Is binary options trading bot a scam

These tend to fall into two categories. The first is where you are called out of the blue and invited to sign up to a particular platform.

Reputable brokers do not need to make cold calls. You should always be clear about who you are dealing with. A good broker will be upfront about its identity from the outset.

On occasion large accounts will be wiped out in hours. Always take responsibility for your own trades. Never allow a broker to make trading decisions for you. There has to be a fair and transparent benchmark against which the broker sets its prices.

If the broker reserves the right to set its own prices, you can assume that those figures will be skewed against you; in other words, a loaded deck. The brokers listed below have generated a lot of complaints both directly and on the forum. The disputes vary from upselling and encouraging traders to over trade, to non-payment of withdrawals and price manipulation.

If in doubt, trade elsewhere. There are plenty of honest brokers out there. These signal providers, or robot services, are either scams or not recommended for other important reasons. Beware of scams operating on social media.

Again, binaries are not a get rich quick scheme. If these claims were true, the people behind them would not need to be running ads or signing people up — they would simply trade themselves. Screenshots of successful trades are exceptionally easy to get — even genuinely. But these operators are unlikely to even bother trading — once you send them money, it is gone and you will not hear from them again unless they think they can get you to deposit more.

Always select your own broker, and always take responsibility for your own trades — dont let someone else trade on your behalf. If you do not understand binary options, or do not have time to trade — then do not trade at all.

These scams often prey on people who lack experience. If that happens, what do you do? Do you sit back and take it? Do you give up on trading? No, you need to stand tall and look out for yourself. They help claimants to explain the incident to the bank or credit card company, so that they fully understand what has happened.

Some banks are unaware of binary trading and are unwilling to listen to claims. MyChargeBack help in this situation. They have a solid record of recovery from genuine claims. The internet is loaded with ads, articles, companies and individuals trying to provide you with the next big trading strategy that will make you rich overnight. Take pause my friend, here are tips to help you spot the scam.

What you actually need is an entire system. When you make a trading plan it needs to cover how you will enter markets, exit markets and how you will manage your money. It also needs to tell you under what market conditions you do all these things. That is a system, it tells you everything you need to know about how you will trade. A strategy on the other hand only tells you when to enter and exit, and may not tell you under what conditions it works best or poorly.

In other words, a strategy may have missing pieces of information you need to be successful. Here are several things to watch for which could tip you off the product is probably a waste of money:. For example, the product may just be a series of indicators or a service that tells you when to trade, but not why. If a product or signal service stops operating you are left with nothing. Stats are easily manipulated to tell partial truths or fabricate lies. Read between the lines. To understand performance you need several bits of information: You can usually get a sense of what vulnerabilities and tendencies a system has by looking at the above stats.

One of the main things is that the strategy should be tested over a long period of time, and in all market conditions—up trends, down trends, ranges, volatile and sedate conditions. Often marketers will only publish results for a period where strategy did very well.

Markets rise and fall, you want to participate in both trends. Usually a quick trading forum search on Google will reveal what others have shares about a product or service. No trial, no deal. It should show you behind the scenes so that eventually you can trade on your own. There is no reason to make every customer totally dependent. Be wary of stats that are thrown out. Of course remember though, past performance is not indicative of futures results. Once you understand this you can quickly and simply save your time and money with these unscrupulous dolts.

So just refuse to deposit and they go away. In this image above you can see many of the scam systems are connected to each other on the same servers most often. These JV marketers have tons of these turnkey scams as they are very low maintenance. The one thing they are all after is your money, so be on the look out for them asking for deposits or sign-ups telling you about amazing profits and opportunities, which will have you end up with empty pockets.

We named it Binary Options Horror Story because that is exactly what it is in all its gory details. If you are new to binary options read, and absorb the above warning signs fully to see how they scammed people out of their money so it does not happen to you.

Notice also how the worked with the brokers directly, which implies that they can be directly involved as well. Are Binary Options A Scam? So the level of investment, the type of assets to trade and the level of risk. Once configured, the software can be left to place trades based on the settings given. The difference being that when auto trading software spots a signal, based on data analysis, it will open a trade. A signal provider will simply highlight the trading opportunity, but leave the actual opening of the trade to the user.

Automated software therefore, generates signals based on the algorithms it uses, and will open and close trades based on those algorithms. There are also services that will allow trades to be opened based on a real-life binary options trader. Providers will offer a list of live traders, and publish their results. Users of the platform can then decide to copy those traders — choosing levels of risk and investment to suit their own needs.

The automated nature of this style of trading is fraught with danger. If ever a trader hands control of their trading over to someone else, the level of risk grows hugely. Our scams page details some of the red flags to look for including a list of scam services , but auto trading in particular attracts a lot of scam operations.

Here are a few reasons why:. Warning sings of a scam will include a lack of transparency results that are not verifiable , forcing users to use a particular broker, and the most obvious — the promises of guaranteed or very high profits. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. Tread very carefully if proceeding with auto traders. The risk of scams is considerable. Other Auto Trading Software Auto trading software does require a small manual element in setting up, but once that is done — as the names suggests — the trading is automated.

Copy Other Traders There are also services that will allow trades to be opened based on a real-life binary options trader. Robot and Auto Trading Scams The automated nature of this style of trading is fraught with danger.

Here are a few reasons why: Novice Traders — Auto trading software is often aimed at novice traders, or people who do not have the time or knowledge to trade themselves.

This group is perhaps easier to mislead, and they are therefore targeted. Easy to blame the trader — Linked to the first point. Dishonest providers will simply say the software was misused, and therefore not at fault. Control — If traders have put someone else in control of their trading, it is very easy to simply say the money was lost trading.