Deep web the untold story of bitcoin and silkroad online

There's a shadowy corner of the Internet where real names give way to aliases, and ". In this space, privacy and anonymity are dogma, and government-imposed laws draw scoffs more than reverence. The "deep web," as it's known, is where users ranging from do-gooders to cybercriminals employ deep web the untold story of bitcoin and silkroad online technology to mask their identities and interact with others around the globe.

As you might expect, not many camera crews are allowed meaningful inside access to this world. Despite these challenges, director and producer Alex Winter said he is shooting interviews for a feature-length documentary he plans to call Deep Web: More recently, Winter directed Downloadeda documentary on Napster and the advent of digital file sharing, which debuted in March at South by Southwest.

Zipper's feature Undefeated won an Academy Award for best documentary. The film, as with most any documentary, will likely hinge on the quality of the sources. Winter said it was too early in the process to tip his hand on who it will feature, but he called them the "core players. Winter became interested in this topic in with the release of Bitcointhe digital cryptocurrency many on the deep web use in financial transactions.

Bitcoin has become increasingly valuable since its release, deep web the untold story of bitcoin and silkroad online it's currently trading at all-time highs. As advocates for the currency try to push it into the mainstream, Congress is trying to figure out how to handle the challenges Bitcoin presents from a legal perspective. Though it's not foolproof, Bitcoin allows for relative anonymity. The film will likely feature another trademark dark web software called Tor, which stands for "the onion router.

At their best, deep web users have created a safe space to facilitate free expression and political dissent for those under oppressive governments. On the other end of the spectrum, the deep web harbors child pornography, a crowdsourcing site for assassinations and other criminal enterprises. Silk Road is perhaps the most famous deep web black market to date.

About a month later, a new Silk Road launchedmade to look exactly like deep web the untold story of bitcoin and silkroad online original. Though Silk Road is in the title of Winter's documentary, he stressed that the film is not solely about Silk Road.

Indeed, there are many other online black markets on the deep web, but Silk Road has become emblematic because of its size and the significant attention it has received since the FBI takedown and subsequent re-launch. Winter and his team launched a crowdfunding effort on Kickstarter for the film Wednesday, though not out of financial necessity. He said the goal of the campaign is to build a strong community of people to be invested and involved throughout the filmmaking process.

This is meant to mirror what will be one of the deep web film's main themes: Though don't expect the product anytime soon; Winter has yet to set a targeted release date. We're using cookies to improve your experience. Click Here to find out more. Entertainment Like Follow Follow.

First known to the world as Bill S. The Untold Story of Bitcoin and The Silk Roadit looks at the mysterious rise of Bitcoinits future, and its role in online black markets. I started looking into this when I started looking at the Napster story, in It sort of had the capability to be the next big disruption since Napster.

You got your chocolate in my peanut butter, you got your peanut butter in my chocolate. Once people started connecting Tor and Bitcoin, then everything was off to the races.

A whole ton of stuff started happening, both in the sort of mainstream legitimate sector, and obviously in the black market and the rise of the silk road. In my mind, the only thing that makes [the Silk Road] significant or new is that it was very effectively marrying Tor with Bitcoin. First they think of the Deep web the untold story of bitcoin and silkroad online Road, then they think of heinous activity like child porn and contract killings.

Everybody was focused on the idea of piracy and music file sharing, and not at all on the rise of this massive global community which had never existed before. How do you make a narrative out of such a deep web the untold story of bitcoin and silkroad online subject, especially if you are shying away from the shiny objects?

I did this with Downloadedwhich focused on this one company having vast implications. I did that with downloaded; I had to leave out an enormous amount of information. Bitcoin seems constantly in flux.

How do you characterize something that seems to change so rapidly in a film? There are a million different perspectives on what it is. Even when I made the movie, it was funny to me because, 11 years after the fact, people are still arguing over what Napster was. Everyone has a very heartfelt, vehement idea about what it means.

I think Bitcoin is very much the same way. I have strong feelings for Napster and I think it matters that it was crushed, but culturally, its significance was felt whether or not it survived. I had people completely disagree with me. You can probably put two and two together yourself. Did you figure out who Satoshi [Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin] is?

That would be a coup. I think this whole way of trying to connect Ulbricht and the Silk Road and Bitcoin and the Deep Web and Satoshi, together in one neat little bundle, is dangerous and horribly inaccurate. The more we can examine the grey, the more productive it is moving forward. A former senior politics reporter for the Daily Dot, Kevin Collier focuses on privacy, cybersecurity, and issues of importance to the open internet. Since leaving the Daily Dot in Marchhe has served as a reporter for Vocativ and a cybersecurity correspondent for BuzzFeed.

Company police use to track cell phones across America hacked David Gilmour — May What is its cultural significance? Kevin Collier A former senior politics reporter for the Daily Dot, Kevin Collier focuses on privacy, cybersecurity, and issues of importance to deep web the untold story of bitcoin and silkroad online open internet.

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