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This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. You can merge your 8 bit rebelsmarket by clicking here. Magic Market Index for May 3rd, All Sets Are Good: Magic 8 bit rebelsmarket Index for April 20th, If not, and you want 8 bit rebelsmarket have any chance of running a good ol' casual Rebels deck in the near future, you may want to look into picking up playsets.

Because the Rebel tribe 8 bit rebelsmarket poised to make some really large gains in Aether Revolt. We'e had one Rebel card spoiled already, and based on the storyline of the set, it seems very likely we are going to get more. Every time a tribe gets more support, key parts of the tribe go up in anticipation. Rebels are even more vulnerable to a price spike than these tribes because their classic ability to tutor out more Rebels from your deck into play is an inherently broken ability.

8 bit rebelsmarket you are not familiar, take a look at Lin Sivvi. There are about half a dozen Rebels that let you spend mana and go tutor out any rebel card, but Sergeant and Lin are the best of them. It's the kind of thing that is only held in check by the fact that most rebels are 8 bit rebelsmarket vanilla beaters once they get out there. We have a great recent example of what happens to the price of an old card 8 bit rebelsmarket a potentially broken ability that lacks a tribe to support it when it finally gets even the PROMISE of tribal support: Check out what that card did once Minotaurs were confirmed in Theros: Jumped from one dollar to eight.

That's an insane spike. Now, because Theros was basically a thermos full of poop with 8 bit rebelsmarket sausages floating around in it, the price did 8 bit rebelsmarket sink back to its former, embarrassing level.

But, look how long that took to happen! I already own exactly one playset of the rebels cards and I'm not sellin' any.

Last edited by MaximumC: Rollback Post to Revision RollBack. Lin-Sivvi is only legal in Legacy, and there, Rebels. They'd have to print Rebels that are on Stoneforge caliber, and a few of them, before you could consider a Rebel deck in Legacy.

The other card is a common- a good common for Rebels. All true, but as we saw with Didgeridoo, that is no barrier to a speculation fueled spike. When they printed new Minotaur, they didn't print any that were good enough 8 bit rebelsmarket be worth spending 4 colorless mana to vial them out.

Chances are good that as they print new Rebels, they will not print any that are worth spending X1WW to tutor them out. I'll also point out that tutoring something from your library onto the battlefield is quite a bit more powerful than show-and-telling something from your hand into play. If the Rebel tribe gets some good utility creatures, like cheap ones that counter spells or have other beneficial effects when they enter the battlefield, a spike on Liv might actually be sticky.

8 bit rebelsmarket, let's not forget, Liv can be your general in Commander. Didgieridoo can't do that. To make almost this entire post a moot point, the "rebel" card that was spoiled, Quicksmith Rebel only has rebel in the name, not the subtype.

Few shape it so that many may accept it. Well, serves me right for analyzing a fuzzy photograph!

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