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The Register - Independent news and views for the tech community. Part of Situation Publishing. Join our daily or weekly newsletters, subscribe to a specific section or set News alerts. The Register uses cookies. But I did log in to the portal, Dave. Blame everything on 'computer error' — no one will contradict you If you're a Fedora fanboi, this latest release might break your heart a little Microsoft's latest Windows 10 update downs Chrome, Cortana LLVM contributor hits breakpoint, quits citing inclusivity intolerance.

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Geek's Guide Put Nov. Hopefully Pentagon in uproar: Boffins think they've found the evidence. Now for some security headaches Silicon can now reconfigure itself with just a jolt of electricity day drone flights? You are like a little baby. How about a full YEAR? Verity Stob Mystery crapper comes a cropper The steaks have never been higher: Swiss Lidl is selling local cannabis Texas residents start naming adopted drains No top-ups, please, I'm a millennial: Lightweight yoof shunning booze like never before.

Thomas Claburn Contact Follow. Apple's recently revised file system, APFS, may lose data under specific circumstances, a maker of macOS backup software is warning. In a blog post on Thursday, Mike Bombich, creator of Carbon Copy Cloner, says that APFS sparse disk images fail to accurately track available free space, thereby allowing storage operations to …. Thomas Claburn, 16 Feb Yet again an insider has been caught misusing a workplace computer system to conduct identity theft and fraud.

And rather than turning to the …. Thomas Bitcoin creator home searched in revere, 15 Feb Apple last month fixed a flaw in macOS and iOS that allowed a text message to crash its chat software CVE — and now it has the opportunity to do so again.

Various macOS, iOS, and watchOS apps that rely on Apples's text-rending code can be crashed when sent a message containing a symbol composed of characters used …. When details of the Meltdown and Spectre CPU security vulnerabilities emerged last month, the researchers involved hinted that further exploits may be developed beyond the early proof-of-concept examples.

It didn't take long. Bitcoin creator home searched in revere a research paper — "MeltdownPrime and SpectrePrime: Automatically-Synthesized Attacks Exploiting …. Thomas Claburn, 14 Feb Starting tomorrow, Google, which makes most of its money from online advertising, will begin blocking egregious ads in its Chrome browser under limited circumstances bitcoin creator home searched in revere though it would really rather not.

The reason, explained Chrome veep Rahul Roy-Chowdhury in a blog post on Tuesday, is that some ads suck. Bitcoin creator home searched in revere last year axed its scanning of Gmail messages after years of withering privacy criticism, Google has decided to court controversy again in this area.

In a blog post on Tuesday, Gmail product manager Aakash Sahney announced …. Thomas Claburn, 13 Feb Bit boffins from universities in China and the US have devised a way to tamper with deep learning models so they produce misleading results.

In a paper posted to pre-print service ArXiv, "PoTrojan: Apple's fruitless attempts to remove its leaked iBoot source code from the internet have escalated into requests to have community code site GitHub disable all downstream forks made from identified infringing repositories.

Analysis The sudden departure of a developer from GitHub, along with the Go code packages he maintained, has underscored a potential security issue with the way some developers rely on code distributed through the community site.

The individual identifying himself bitcoin creator home searched in revere Jim Teeuwen, who maintained GitHub repository for a tool called go- …. Thomas Claburn, 10 Feb Unable to convince Oracle to allow the use of its trademarked term "Java" to refer to the open source version of Java Enterprise Edition Java EEthe Eclipse Foundation is asking those who care about such things to vote on proposed names for the software project.

Last summer, Oracle said it had begun working with the Eclipse …. Thomas Claburn, 9 Feb The organization overseeing container juggling system Kubernetes has decided to befriend a storage project. Having defeated a defamation claim for speculating that using Grsecurity's Linux kernel hardening code may expose you to legal risk under the terms of the GPLv2 license, Bruce Perens is back in court.

Thomas Claburn, 8 Feb Sites that secure their content get a boost over websites that used plain-old boring insecure HTTP. In a "carrot and stick" model, that's bitcoin creator home searched in revere carrot: Analysis Remember when Uber tried to cover up the fact its AWS datastore containing records on 57 million riders and drivers had been hacked?

Certainly not shocked US lawmakers, who held a hearing in …. Thirteen out of 36 individuals indicted bitcoin creator home searched in revere their alleged involvement in bitcoin creator home searched in revere transnational cybercrime group know as Infraud have been arrested, the US Department of Justice announced on Wednesday.

The Infraud Organization, according bitcoin creator home searched in revere prosecutors, coordinated various flavors of internet fraud including identity theft, bank …. Google's mobile telecom service Project Fi is billing customers for internet data delivered over home and public Wi-Fi networks, according to a lawsuit filed in the US on Monday.

The claim, submitted to a San Jose district court in northern California, alleged that Google is charging Project Fi subscribers for data it doesn't …. Thomas Claburn, 7 Feb It turns out bullshitting your way to fame and fortune is illegal in California's playground of tech startups, rather than a viable business model. The former CEO and founder of defunct Silicon Valley upstart WrkRiot has bitcoin creator home searched in revere guilty to defrauding and lying to bitcoin creator home searched in revere firm's former employees.

Isaac Choi, 36, on Monday …. Thomas Claburn, 6 Feb While the world worries about savvy computers taking people's jobs, it may want to focus bitcoin creator home searched in revere on how to retrain its men, who are evidently ill-equipped for work that's increasingly social.

Analysis Technology platform companies depend on third-party developers to such an extent that former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer famously turned his company's codependence into a mantra, repeating "Developers! Thomas Claburn, 5 Feb Feature Twenty years ago, the Open Source Definition OSD was published, providing a framework for the most significant trend in software development since then, and building upon Richard Stallman's prior advocacy for "free software.

Thomas Claburn, 3 Feb The earnings were revealed on Thursday, and lifted the book-selling, server- …. Thomas Claburn, 2 Feb Despite its astonishing reputation for obliterating HR policy, resisting transit regulations and bending other laws, taxi scourge Uber is rather keen to keep its code clean and ensure it follows the rules.

Developers working for the ride app biz have created a software analysis tool called NEAL to enforce code quality, and …. Thomas Claburn, 1 Feb Python code has emerged that automatically searches for vulnerable devices online using Shodan.

You set this script running, it crawls the internet looking for machines that are possibly vulnerable to attack — typically due to …. Thomas Claburn, 31 Jan Most read Cambridge Analytica dismantled for good? It just changed its name to Emerdata Democrats need just one more senator and then a miracle to reverse US net neutrality death Take-off crash 'n' burn didn't kill the Concorde, it was just too bloody expensive to maintain Microsoft's latest Windows 10 update downs Chrome, Cortana Exclusive to all press: Atari launches world's best ever games console.

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