Robotics Competitions
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The video below shows the Rescue competition. Evan heads up the Robocup Junior Victorian Rescue team and has prepared the following report:. The RoboCupJunior Victoria season is proving to be the biggest yet, with the recently held Melbourne Regional and Ballarat Regional competitions highly successful. We had 70 teams participate in Rescue in the Melbourne Regional and 9 in Ballarat, with both days filled with excitement and most importantly, learning.
We strive to continually improve the RCJV competitions. If you have any feedback from the recent competitions, we would love to hear from you. My contact details are here. Teams continued to enjoy the high quality, consistent equipment, with many sets ordered during and after the competition. We have continued to improve the Rescue online scoring system and the ability for mentors, parents and students to view results in real time on their own devices has continued to prove popular.
The introduction of Riley Rover Rescue, another fantastic initiative is continuing to prove successful, with mentors reporting it has allow them to expand the number of students that are being exposed to RoboCupJunior. We are expecting nxt robot soccer world cup 2015 increased student base to increase the number and sophistication of entries in Primary, Secondary and in time, Open Rescue, as students have an achievable, beginner level competition to start their RoboCupJunior experience with.
With the Victoria State Competition in just one week, it is an excellent opportunity to pass on a few important messages to Rescue mentors in Victoria: This will occur as part of a workshop which Damien Kee will run during the State Championships. This workshop is an excellent stepping-stone to Primary Rescue or a starting point for beginners who would otherwise be competing in Secondary Rescue.
Participants must be of Primary or Secondary school age and would not have competed nxt robot soccer world cup 2015 Robocup Junior competitions in prior years. A RileyRover or similar robot will be needed, plus a laptop, programming software and a download cable. More information on the Riley Rover Nxt robot soccer world cup 2015 can be found here. To nxt robot soccer world cup 2015 mentors prepare their students for competition day, we have made the old rescue field plans available here. More will be published as we come to the nxt robot soccer world cup 2015 of the competition season.
The challenge nxt robot soccer world cup 2015 were only used in the final rounds of the competition. Here are some examples of what you can expect at the Victorian competition. We have tidied up the Robocup Rescue resources page on the Club Engineer website to make the online lectures, rules, build instructions and rescue field hints easier to find. We have also given the page an easy to remember name which can be written on the whiteboard when instructing a class:.
In the series, historian Ruth Goodman and archaeologists Peter Ginn and Tom Pinfold turn the clock back to learn the secrets of medieval castle building at Guedelon, in the Burgundy region of France, where a castle is being built from scratch using only the tools and modern materials of the 13th century.
The construction of a 13th century may not seem like the usual topic for Club Engineer news, however a well build castle used the leading-edge technology of it's time.
Success or failure of its construction could determine the life or death of a community. The Robot Soccer World Championship involves fully autonomous robots, with no remote control, competing against each other in 5-on-5 soccer. Each team uses the same robots, so the competition is focused on software and artificial intelligence AI development, not on hardware construction. The final was a nail-biting nxt robot soccer world cup 2015 locked at with less than three minutes remaining.
Both teams had strong strategies and well-tested code, but in the end, our speed proved too fast for the Germans to keep up with. Read the full article in The Conversation here. Watch the game here. Read about the standard NAO robots that are coded by the teams here. Watch a video about NAO here. Last August, Facebook partnered with leading technology companies nxt robot soccer world cup 2015 launch Internet.
Connecting the world is one of the fundamental challenges of our time. They get to participate in the knowledge economy. Only 1 out of every 3 people can go online. Why aren't more people connected? Mark Zuckerberg says that together we can remove these barriers and give the unconnected majority of the world the power to connect.
Watch the video here. Making the internet available to every person on earth is a goal too large and too important for any one company, group or government to solve alone. Everyone participating in Internet. The Connectivity Lab at Facebook is developing ways to make affordable internet access possible in communities around the world.
The team is exploring a variety of technologies, including high-altitude long-endurance planes, satellites and lasers.
There is no water tower in Riley Rover Rescue for ; Rescue will be running as a morning Riley Rover and Primary and afternoon Secondary and Open session again; Teams in Secondary and Open Rescue will only receive the 10 points for exiting the chemical spill once the robot has clearly reacquired the nxt robot soccer world cup 2015 after exiting; Schools with multiple entries in the one division may be asked to reduce their number of entries and bring teams that are best prepared for RoboCupJunior competitions; To help prepare your teams, we have provided some course layouts used at past RCJV competitions.
Rescue Field Ideas To help mentors prepare their students for competition day, we have made the old rescue field plans available here. Robocup Rescue Resources We have tidied up the Robocup Rescue resources page on the Club Engineer website to make the online lectures, rules, build instructions and nxt robot soccer world cup 2015 field hints easier to find.
We have also given the page an easy to remember name which can be written on the whiteboard when instructing a class: Devices are too expensive. Service plans are too expensive. Mobile networks are few and far between. Content isn't available in the local language. People aren't sure what value the internet will bring.
Power sources are limited or costly Networks can't support large amounts of data. Watch the video here Making the internet available to every person on earth is a goal too large and too important for any one company, group or government to solve alone.
Watch the video here The Connectivity Lab at Facebook is developing ways to make affordable internet access possible in communities around the world.