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This callback method is called when an image was loaded and passed the default input validation methods. This setup makes it possible to do custom validation. For instance, the validation rule below checks if the dropped image contains "warm" enough colors. Dropping images with mostly blue, green or purple tones will result in an error. This callback method is called after the image has just been transformed cropped or otherwise updated.

The only passed parameter contains the current crop state. Slim sends the following two parameters along: The data parameter contains the current crop state. The ready parameter is a function that when called will let Slim continue working with the given data. When calling the ready method you need to pass the altered or original crop state object along like this ready data.

You could for example use this method to add watermarks to images, or mask images, like shown in the demo below. Similar to the data-will-transform attribute, but data-will-save is only used just before saving the crop information and does not contain the original canvas elements but instead contains base64 formatted information.

Keep in mind that, as with the data-will-transform function, this function also relies on you calling the ready callback and returning the crop state object to Slim. When adding custom properties to the crop state object, make sure they are all contained in a parent property called meta as other properties will be cleaned up by the Slim PHP script.

Called after the current crop object was saved. Receives the crop state object as it's only parameter. Callback function that gets called when Slim uploads a file and the server returns with a success or failure. If something went wrong the error parameter contains the error information returned from the server. By default Slim will render the "unknown error" response if the server triggers an error if the status property in the response object equals 'failure'.

If you want more fine control over what server error you show you can use this callback method. The error returned in the callback is the error message Slim will show in the visual status message.

A callback method that can be used to block the actual removal of the image. This allows you to setup a "please confirm image removal" message.

A callback method that can be used to add additional request headers to the upload XMLHttpRequest object. A callback method that can be used to add additional request headers to the fetch XMLHttpRequest object. A callback method that can be used to add additional request headers to the load local image XMLHttpRequest object.

Want to go Vanilla? No problem at all. If you want to destroy a cropper that was initialised automatically or by using the parse method you can use the destroy method on the Slim Class itself. Do manual crop, please keep in mind that this method does not check if the input matches the required ratio or image size. As the default slim field name "Slim[]" allows to upload multiple images under the same name the PHP script assumes it receives an array of images.

Store the image on your server with the saveFile method ready to use examples of this are included in the package. All the information of the original image can be accessed through the image object returned by the getImages method. By default the saveFile method stores the image in the "tmp" folder. If you want to store images in a different folder you can pass the folder name along as the third parameter to the store method.

The saveFile method returns a file object. This object contains the name of the file and the file path. The name of the file will be different from the name of the image as the original image name is prepended with a unique id before saving.

If you want to add custom data to the Slim object you have to use the meta property. Using the data-meta attribute or option property you can set static values in String format only. For example setting data-meta-user-id to wil result in the following additional object being sent to the server. You can now access the metadata on the server as you would any other object, see the code snippet below.

If you need to add metadata in a certain format say Number or Boolean you can add it in the willSave phase. See the example below where we send a timestamp to the server in Number format. By submitting the form below you can view the metadata in the table rendered by the post. If you're planning to send the cropped data to your server using AJAX, add the data-service attribute and supply it with the url to the API endpoint.

If you don't set the data-service attribute Slim will store the data in a automatically created hidden input field named "slim[]". If you add a hidden input field yourself, Slim will use that field.

When using AJAX Slim will store the server response in the hidden input field so after a form submit you know which file was uploaded last.

You can change the default name of the automatically created input using the defaultInputName property or the data-default-input-name attribute. In both situations Slim will prevent the original file input from posting so data is not sent to the server twice. By default the Slim landing areas do not have rounded corners.

Adding the following CSS rule will make them nice and round immidiately. If circular buttons are not your thing, you can turn the Slim edit buttons into squares using the following snippet. The default overlay is dark, you can turn it around to the bright side using the following CSS snippet. By default Slim features SVG icons. If you want to use an icon font use the following snippet. This example replaces the icon of the edit button with the Font Awesome Cog icon.

The default buttons are black with a white icon. You can quickly make this white with a black icon by using the invert filter. Slim ships with React, Angular 1. These wrappers function as a basic gateway with the single purpose of binding Slim to the supplied node and handling callbacks.

React has a custom component syntax. We use the Slim element instead of a class and instead of the data attributes we pass the JavaScript options directly like shown in the example below. The Slim directive binds on the "slim" tag, you can add the exact same HTML attributes as in the other code examples. What are you waiting for? Your users will be cropping and rotating images in no time.

Also available for WordPress. Buy Slim Image Cropper Now. What Our Customers Say One of the best downloads I ever made on CodeCanyon. Design is top notch. The customer support is excellent. Great, easy to use plugin for image upload and cropping.

Sleek design that will fit the look and feel of any modern website. Had some issues with implementing into a complicated AJAX form and the customer support was superb! Does the job as promised. Had some server-side problems setting it up, but the support was pure gold. Even got some extra coding help. Let's take a look and see why Slim Image Cropper is super awesome! Attribute Description data-ratio What ratio should the crop be in, default ratios are all supported " Set the value to "input" to force the input image ratio.

An example code snippet passing custom options in JavaScript. The options object is identical. In jQuery we can just pass the parent selector to the jQuery method. The API exposes a destroy method. If you're using jQuery creating and destroying croppers can be done with a single destroy call.

Create a new Slim Cropper. React React has a custom component syntax. Angular Angular is a tiny bit different. Options are passed to the Slim module as an object. This code is compatible with Angular 2 and up. When using Angular CLI you'll have to make some changes to the configuration files.

A snippet showing how to use Slim with Bootstrap. An example of Slim being used in a Foundation form. The default value is "free". Determine the target size of the resulting image. By default Slim does not resize the output image. Determine minimum size of the crop in pixels For example "," will make sure the cropped image is at least pixels by pixels big.

Determine the forced output size of the resulting image. For example "," will scale the image to fit those dimensions. Set to "false" to allow output images to be smaller than required input. By default Slim does not sharpen images. While there are few mainstream commercial applications, the currency has gained traction as an Internet tipping system, in which social media users grant Dogecoin tips to other users for providing interesting or noteworthy content.

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