Miner bitcoin mac

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As with the HashBuster Micro before it, the Twinfury is currently only supported by bfgminer. So, the first step is to install bfgminer red fury bitcoin miners mac OS X.

The most full-proof method is to use Homebrew:. It is important that you use the --HEAD argument two dashes prefix until bfgminer 3. This will install the miner using the latest source from Github which includes some fixes for Twinfury on OS X.

After red fury bitcoin miners mac is installed you can use the -d? Once the Twinfury stick is detected you can start bfgminer using the -o, -u and -p arguments to begin mining:. The red-and-green color scheme above is thanks red fury bitcoin miners mac a small Christmas-themed update released by the bfgminer author just prior to the holidays. If you have any questions feel free to post them in the comments below or on this thread at the Bitcoin Talk forums.

How do I overclock these? I got a great deal on 20 of them at http: Hello Nate, Thanks a lot for your precious blog: Soon should arrive also 4 Antminer, and I would like to know if I can use them together with Twinfury. Thanks a lot for your attention. Your email address will not be published. You may use these HTML tags and attributes: Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. The most full-proof method is to use Homebrew: Detection After bfgminer is installed you can use the -d?

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There are several ways to go about this, from compiling them yourself , to using Homebrew , to downloading precompiled binaries. There is a thread here on the Bitcoin Talk forums which discusses various ways to install cgminer and bfgminer on Mac OS X. One of the more full-proof methods is to use Homebrew:. And, as with the Block Erupters, cgminer will fail to detect the BF1 Fury stick unless that same kernel extension is unloaded.

Unlike with the Block Erupter there is no driver or software to download. When using cgminer that driver kernel extension must be unloaded. To load the required Apple drivers if you intend to use bfgminer execute the following commands:. Once you have the proper Bitcoin mining software installed and the kernel extensions loaded or unloaded , you can use the -d? Once the BF1 Blue Fury or Red Fury is detected you can fire up your chosen miner using the -o, -u and -p arguments to start hashing away:.

Feel free to leave any questions below or on this thread on the Bitcoin Talk forums. Great question and I wish I had a good answer. Judging by the number of accepted shares I get and the utility I get, it seems to be right: But yes I get HW errors like crazy.

I asked the author of bfgminer and he indicated he has issues with his own bigpic BF1 device too. Only after unloading the drivers, plug it again.

With a total A: I read my HW should be 0 but mine is increasing all the time, any advice would be great? No advice to give — you are doing great! I am currently running cgminer wit 3 Block Erupters und 1 Bitfury.

To avoid the HW errors of the Bitfury I use cgminer built with the bitfury option. Everything works all right so far but, as I have to restart my server which the asics are connected to once a day, I have to unload the. I followed the tutorial. I plugged my RedFury back on my iMac.

I am completely new to this, thought I would check out the hardware and mining in general. I am stuck between driver installation and detection. I went through all the steps up to that point, but how do I install bfgminer? I thought I had using the homebrew command but when I enter this next step: I might be in a little over my head, thanks…. It will tell you no such directory. Then add the miners and then re enter the code while the antminers are in.

Your email address will not be published. You may use these HTML tags and attributes: Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. One of the more full-proof methods is to use Homebrew: To load the required Apple drivers if you intend to use bfgminer execute the following commands: Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.