Have your own robot solve a Rubik’s Cube

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This page includes a collection of questions, hints and tips intended to help you solve any problems you have with MindCuber. More will be added shortly. Please read the General Tips before looking at a specific section to ensure that the most likely causes are eliminated first.

If after using this information you are still unable to resolve the issue, please leave a message on the MindCuber facebook page or on one of the MindCuber videos on YouTube describing the problem and what you have tried to resolve it. This may seem obvious, but please nxt 2.0 mindcuber building instructions very carefully that MindCuber is built exactly as shown in the build instructions.

There are several places where mistakes can easily be made that are difficult to spot. Some of them cause unexpected problems during operation. If an earlier firmware version is installed, the Nxt 2.0 mindcuber building instructions program may not run correctly because it requires functions that were not available in earlier versions or because of memory limitations.

Check that the correct variant and nxt 2.0 mindcuber building instructions version of the executable program, MindCuber. If the wrong variant is used, the motors, in particular the turntable motor, will move incorrectly because the gear ratio is different between the two variants. The Rubik's Cube will not turn or tilt as required. The variant and version of the program are displayed on the NXT screen as soon as the program is run. When the MindCuber program is first run, the tilt arm and scan arm are moved automatically by the program to calibrate their positions.

The turntable motor must be aligned manually. Use the grey, left and right buttons on the NXT to carefully align the turntable motor when the program is running and waiting for a cube to be inserted. The motor should be aligned so that if the turntable is pushed gently by hand it will move sligtly and equally in each direction.

Please try new or fully charged batteries in the NXT as several people have reported problems that disappeared when they nxt 2.0 mindcuber building instructions the batteries. MindCuber attempts to scan up to three times to try to determine the colors of the scrambled cube. If it fails, it will report either "Cube error" or "Scan error" at the end of the three attempts and flash the color sensor blue or red respectively.

This indicates that the colors appear to be correct and in the right combination for the pieces expected on the puzzle. However, it suggests that the cube has been taken apart and put back together in a way that is impossible to solve only by turning faces. A cube will be impossible to solve normally if one corner piece or one edge piece has been twisted or if two pieces have been exchanged.

This can happen, for exampe if the cube is taken apart to adjust or lubricate it and put back together at random. If this message is displayed, nxt 2.0 mindcuber building instructions the cube apart and put it back together completly solved. The scramble it by turning the faces of the cube as normal and try scanning again. Scanning may be unreliable for a number of reasons including: The position of the color sensor is not as intended.

Nxt 2.0 mindcuber building instructions check the build instructions very carefully as some subtle problems with parts connected in slightly the wrong place can have a significant effect on reliability. The battery voltage is low. Please check try new or fully charged batteries. The color sensor needs to be calibrated for the lighting conditions. This is described below. The lighting conditions are unsuitable. The color sensor produces its own light and bright lights can interfere with it so please try in low lighting conditions away from direct, bright lights.

MindCuber is designed to work with the colors of a standard, Rubik's branded cube. It has been tested with a number of other cubes but expects one face with white stickers and the nxt 2.0 mindcuber building instructions to be yellow, red, orange, green and blue in any order. It has been tested successfully with several other cubes with varying levels of reliability. Note that if the cube has black stickers on one face instead of white, you can download and configure the program source code to expect this.

The color sensor is affected by a number of things such as lighting conditions and the color of the stickers on the cube. MindCuber Troubleshooting Tips Note: Contents General Tips Scanning 1. Several common mistakes are described in later sections. The Rubik's Cube will not turn or tilt as required The latest version also has improved color discrimination for the most reliable scan. The version is on the top line as "MindCuber v2. The variant is on the third line as "NXT 2. Scanning MindCuber attempts to scan up to three times to try to determine the colors of the scrambled cube.

It can be calibrated for specific conditions by performing the following: Solve the white face of the Rubik's Cube Stop the program Start the program nxt 2.0 mindcuber building instructions then immediately press the orange button again and hold it until the screen says "Calibrate white

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The good news is that people tend to make the same mistakes.