Bitcoin prices over time
29 commentsBit through my lower lip
The butterfly-labs tag has no usage guidance. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Tagged Questions info newest frequent votes active unanswered. Learn more… Top users Synonyms. I know it's hilariously underpowered and useless these days, but still want to see if I can get it Yes I have all my cables correctly plugged in to GoldNugget8 1 2 6. I try and add devices, and it doesn't work.
I know that it is getting power, because Nick P 1 1. If so, is it cost effective, compared to it's bitcoin mining cost effectiveness?
How to open a Butterflylabs miner? I don't see any screws at the outside. I tested it with an Wattmeter. Is that a reasonable amount of Watt? In the comparison list on Bitcoin. Is it cost-effective to purchase an expensive card? However, neither of them are expected to ship before February of or later. If this calculator is to be trusted, it doesn't seem WEFX 1 1 7. Will a USB mining device use my computer's processing power? Which coins can butterfly-labs miners mine Can I use a butterfly-labs miner to mine any crypto-currency?
After chugging along just fine though never at full advertised GHps always 6. I run cgminer and have recently been mining from ozcoin after eclipsemc was hit with a recent DDoS. Normally, I have been clocking at Delay of shipping mining equipment on purpose? Is the delay in shipping mining equipment on purpose? Couldnt the manufacturer mine with the new hardware and deliver it in a few month, as said to be a production problem, but mining itself until the Is ASIC miner worth my money?
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