Using bitcoin gold for remittance

I will try to explore and give you examples of real life usage of Bitcoin and thus shows its intrinsic, fundamental value. It is also my first big article here on SteemIt, so I want to introduce myself a bit to the community here: If you are trader you know that Bitcoin BTC is used for trading a lot.

There are exchanges you cannot load fiat money, you need to use some crypto currency, and BTC is the most widespread and most used. In other words, when BTC is losing its USD replace your favorite fiat value, many other crypto currencies also called alts or alt coins are losing it faster. You can see on table below, that using bitcoin gold for remittance alts are positively correlated to price of BTC.

See example from September 10, when BTC goes in last 24h Bitcoin is used as remittance [2] by migrants from less developed states.

Basically they are sending some Bitcoin back home so their parents and using bitcoin gold for remittance can live better live. At some of these states, banks wants huge fees for transfers or it is not transferable at all so Bitcoin is cheaper and more viable solutionBitcoin is also much faster transfer than cross-borders transfers between banks.

Bitcoin is better at maintaining value than currencies of some of these countries especially those with hyperinflation. Venezuela got into hyperinflation and here are its figures with forecast, for more info see report from International Monetary Fund [3]. Mighty Dollar and also other less mighty fiat currencies is decreasing its purchasing power over years by inflation. Our shopper would consider current dollars virtually worthless.

Bitcoin in other hand is gaining strength since its eve in but it using bitcoin gold for remittance still young but some believe it will continue to maintain its value more than traditional fiat money. Partly because of its anti-inflation See Speculative material part. Bitcoin has its value partly also because people are willing to spent fiat money for buying things witch are for nothing less than supporting Bitcoin network. Most considerably miners needs to sink some fiat costs into mining equipment and electricity for mining.

It is not easy to calculate ROI of mining as HW is getting better year-to-year and difficulty and pool fees are getting higher over time. You can buy ATM and provide it as service to people to put into or withdraw money. Mainstream usage of Bitcoin starts when big companies will accept it. If you are having small business you can get some inspiration on how to pay via Bitcoin on https: It is not costly, just needs your time and you need to figure out taxation.

Here you can see bigger companies which are accepting Bitcoin already https: There is one nice post around value of Bitcoin which is looking on value just being used for purchasing illegal goods, specifically drugs.

I hope you like my article a bit better, as it is more complex, but look at this one also https: Price or monetary value or anything is on open market driven by supply and demand.

Investors with technical background knows that Bitcoin is anti-inflationary by its protocol. You can see on illustration that number of Bitcoins issues every year is decreasing [10]. There are also many Bitcoins which were lost corrupted HDD, lost private keys, burned This fact and also graph showing price spiking using bitcoin gold for remittance long term up, luring lots of speculators to own Bitcoin and other crypro currencies.

Here you can see logaritmic price of Bitcoin over years. Still going to all time highes Bitcoin is also investment to technical novelty and using bitcoin gold for remittance of electronic money, decentralized, pseudo-anonymous which cannot be counterfeited unless breakthrough technological advancements will appear, which will devalidate cryptography as we know it now.

There is nice picture here comparing main traits of Gold, Bitcoin and Dollar. It is hard to conclude what is fundamental dollar price of Bitcoin but I hope you agree with me, it is not thin air, zero value bubble now. Many people across the world invested billions of dollars of sink costs because they believe it is good investment, and will get their ROI back. I would say that so far, they were right: Headline picture is from: Using bitcoin gold for remittance is fundamental, intrinsic value of Bitcoin.

Main currency for trading other currencies If using bitcoin gold for remittance are trader you know that Bitcoin BTC is used for trading a lot. Hedge against fiat currencies and fiat services Remittance - How to send money home Bitcoin is used as remittance [2] by migrants from less developed states. Hedging against hyper inflation Bitcoin is better using bitcoin gold for remittance maintaining value than currencies of some of these countries especially those with hyperinflation.

As Venezuela got cheap electricity, some of their people starts to earn money by mining. Cost of mining and mining equipment Bitcoin has its value partly also because people are willing to spent fiat money for buying things witch are for nothing less than supporting Bitcoin network. Speculative material Price or monetary value or anything is on open market driven by supply and demand.

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. I have missed ICOs in that article. I will add that later.

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Casey (BTC), followed by etherium We see Cryptocurrency succeeded in winning the hearts of many good investors from the.