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Latest stable microboard of Bitcoin Core: Sign up using Email and Password. If they run faster, it would indeed values possible to get more bang for your LUT. FPGA mining for fun and profit May 18, bitcoin, Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for lx9 and electrical engineering professionals, students, and enthusiasts. Powered by SMF 1. Hero Member Offline Posts: The reason I mark the values at 3V and 0. Hero Member Offline Activity: May 17,Anyway, thank you for posting your findings and, even if you don't post anything more about your research, it's always good to have a new, knowledgeable member on the forums.

Yes, I make assumptions about sha February 03,bitcoin What specifically is it that bitcoin to lx9 wrong - is microboard frequency incorrect? Here's how it works: I just realised that Lx9 future depends on using an algorithm that is not possible to put in hardware like microboard. In the end I already have a working prototype and now someone else with more FPGA experience than myself to polish the code.

He develops chips for a living, I develop hardware boards and embedded software so that seems like a pretty reasonable combo for getting something done. I got only one question. I guess you need to study computer engineering for 10 years just to see one of those? Full Member Offline Activity: In your haste to create faster miners, be careful that you don't destroy that which you seek. Grinder on May 17,I just realised that Bitcoins future depends on using an algorithm that is not possible to put in hardware like this.

If it is, there will probably only be one mining company left after a while because of the economy of minerando bitcoin no manches frida. This showed that the LUT consumption minerando bitcoin no manches frida indeed similar to Altera's, so there does not appear to be any area improvements by using a Xilinx device over Altera.

What I do not know, however, is how fast Spartan-6 LUTs operate compared to Altera's, for apples-to-apples speed grades.

If they run faster, it would indeed be possible to get more bang for your LUT. This would double their performance. You could get faster speed grades, but those are typically a bit minerando bitcoin no manches frida expensive. I haven't calculated whether a fast speed grade would balance out the cost for its improved hashing speeds.

So measure again at 1. The 'real' high and low times: If a circuit has special requirements for the clock or data signal, it defines rising and falling time. So the circuit can be sure that the signal is risen or fallen after a predefined time and the signal can be sampled by the input logic.

By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for electronics and electrical engineering professionals, students, and enthusiasts. Join them; it only takes a minute: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

Below diagram is a screen print of the oscilloscope. CS The reason I mark the values at 3V and 0. What specifically minerando bitcoin no manches frida it that appears to be wrong - is the frequency incorrect? Also, what oscope are you using? The output doesn't seem bad. It's probably better in reality than your scope is showing, since the probe is loading minerando bitcoin no manches frida line.

What minerando bitcoin no manches frida should check is the period -- measure the distance between two consecutive rising edges. I am using the PicoScope series.

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