The Next Revolution
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Click on the name of the blog or article to be directed to the original text. Last month, Tim Bray, formerly an Android evangelist with Google, framed the "web is dying" argument a bit differently.
As reported by CNET, Bray's concern isn't so much about the web dying as about the growing gap between native app development tools and web app development tools. Speaking at the a Goto Conference for software developers in Aarhus, Denmark, Bray urged audience members not to forget that the web is the only major computing platform that isn't backed by a specific vendor.
How it shakes out will bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences affect the way we all use computing devices, warns high-profile developer Tim Bray. And should we cede so much control to Apple and Google? Bagefter viste han, hvor simpelt Bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences, form-validering og implementering af animationer med modulet ngAnimate kan implementeres uden ret meget kode.
Agile has been influential, to the extent that most software projects today claim to adopt it, but Fowler says that his biggest disappointment is that software is still mostly designed bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences analysts rather than being truly collaborative. A key Agile concept is that all stakeholders participate in the process, including the users. Privacy is constantly undermined.
The default is everybody can observe everything. Privacy should be the default. Today everybody wants an app. Theres apps for buying dog food, apps for converting shoe sizes and so bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences. But is that what we really want? Bray has a great point of why apps are really not what you want.
Imagine you have created an app with the menu point "Histori", you have published it people have downloaded it, and then you realize you have made a spelling error, and you want to correct it right away. You can not do that, you can make bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences update of the app and wait for people to update their version of your app.
On a webpage this is easy, you just change the name of the bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences, saves and update the page. How To Enable C 6. I plan on writing a number of blog posts about the new features of C 6. By Poul Foged Nielsen. Why we shouldn't be Agile: However, the agile movement has become Agile — a buzzword that is thrown around and not an actual mindset. By Helena Marie Meyer. By Augusto Ribeiro Silva. My main take of this talk was that when you scaling a product since it will probably fail, you want to be able to fix it so you should try to keep it as simple as possible.
Great advices were always log everything and use only mature technologies since when non mature platforms will give you lots of pain as you might find hard to find solutions to your problems. There was probably other interesting stuff going on as well, but I must admit that my head hurts a little bit from having had one beer to many yesterday evening. So far, the day was a great success, the conference is well organised, the food was delicious, and bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences are plenty activities you can undertake between the presentations.
The presentation was a success, as he managed to get us all to forget about our daily programming issues and just be proud of us, as we are kinda driving a lot of things happening in the world right now planes, factories, etc. Russ retold in an amazing way, the story of the Apollo project and how it was bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences incredible engineering feat. The way he talked was bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences fascinating that I was completely glued to the back of my chair holding bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences breath until they finally touched down on the moon.
The take away of the story was that incredible engineering feats not only are important by the feat itself but because they inspire and create belief in other people that they can also achieve great things if they put their mind into.
Go do something hard: My favorite talk of the conference was about how the brain processes what the eye sees, the only UX talk of the conference. Chris Atherton did an amazing job learning us about how the brain processes what we see. By Per Jessen Schmidt. Det er ikke fordi der er noget galt med tankerne bag agile, det er implementationen af det der er problemet.
Another GOTO conference went by. The talk is, from what I can read, on the topic of what has happend since the manifesto was coined and what the future might bring. Jeg deltog fornylig i en diskussion omkring forskellen mellem de to koncepter: Det er en basal antagelse, som kan have store konsekvenser for succes.
Agile is all about inspect and adapt. Is the Agile Manifesto outdated? The reason I go to this track, is that I feel that the greatest challenges in software development is not related to technology, but rather to the interaction between people - exactly what this track is all about. I am very much looking forward to these sessions, and to to what they will bring. Maybe something new and exciting will come out of it. One thing is sure, I expect that I, and everyone else listening, will learn a lot.
A retake on the Agile Manifesto: While this talk will certainly bring back some bad memories, I definitely look forward to see where we are headed…. Bitcoin — en digital revolution Del 1 By Helena Meyer. Event Sourcing by Bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences Young: A highly recommendable session.
The topic is very interesting and something we should all do more about with the systems we build. Det har Jeppe skrevet og talt om lidt om tidligere. Lisp in C's clothing By mvindahl. Matias vil blandt andet tale bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences code reuse, nye features in forms and i ngAnimate der kan bruges til at lave avancerede animationer i Angularavanceret brug af directives og templates, debugging og end-to-end testing med Protractor.
Getting an introduction to the new features, and general guidance from one of the core developers of AngularJS is more than welcomed: Everybody has to understand and agree that enterprise architecture is important, bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences care must be taken when defining it.
Forms by James Montemagno: The Future of ASP. NET web tooling by Mads Kristensen: As aspnet is part of my everyday work I hope to learn a couple of new tips and tricks from this session. Functional TDD with F: Bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences a strong believer in automated testing, I always look for ways to better my style of automated testing. Moreover, maybe this talk will finally spark some interest into functional programming and get me into it.
Scaling is a subject that I find extremely interesting and challenging, mostly because scaling is such a non-forgiving beast. Most programming errors, or badly developed software, quickly surfaces up as penalty in the speed of bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences services, websites, or whatever you are developing. Putting bugs and lazy programmers aside, scaling is also greatly affected by architecture.
Bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences more and more web surfing, is done from a tablet, mobile phone or tablet phone it is important that the webpages are running smoothly on all devices. This may create problems for large web applications, and we hope Hinchly will give a few advices on how to face this challenge. Undoubtable, the research in user experience, user behavior and bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences span, is now being used to persuade us to buy more, and click more ads.
You cannot consider yourself a true software ninja without having some knowledge in this field. Vel vidende at der i kode altid findes fejl, som ikke bliver fundet og rettet inden en softwarerelease. Does the Browser have a Future? Tim Bray will give a keynote on the future of the browser. Will it be made obsolete by the ongoing deluge of apps? Hardly, if you ask me.
To me, the tide seems to be turning the opposite direction in this age of mobile internet. Hvor alvorligt bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences det hersens "Mass Surveillance" egentligt? You enter talks that show off visionary technologies or visionaries themselves, and then it widens your horizon. As part of my coverage of GOTO last year I bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences out to discover…what exactly do computer scientists wear?
The results were funny, interesting and revealing conversations with some of the top people in computer science. People carry mementos, memories and stories that are a lot easier to gain access to when they are caught off-guard, with a little bit of humour.
So…what will you be wearing for GOTO ? It is with a bit of worry that I see that GOTO Aarhus has cut down the length of the conference to two days, and at bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences same time changed the format, so there are 5 tracks including the vendor track running across both days. Having said that, I am sure the conference will still be great, and given the quality of the speakers I can see on the list, I am still looking forward to going there.
The big news this year is, that the conference has been changed from 3 to 2 days not including the training. I think that the new format is a great idea and it will hopefully convince more people to show up. On the other hand the more abstract thoughts born at GOTO is what differentiate it from the rest. Not only has my bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences situation changed, but the conference has also changed a bit.
Conference blogger By Rasmus Tolstrup Christensen. It might be easier for some people to attend the conference, bitcoin digitalo valutas konferences at the same time it also means less content.
Like most tech conferences Goto conferences have several days devoted purely to training. Here you can keep up to date with the latest techniques like Continuous Delivery, new technologies like AngularJS or more soft areas like usability for mobile devices.
This is a really good opportunity because the trainers are usually internationally acclaimed authorities in the field, who are also speaking at the conference. Chances are that training of this calibre is not something you find at your local community college. People from all over the industry gather together diving into toughest problem areas and discussing the latest research.