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My background is strong in economics and modest in the alternative currency space. I taught behavioral finance at Harvard for five years, game theory for one year, and international macroeconomics for three years.

The price was not high, but I turned it down due to legal and regulatory risk. The reason I urge caution in bitcoin investing is very simple: They cannot have it succeed. Therefore, it will not succeed. My view is really that simple. A further part of my background with relevance: Our history of that era is littered with hindsight bias.

The successful speculators we celebrate today had to have things go perfectly. They were betting on the failure of banks, and their counterparties were banks! As it happened, failure occurred at just the right bitcoin macroeconomics bank losses were astonishing, but small enough such that the economy survived barely and the government was willing to print money to cover the equity hole across the industry.

The story bitcoin macroeconomics well known at this point; homeowners received no relief, but all counterparties were paid in full. Many of the people who bet huge on bitcoin macroeconomics financial system failing had a bet that looks like a negative freeroll: For a decision to keep a substantial portion of your wealth in alternative currency or bitcoin to be right, a very particular course of events has to play out.

What has to happen, essentially, is that governments bitcoin macroeconomics we know them fail over time and yet, as they fail, a decent portion of economic activity functions well, and alternative currency remains useful bitcoin macroeconomics this space.

The likelihood of this, to me, bitcoin macroeconomics very low. Imagine a talented analyst with a comprehensive spreadsheet that projects the future of US federal and state government finances. What is he sees at the moment is a sheet that has a lot of red in important places, but not a truly terrifying amount of red.

The magnitudes of the red numbers are scary at present, but much scarier around andwhen Baby Boomers the first of whom started to retire in are drawing heavily on Social Security and Medicare. Bitcoin macroeconomics are so scary around and that the talented analyst bitcoin macroeconomics that the country might have to bitcoin macroeconomics up to the very edge of disaster, even if the future plays out near perfectly.

If long-term growth and productivity rates are bitcoin macroeconomics than generally anticipated, all the key numbers are red. If another financial crisis and accompanying bailout occur, all red. So the only way we have a chance of bitcoin macroeconomics working is if bitcoin macroeconomics US government continues buying large quantities of its own debt, effectively funding its own operations, and does so in a way such that the debt-to-GDP ratio skirts up against disaster levels without going over.

And, all the while, interest rates must stay low, lest the interest expense as a percentage of the budget balloon out of control. So what we have is one hell of bitcoin macroeconomics problem.

Effectively the government has to balance between absurdities and contradictions over a period of several decades. How does anyone fund retirement when the government funds itself through inflation, yet ensures that interest rates remain low? If the only protection against inflation is holding assets, and yet a small percentage of the population own all the assets, bitcoin macroeconomics does one prevent bitcoin macroeconomics from spiraling out of control? The bitcoin macroeconomics uses the currency to fund itself!!

This cannot be lost. The problem for the alternative currency holder is that there are really only two long-term outcomes. That is not how governments work.

That is what they always have done. We live in an era where we will have to accept that they are going to inflate a bit more than the usual bitcoin macroeconomics. The only scenario where things work out is a strange middle scenario where governments slowly fail, but it remains valuable for individuals to have alternative currency.

I see this as a bit of a strange and unlikely special case. Hey Brandon, good to see you blogging on here and look forward to seeing a logical voice from outside the echo chamber I fear most of us live in.

I don't have an economics background, so I am hesitant to respond, but I think there are a couple issues bitcoin macroeconomics your outlook of probable negative freeroll:.

I don't really know how to address your point about governments being unable to fund and sustain themselves being terrible for crypto, but I think it is probably inaccurate; also in this case, the value of our cryptocurrencies while bitcoin macroeconomics would be worth more than fiat might be the least of our concerns. I haven't been paying much attention to steemit the last few weeks, I assume the reward system has changed to something linear?

Yea you are right about the bitcoin macroeconomics voting, also voting power has increase by a factor of five. Re- your last point, see my book Setting Sun bitcoin macroeconomics the empirics on this. The US govmt is highly dependent on inflationary monetary policy as a method of funding itself; if alt currency largely took over, and inflation as a source of government funding was no longer an option, government finance would be in an impossible state.

On the spending side, the problem is that most expense bitcoin macroeconomics to transfer programs, which are hard to change. Also, presumably, heavy prevalence of alt currency would take away the option of a wealth tax which I feel is a reasonable option and one that will be increasingly debated.

Points 1 and 2 don't change the fact that alt currency use is strongly against governments' interest. Given that alt currency use is against the govmt interest, they will seek to squash it. The mechanisms for doing this will tend to be random and unfair, but they can get it done in bitcoin macroeconomics opinion.

The incentive for governments to squash Bitcoin bitcoin macroeconomics other digital currencies is indeed extremely strong.

There's a common military formula to assess a threat We know it's likely that governments have intent to destroy digital currencies, but their level of capability isn't completely known. I did make the case in this bitcoin macroeconomics Bitcoin Paranoid bitcoin macroeconomics, that governments are probably already attempting to infiltrate Bitcoin, using the weaknesses of the development team, perhaps paying them or threatening them.

But crushing digital currency in general isn't so easy. This idea of decentralised currency is already out in the open, so if one project such as Bitcoin fails, it's simple for another to take its place. Think of it like Internet file sharing. Napster was the first user-friendly system that offered this service, and when it was shut down there were Morpheus and Gnutella, and then they got shut down, and eventually we got BitTorrent, and governments are still trying to shut down torrent sites They're not having a good time.

Napster was quite unsophisticated compared to BitTorrent, with a high level of centralisation, making it easier to shut down. Digital and decentralised currency follows a similar path. But they were all too centralised, and they got shut down. Now Bitcoin has been going for about 9 years, and it's pretty obvious that it's not so easy to shut it down.

Now we have Dash and other currencies with decentralised autonomous funding, that are even harder to kill. The music industry can't stop file sharing, the movie industry So how can you know that banks and governments will be able to stop an analogous technology?

To bitcoin macroeconomics, that doesn't sound like I'm fucked. Actually, that sounds good. Actually, that sounds like what Bitcoin was intended to do - to remove power from established power structures.

New bitcoin macroeconomics are already beginning to take their places. Here is a quote from Timothy May's "Crypto Anarchist's Manifesto", written aroundlong before Bitcoin came along:. Just as the technology bitcoin macroeconomics printing altered and reduced the power of medieval guilds and the social power structure, so too will cryptologic methods fundamentally alter the nature of corporations and of government interference in economic transactions.

Combined with emerging information markets, crypto anarchy will create a liquid market for any and all material which can be put into words and pictures.

Bitcoin macroeconomics just as a seemingly minor invention like bitcoin macroeconomics wire made possible the fencing-off of vast ranches and farms, thus altering forever the concepts of land and property rights in the frontier West, so too will the seemingly minor discovery out of an arcane branch of mathematics come to be the wire clippers which dismantle bitcoin macroeconomics barbed wire around intellectual property. Churdtzu, Thank you for this reply! I think the form a government crackdown would take would probably bitcoin macroeconomics selective prosecutions.

Govmts bitcoin macroeconomics simply start prosecuting large numbers of people involved in alt currency for crimes such as tax evasion. This is not to say that alt currency users are breaking the law more than others, it's just that every individual and business is subject to so many rules, and it's not uncommon bitcoin macroeconomics govmts to selectively enforce these rules towards particular ends.

I'm glad you're receptive to what I'm saying. This definitely slows people down in digital currency, but it's unlikely to stop them. Many entrepreneurs will move to countries where there aren't relevant laws, or where the laws aren't likely to be enforced sometimes you bitcoin macroeconomics gotta pay off the right people.

The US and other developed nations - especially English-speaking nations - tend to be the ones with the strictest financial regulations. Well, not against big banks, but against new companies. In these countries, the government is likely to get in the way a lot, and inhibit adoption.

Again, it's similar to bitcoin macroeconomics with file sharing. They prosecuted 12 year old girls for downloading 10, mp3s, and maybe a few people got scared People in the US particularly don't like downloading without paying. But in literally almost every other country, people do it without fear of punishment.

File sharing has been inhibited because of these prosecutions, but it certainly hasn't stopped. It's the same with digital currency.

Beyond that, one of the biggest fintech players right now is Citibank. Citibank has several fintech departments, one for consumers, one for business, and so on. It's possible that Citibank's fintech departments will be a target for prosecution, but I think you'll agree it's unlikely.

This is a well thought out anti-bitcoin argument. I am inclined to believe that this 'middle scenario' you mention where governments slowly fail and consequently bitcoin other crypto currencies gain market share and momentum is the most likely scenario. Bitcoin has a ton of momentum and as time wears on it will only get harder to do dislodge.

I think the cat is out bitcoin macroeconomics the bitcoin macroeconomics to a large degree. The concept of decentralized systems-once fully understood by the masses- will be too attractive to ignore.

The projects being built on Ethereum-including bitcoin macroeconomics site for example-are just flat out jaw dropping and I am just hoping that governments embrace it and move forward rather than engage in a futile efforts to squash progress.

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Do you agree that cryptocurrencies are currently a threat to the stability of the financial system, or can be expected to become a threat in the next couple of years? Do you agree that the regulatory oversight of cryptocurrencies needs to be increased? Economists relaxed about Bitcoin: Mainstream financial markets are thought to be suitably isolated from developments in Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency, which, in any case, has a market capitalisation that is small relative to the size of the economy.

But a majority of panel members are in favour of greater regulatory oversight, primarily because of concerns that the anonymity and opacity of cryptocurrencies facilitate tax evasion and other criminal activities. There is only limited support for regulating cryptocurrencies to preserve the effectiveness of monetary policy.

Cryptocurrencies have been a staple of news headlines in As the price of one Bitcoin has risen fold in sterling terms during the course of , the number of Google searches for Bitcoin has increased fold. A great deal has been written about Bitcoin, in many cases speculating on whether there is a bubble in its price and what might happen if and when the bubble bursts. This survey eschews the bubble question and asks instead whether cryptocurrencies are a threat to the financial system and therefore deserving of greater regulatory oversight by policy-makers.

In , a working paper [1] published by the European Central Bank ECB concluded that, in the current situation, virtual currency schemes:. The main argument of the ECB and other central banks [3] is that cryptocurrencies are too small and too detached from other financial markets to be a systemic risk. One reason for cryptocurrencies remaining small is current technological constraints, which show up as high transaction fees and limit the use of cryptocurrencies as a medium of exchange. Chiu and Koeppl estimate that the current Bitcoin scheme generates a flow welfare loss of 1.

Some authors see cryptocurrencies entering the mainstream markets as beneficial to the stability of the financial system. Dyhrberg explores the financial asset capabilities of Bitcoin in GARCH models and finds that it may be useful in risk management and ideal for risk-averse investors. Bianchi finds a similar relationship between returns on cryptocurrencies and commodities such as gold and energy, consistent with existing models in which trading is primarily driven by investor sentiment.

Forty-eight panel members answered this question. A large majority did not see cryptocurrencies as posing a threat to financial stability either now or in the next couple of years: A common argument of those who disagree with the statement is that the total value of cryptocurrencies is too small to be a systemic risk to financial stability.

Hence, cryptocurrencies do not seem to represent a threat to financial stability — for now. In their current state they seem largely innocuous for financial stability. Many of those who disagree with the statement believe that the financial system is largely insulated from developments in cryptocurrency markets.

As long as regulators treat it as a highly speculative investment, like so many other investments out there, then it should pose as much risk to the financial system as so many of these do. Those who agree with the statement stress the unprecedented uncertainties surrounding the future of cryptocurrencies. Some of those who disagree with the statement accept that cryptocurrencies may eventually threaten the stability of the financial system.

Cryptocurrencies would become attractive if central bank issued currencies became very unstable. Their widespread use in the financial system would be a result not a cause of instability. Bitcoin is currently classified as a commodity in the United States, so its trading is covered by the Commodity Exchange Act and overseen by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. In common with other commodities such as gold or oil, there is no traditional management structure behind cryptocurrencies.

Bianchi ultimately sees holding Bitcoin as investing in the blockchain technology, since it shares more similarities with equity investment in a company than investments in traditional fiat currencies. The UK and other European Union EU governments are responding to concerns that cryptocurrencies are being used for money laundering and tax evasion. In the UK, the Treasury will bring regulation on cryptocurrencies in line with anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financial legislation.

Anonymity will be lost as traders are forced to disclose their identities. The EU plan will require online cryptocurrency trading platforms to carry out due diligence on customers and report suspicious transactions.

If the current interest in cryptocurrencies is a precursor to their wider use as alternatives to the dollar, the pound, the euro and the yen, then this may threaten the monopoly on money creation that is held by policy-makers.

Central banks cannot print Bitcoins, so if the world switches away from fiat currencies, then they would be unable to print money to stimulate the economy. Conventional monetary policy would be ineffective, as would quantitative easing.

According to this argument, increased regulation of cryptocurrencies is needed so that central banks do not lose control of the money supply. There will always be boom and bust in cryptocurrencies, unlike for fiat currencies backed by central banks as lender of last resort. Supporters of cryptocurrencies argue that the lack of regulation has been instrumental in their successes to date, often presenting cryptocurrencies as the digital version of the nineteenth century gold standard when no attempt was made to equate the supply of money with demand.

A working paper [16] from the Bank of Finland in concludes that Bitcoin cannot be regulated and does not need to be regulated in any case.

Regulation is appropriate for monopolies run by management organisations, but not for monopolies run by protocols. Speaking at a press conference in October , ECB president Mario Draghi reasoned that cryptocurrencies are not mature enough to be considered for regulation, although they should be critically assessed for risk.

Forty-nine panel members answered this question. A clear majority wished to see greater regulation of cryptocurrencies: The most common reason for agreeing with the statement is a concern that the anonymity of cryptocurrencies promotes nefarious activities. So it would seem odd to let cryptocurrencies get around these restrictions. There is some support for increased regulatory oversight to preserve the effectiveness of monetary policy, although this is far from being a widespread belief among respondents.

They should not be perceived like that. Such currencies are created to avoid the supposed evil effects of government regulation on monetary and financial stability. The CFM surveys informs the public about the views held by prominent economists based in Europe on important macroeconomic and public policy questions. Some surveys focus specifically on the UK economy as the CFM is a UK research centre , but surveys can in principle focus on any macroeconomic question for any region.

The surveys shed light on the extent to which there is agreement or disagreement among these experts. An important motivation for the survey is to give a more comprehensive overview of the beliefs held by economists and in particular to include the views of those economists whose opinions are not frequently heard in public debates. Questions mainly focus on macroeconomic and public policy topics.

Home Surveys The experts About. Background Cryptocurrencies have been a staple of news headlines in Cryptocurrencies and the financial system In , a working paper [1] published by the European Central Bank ECB concluded that, in the current situation, virtual currency schemes: The ECB returned to the theme in a working paper in [2]: For the tasks of the ECB as regards monetary policy and price stability, financial stability, promoting the smooth operation of payment systems, and prudential supervision, the materialisation of risks depends on the volume of virtual currency issued, their connection to the real economy — including through supervised institutions involved with virtual currencies — their traded volume and user acceptance.

Contact us for more information. Cryptocurrencies and the financial system Participant Answer Confidence level Comment Michael McMahon University of Oxford Disagree Confident I think it is still too small and lacking in widespread ownership, especially among large investment groups, to be a serious risk to the overall financial system.

Crypto currencies are currently not a threat to the financial system but could very well become a serious concern in the near future if they become more important.

If that happens, I would expect financial regulation to be introduced and central banks to issue ecurrencies to compete with them. It is inconceivable that any major component of the financial system would remain unrelated in light of the obvious risks.

It depends on the volumes they end up representing relative to the size of the economy and the characteristics e. The financial system is still based on currencies issued by central banks. Their wide-spread use in the financial system would be a result not a cause of instability. At this point, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies remain a toy for a very narrow segment of investors and is detached from the financial system and the real economy. Despite the volatility and the bubble component of bitcoin valuation, it appears the number of bitcoin users and transactions are not large enough and sufficiently interconnected to represent a high risk of contagion.

Bitcoin bubble will deflate, and everyone will wonder why it inflated in the first place. The technology may turn out to be useful, if they can reduce the energy consumption. But the 'cryptocurrencies' have few attributes of money. The Bitcoin bubble is an example of a speculative bubble that can be explained rationally from an individual perspective but not from a collective perspective and is comparable with Tulpenmania.

Surely the valuation of Bitcoin reflects bubbly expectations. Such assets are a threat to financial stability provided i they are sufficiently bug and ii they are held by institutions that are sufficiently leveraged so that default is translated into losses in other parts of the financial system.

Both conditions are necessary for cryptocurrencies being a threat to financial stability. It is quite unlikely that they will be met in a couple of years. For the moment, crypto-currencies are simply a hype, similar to Dutch tulip bulbs; but as they are not linked to the banking system, there does not seem any immediate stability threat.

Bitcoin use is still too small to be a risk to the financial system at present. Although it is unlikely to present a systemic risk in the next two years, if its price contunues to rise at the present rate it could become a major risk to holders. The main concern is that its attraction is now largely as a speculative asset rather than as a vehicle currency or an inflation hedge. I doubt the situation would change much in two years. Though cryptocurrencies are growing rapidly, their size and the fact that they are yet to become mainstream limits the damage they could do to the financial system.

That will change, though not over the next two years. Bitcoin is inadequate as a currency. As an asset that provides some small benefits to its userschiefly anonymity and irreversibility of transactionsand that has a fairly limited and steady supply though, it is quite similar to gold. Even the arguments of some of its fans are eerily familiar to those that one has heard for decades about gold.

Like gold, it fluctuates wildly in value and it is subject to fads and manias. They seem too small at the moment to be a threat.

Also, were a cryptocurrency to implode, the impact would probably be less country-specific than, say, a sudden large decline in London house prices, and this might indicate a less dramatic impact on financial stability. Of course, exponential growth in cryptocurrencies could change this within a reasonable horizon so it would seem prudent for policy makers to keep an eye these currencies. Bitcoin is probably too small to matter much - huge fluctuations in value will impact criminals, the gullible and the risk lovers.

Cryptocurrencies are marginal now but their potential growth rate in total value is subject to diminishing returns, unless the appreciation race continues, but if it does it will attract more entry already happening and competition will slow down the appreciation race. Despite recent growth, the market cap of cryptocurrencies remains modest, compared to the size of 'conventional' financial markets. Hence, cryptocurrencies do not seem to represent a threat to financial stability--for now.

Hard to tell, this is radical uncertainty, nothing close in history as far as I can tell. The main new risk comes from the fact that most people don't understand the supply and the encryption process.