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Why doesn't the police catch the dealers? The companies need a warrent, so the police can get a warrent based on the thug dealers activity so I don't understand why they don't get these people off or streets? Did he not say the best crypto coin is Safex Exchange?

You can bet your ass he created many of the viruses he was selling software to protect you from,lol. Physician Natasha Campbell-McBride cured her own son. I also know a person who did the same for his son following the advice in the book. Bring us back great news!!! Thank you for this video it is point on. Everyone knows about you and I am glad you smothered that guy who killed your dogs back in Belize. John, you're the only person I think can do this: Can you please please find a cure for autism?

I know you can figure out anything and everything. Please help humanity and cure this epidemic. Thank you John, I know if anyone can bitcoin powerbitcoin price worth in 2018john mcafeeothersbuy bitcoin it, It's you. You're super smart and everyone's hero. McAfee is a great guy. A real American who recently tried to help America kick its addiction to government for government's sake. If you look deeper into his history, he rolled with gangs, owned machine guns, had his own squad, was above the law.

Until the law caught up with him. He also snorted his entire fortune. This guy is a real American hero. I would vote for him so he could shut down the National Spying Agency. Bitcoin powerbitcoin price worth in 2018john mcafeeothersbuy bitcoin am looking for work, bitcoin powerbitcoin price worth in 2018john mcafeeothersbuy bitcoin a very motivated and fresh computer scientist and want to change the world in pretty much the same battleground as you.

John, I'm curious as to why you didn't inform Americans about the government spying. You claim that you were aware of it but you didn't do anything about it. Or am I mistaken? Did you say something about it? Maybe you didn't have enough evidence I don't know. Good comments from John.

Even the "dude" Marky-boy Zuckerhead puts a piece of tape over his computer camera. Like him or not, hard to argue what I see. Its more than the money with a few souls. You sold out to Lucifarians, did you not?

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