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Yes, it still has the first mover advantage and it still benefits from the unknown identity of its elusive founder, Satoshi Nakamoto. But its underlying technology needs to be upgraded. For a multitude of reasons best described as politics , this hasn't happened in years, and there's little hope that the situation will change in the near future. Can Bitcoin's problems be fixed? Well, they already have been, only not on Bitcoin's blockchain. Ethereum, Bitcoin's closest competitor in terms of market cap, is a platform for decentralized apps.

It's had its own problems with network congestion and slowdowns, but there are currently thousands of apps actually running on top of it, and the number of transactions on its blockchain recently surpassed one million per day — more than double than Bitcoin on its best day.

Could Bitcoin one day stop being the dominant cryptocurrency? Well, it already almost happened once. And new projects such as EOS , Cardano and NEO claim they've gotten even further, with their networks allowing for far more transactions per second than both Bitcoin and Ethereum though none of them have been tested in the real world the way Bitcoin and Ethereum have.

With all these newcomers claiming they're better than Bitcoin, it may appear that the original cryptocurrency is destined for oblivion. Bitcoin maximalists and devotees will say that for Bitcoin, slow and steady development is a good thing, and with hundreds of billions on the line, they may be right. And development, while glacially slow, is happening. Several groups of experts are working on Lightning Network, a system that would make Bitcoin transactions orders of magnitude faster.

The underlying protocol recently reached version 1. Still, Bitcoin needs to move forward. The world of cryptocurrencies is a completely new market that doesn't adhere to rules that apply to other markets, but I don't recall a case where a disruptive first mover came ahead by being slower than everyone else. Whatever happens, Bitcoin does have a future. Its technology, however outdated, has worked without major screwups for nine years, and it will likely continue to work for a long time — perhaps as long as there are computers to mine it.

Development might pick up speed in the future. Long-Term Capital Management rev 2. Taleb has written extensively on the errors of this general approach.

Interesting how people are attracted to the idea of getting money without producing anything of value. If you give me the ton of money that those guys got to produce such a crappy paper, I will debunk it and explain everything that is wrong with this They would have done better to simply buy at the start and sell at the end. This is all over fitted. These sort of papers are worth less than the paper to print them.

It is a shame that prestigious institutions such as MIT allow to publish such a rubbish. I am in the business of automated trading since years and papers showing such results are seldom reproducible. Authors claiming such a performance should either a provide access to code and data to make their experiments reproducible after all this is science , or b stop working in academia and start their hedge fund. Those not acting according to a or b are charlatans, see http: Note that someone tried to reproduce the results of the paper here: The heavy math needs the manually picked-up clusters to work In search of novel proteins Networking to foster new ideas Biologists discover function of gene linked to familial ALS Featured video: Scootah hockey, the silly sport of Simmons Hall Knight Science Journalism Program at MIT announces class of fellows Addressing bias, inequality, and accessibility in breastfeeding.

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Courtesy of the researchers. Comments Kenneth October 21, How do I give you my money? And how will it get it back if it is a success? YOP October 21, Dominik Z October 21, I'm happy to give you my money to invest haha. Johnathan James October 21, Marcus Walker October 21, Kevin October 21, Dave Wu October 21, Coinspring October 22, Were exactly do you get data from "all major Bitcoin exchanges, every second for five months"?

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