of products is growing, the following is merely indicative: Directives though are implemented differently in each Member State country.
Tariffs Italy applies customs duties to all imported products. For further information, please click on the following links: Taric Code Taric Description Use of the metric system: Temporary Imports In order exhibit any products during trade shows, an ATA Carnet may be acquired to facilitate temporary imports into Italy.
Importing Products Agricultural and Food Products With the creation of the single market 1 Januaryveterinary checks on animal origin products and on live animals, carried out to protect the public health and animal health, are now carried out by the Authority in the Country of production and sale of the product or animals.
Hazardous Products intrinsically hazardous products: Authorization may be required to import domestic or industrial wastes. Require an export permit, an import permit and final destination control. For more detailed information, please read the Export and Import Controls page.