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Not if Bitcoin XT wins, because the huge blocksize will make it impossible for individuals to run their own full nodes I agree with you that Bitcoin's growing bandwidth consumption is unsustainable, which I explain in the following article: Shortly after Antonopoulos left this position, Blockchain. Today in BitcoinSegwit2x, Bitcoin. That's exactly what I said.

I think regardless of how the markets react in the short-term the story will be told by how the ecosystem of Dapps develops. Not only is this an inevitable consequence, but people like Theymos and Andreas Antonopoulos have openly declared their support of it! Reply to thread [?

No, I daresay all the cryptocurrencies that exist right now operate as pyramid schemes and are therefore fraudulent illegal and inadvisable 'investments'. The best thing about it is the code is open source and anyone could check to see how it's working. To this very day, there are still a lot of questions surrounding the infamous Willy bot. I think you missed the boat.

Play into your ideologies and bay a shit coin that guarentees you get your taxless fleshlight without the gov't knowing and lose all your money when they fail. What do you produce by putting your money in Bitcoin? Greece has remained under control, as with Tsipras recently getting served a shit deal he had no choice but to take. Did it exist to cover up lossessteal bitcoins. The infamous bitcoin exchange Mt.

Can't hackers just make bit coins for themselves? Anonymous Tue Sep 8 If these wankers actually believed in Bitcoin, then they would not be thrilled with this glut of VC funding, but find it deeply concerning. It's just a computer server dumbass.

Seekingalpha is not a reputable source. Let's take a closer look at the companies mentioned in this articles: Don't you see how dumb you look like. If you're interested in my motivations, two of the main reasons I make posts about Bitcoin is:

This is an non issue. Cheques are not useful online and they can be printed as required. Jake Adelstein, Nathalie Stucky:

Did it exist to cover up lossessteal bitcoins. But yes, you're right Ethereum does appear to be taking over. Gox could pay its debts,DRW. We will remember them.