Green city challenge nxt robot

Sam and Tom joined the catcher and the pushing device — this was an excellent design feature as it kept the two aligned. Nice bit of robotic suspension boys!!! My robot has a touch sensor, light sensor and green city challenge nxt robot sensor.

There is a sweeping heading that moves to collect the plug wherever it is positioned and then sweeps again to find the hole in the dam.

All students across the stage attempted to plug the dam with the large bung, release and capture the energy brick and return it to base. However, the children of GEPS, were not allowed to rest there. In class we revisited videos of their first attempts and using their superior problem solving skills we brainstormed new and better designs and programs. This time the student had to use a sensor, build a capture device to retrieve the energy brick and this time only use a limited set of resources.

The students engaged readily in this problem solving activity and produced some excellent results. The robot started from the base area, moved to the factory and picked up the white chimeny stack and knocked down the black one.

This released the energy brick which rolled out and was caught in a tray. The robot then returned to the base area. This involved knocking down the old black chimney and raising the new white one. The process released the energy brick which needed to go back to base. Green city challenge nxt robot schools have completed the Green City Challenge and here green city challenge nxt robot some of the videos which I have carefully checked from the inter net. Have a watch if you are interested.

Raising solar panel onto roof. Deploying the new smokestack the hard way. All challenges at level 1. Thanks for calling by. Their success was founded on the great design features they incorporated into their robot.

Dear Bloggers, Have a look at the video below to see my Level 3 answer to closing the dam. See for yourself below. My robot had different attachments: Level 1 side on. Light sensor for all levels. Level 3 side on. The photos and videos tell the story. Please have a green city challenge nxt robot. Dear Bloggers, Have a look at the video below to see who and how!!!! Dear Bloggers, Other schools have completed the Green City Challenge and here are some of the videos which I have carefully checked from the inter net.

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They forced me into removing one of the most wanted features: Trading. People learn more effectively on the mistakes they green city challenge nxt robot rather than on the mistakes made by other people.

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