Blockchain transaction visualization photography

Recap from the last post on CBFT - This is a follow up article to the last post about cross border funds transfer using blockchain. In this article we will explore an implementation based on Fabric, the next blockchain transaction visualization photography will have the same solution but implemented on Corda. T his article is not about any cryptocurrency or its blockchain transaction visualization photography for payments.

This is not the case with bitcoin and alt coins where the network is "public" and is free for all! Hyperledger Fabric is a permissioned blockchain platform contributed by IBM and provides plug-and-play modular blockchain components. You can blockchain transaction visualization photography the commit history visualization of fabric project.

Fabric runs chaincode which is comparable to Ethereum's smart contracts. The consensus protocol is pluggable. Nodes Hyperledger Fabric has three types of Nodes: Client Peer and Orderer. Clients are the end-user facing nodes.

Hyperledger Fabric architecture provides multiple interfaces to the blockchain. Users which may blockchain transaction visualization photography application software send transaction requests to the Hyperledger Fabric network using these interfaces via a client node. Peer Peers maintain the state of the ledger by executing chaincode and participating in consensus formation.

Smart contracts are central to blockchain networks as they dictate the rules of the "card" game that is the blockchain network. A Peer does not create new blocks but it validates blocks and transactions.

It provides a shared communication channel to clients and peers. Ledger is maintained and validated blockchain transaction visualization photography the Peers.

The ledger includes the history of all transactions. This can be used to reconstruct the world state aka state database. MSPs provisions peers on blockchain network. Channels A channel includes only the transactions made in that channel.

Channels also play an important role in ensuring privacy by restricting read access to authorised signatories. And, channels provide a means to control deployment of chain code. You can find here a critical view of channels and a discussion about it.

A channel is a logical grouping of selected peers in the blockchain network. A channel allows peers associated with that channel to see each other's transactions, but peers outside the channel cannot see these transactions. It provides a level of transaction privacy and security among the peers. Each channel could have same or different chaincode instantiated, based on business needs. Chain code Chaincode is Blockchain transaction visualization photography Fabric's implementation of smart contracts.

At the protocol level, chaincode is the compiled form of smart contracts that run on Hyperledger Fabric networks. The most supported high-level language is currently Go. Therefore, Go is used in this illustration. Genesis Block is the first block in the blockchain.

This block contains information about members and policies. Blockchain's initial network setup generates it. Transaction Flow Let's see how nodes work together to execute a transaction. For now, let's assume that the chaincode is already installed on the Peers.

For our payment network, we will setup peers, one orderer service, CA authority service for certificate issuance and verification and one channel on which our peers will communicate. The initial setup of the network is populated with:.

Three representative banks Each one with the domicile country's currency reserves. These reserves are required because one of the competitive blockchain transaction visualization photography we have considered is for banks to provide liquidity and thus manage risk. Each bank also has customer accounts. When customers make payments to other customers, it is assumed that the blockchain transaction visualization photography will originate in the domiciled currency.

During the setup, forex pairs are populated. This is for the demo purposes only since the forex will be ideally retrieved in real time and perhaps can be provided as an input to the smart contract by the clients or through a forex backend of the banks. We are setting up only one channel and all blockchain transaction visualization photography banks in the network will subscribe to it.

In real scenarios, consider setting up separate channels among group of banks to protect privacy of transactions for competitive purposes. Blockchain explorer provides an interface to look at the overall network. The explorer is accessible through a web browser and updates in real-time when transactions are invoked on the ledger, as shown below. Blockchain transaction visualization photography a high level, package has all the modules and sources to install components.

Below is the link to the video to setup and explore the app. Channels- multiple channels can be setup between banks for privacy and competitive reasons rather than all banks sharing the same channel. Membership service providers MSP can be plug and play rather than out of box, as could be the state database. Or another option is to use a regulated crypto if they ever become a reality. Identity solution can be a plug-in with a third party solution for e.

Corda provides a permissioned blockchain and will be a good platform to explore as next implementation of CBFT. Transaction requests are proposed by a client. The client must be connected to the required number of peers according to the endorsement policy.

A proposed Transaction is forwarded to Peers for Endorsement. Each endorsing peer simulates blockchain transaction visualization photography validates the transaction. Peers reply with their Endorsement and certificate if they agree that the transaction is permitted. The client receives results from different Peers and can thus verify agreement among the Peers.

Upon verification, the client forwards the transaction to the OS. Determining a well-ordered sequence of transactions is the task of the Ordering Service OS.

The OS generates transaction blocks containing validated transactions in the order they are deemed to have occurred, writes them to the ledger and then broadcasts them to all peers that a new set of blocks are now available on the ledger.

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