British Pound Less Stable than Bitcoin Post-Brexit
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Currency signs don't necessarily just represent money. Some are the legacy of colonial empires; others fresh emblems of economic — and cultural — independence. While the origins of some symbols are lost in the mists of time, others are carefully bitcoin currency sign for pound to reflect a nation's hopes and the stories a country tells about itself.
The arrival of the euro in removed much diversity from our currency signage. But new symbols are conceived all the time — each arrival a new nightmare for computer programmers. Ironically, in the light of the ongoing eurozone crisis, the parallel lines were meant to evoke stability.
The Commission has never revealed who actually designed the symbol. Others have taken inspiration too: Although the lari had been the currency of Georgia since replacing the kuponi and, before that, the Russian roubleit was not until that this elaborate new symbol was announced following a public competition. The addition of vertical lines is a classic way to convert an ordinary letter into a currency symbol.
The original US dollar was based on the Spanish dollar, or real de a ocho, a silver coin worth eight reales hence pieces of eightin circulation across the Spanish Empire from onwards. It's probably a scribal abbreviation of 'ps' pesosbut could also be derived from the superimposed 'PTSI' mint mark on the pieces of eight. Alternative origin hypotheses include the staff of Hermes, the Spanish coat of arms, or simply the letters 'US' printed on top of each other.
If dollar-inspired vertical lines are relatively common, horizontal lines either single or double are even more popular. The parallel lines of the Turkish lira, however, are set rather rakishly at an angle of 20 degrees. Possibly the most distinctive currency sign in the world, this symbol for the Israeli new shekel was officially announced in when the new currency was launched. Inthe Indian government announced a contest to create a new sign bitcoin currency sign for pound the Indian rupee.
While the double lines in the euro and the Ukranian hryvnia symbolise stability, bitcoin currency sign for pound the Indian rupee bitcoin currency sign for pound reflect the Indian tricolour and a desire for economic equality. The fashion for horizontal lines is most likely influenced by the British pound sign.
The pound sterling is the world's oldest continuously used currency. As the name suggests, it was originally equivalent to one pound weight of silver — Anglo-Saxon silver pennies. The symbol is derived from the capital L of the Latin word libra, the basic Roman unit of weight and also the scales used to measure it.
Hence the sign of the zodiac — and, indeed, the ancient link between currency symbols and ideas of balance, stability, equality, and even justice. See our archive of previous newsletters. View our privacy policy. We want our stories to go far and wide; to be seen be as many people as possible, in as many outlets as possible.
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