SEC Faces March 13 Deadline For Bitcoin ETF Decision
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BTC Bitcoin February 15 BTC Bitcoin Feb 24 Bitcoin wobbling around the mark. Since it is an all time high the point it could be weeks before it gets broken through. Screen Shot at Bitcoin BTC bitfinex 2 March 10 The ETF submitted by Winklevoss was denied, on many reasons related to low trading volumes compared to those required by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
It is interesting the negative comments by the Securities and Exchange Commission on Bitcoin because what it can improve to become a viable product for investments in the regulated markets.
We could have middle-class-state-blocked money being liberated to kind of migrate to bitcoin. Outsiders could have a chance to use their bloked savings in this. In the other hand, bitcoins could be much more centralized than today, and supply would be increasily limited reminds me Dash.
Price would rise, but also, fragility of the whole system. One Nakamoto with 1MM is enough, in my opinion.
This ETF thing is not over. In the future there will be new attempts to dominate this. It would have been neat to see the ETF approved because that means more kinds of funds will have the ability to trade in Bitcoin related instruments. The commission declining does indeed protect against the centralization of Bitcoin. Imagine all the state actors now really have a vested secs first bitcoin etf deadline is actually march 13 not march 11 in Bitcoin. Additionally, many comments were about the exchanges of Bitcoin with most liquidity being outside of the US indicates the difficulty to do business with Bitcoin in the US.
March 23, Bitcoin Unlimited is signaling activation in the last A Worldwide hard fork could take place at any time. Everyone using Bitcoins could be affected. Bitcoin prices are fluctuating while actions are being made which will lead to an impending hard fork dividing the Bitcoin community.
CoinIdol investigates the two contentious sides to understand what are the risks and if Bitcoin holders should be concerned about their situation. Secs first bitcoin etf deadline is actually march 13 not march 11 the leader of that is nearby and ready to address any issues related to any hard fork situation.
So we will be OK. This thread is great seeing BTC grow over the year. Dan, you were spot on with your analysis!
Is this going to affect us the SEC owners with Omni wallets in some way?