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Here at Circle, we're reviewing every aspect of the Poloniex user experience with a fine-tooth comb. There is one very obvious low-hanging fruit that's ripe for improvement: The world has changed a lot since then — particularly when it comes to cryptocurrency prices! Trading fee tiers will be based on day volume in US Dollars, not Bitcoin. While we poloniex fees books a crypto-only exchange for now, calibrating pricing in a currency as volatile as Bitcoin can lead to confusion and inconsistency for users.
We want you to have reasonable expectations for the fees you will pay based on how much you trade, regardless of drastic movements in currency prices. Going forward, we will be calculating your rolling day trading volume based on the daily average of the BTC-USD rate found here. We are lowering trading fees across the board. Exchange users have come to expect poloniex fees books competitive pricing in the past year, with an influx of liquidity and players in the space.
To bring our pricing more in line with the market standard, we're lowering our starting taker fee to 0. We are lowering volume thresholds for fee discounts.
Poloniex fees books reward more of our user base for high levels of trading activity, we'll be lowering the day volume thresholds required to access fee discounts.
Our old fee scheme is detailed here. If you have any questions or feedback, we'd love to hear it! You can reach out to our customer experience team here. We've detected that you're using a small display.
Exchange Margin Trading Lending. Sign in or Create an Account to start trading. May 01, Coming May To correct this we'll be rolling out three changes, effective on Poloniex fees books 15, As of May 15, our fees will move to this schedule: Maker Taker Trade Volume trailing 30 day avg 0.
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