Introducing the V2 Receive Payments API
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One of the difficulties involved with receiving bitcoin payments is the need to generate a unique address for each new user or invoice. These addresses need to monitored and stored securely. Our API takes care of the generation and monitoring of addresses. We will notify your server using a simple callback whenever a payment is received. No need to sign up, pay for a plan, or submit a merchant application. Remember that this API is fully compatible with existing applications based on Blockchain.
The API methods work exactly the same way. The API is structured in this way because after Blockchain. We are now here to provide that solution to merchants like you. As Bitcoin enthusiasts, our main goal is to blockchain api callback url it easier for businesses both small and large to accept Bitcoin as a payment method.
We have worked to eliminate all potential obstacles and annoyances while ensuring your safety and security as a merchant. No need to worry about getting a merchant application accepted or going through any tedious signup processes. Go ahead and get up blockchain api callback url running now!
No logos or external pages or branded buttons. Other than this small commission and the 2. Bitcoins are transferred to you Blockchain api callback url, so there's nothing to worry about! As we mentioned earlier, this API is fully compatible with existing applications based on Blockchain. Our API has protections in place for every possible problem, so you won't have to worry about strange errors or issues when using the API.
Our API requires that you have at least one Bitcoin address to which all payments will be forwarded. The private key for this address does not need to be shared with us and can be kept offline for increased security.
There are many different ways to get a Bitcoin address. If you do not already have one, you can get one easily; see potential wallet options below. If you are about to explore Bitcoin, there are a few things you should know.
Bitcoin lets you exchange money in a different way than with usual banks. As such, you should blockchain api callback url time to inform yourself before using Bitcoin for any serious blockchain api callback url. Bitcoin should be treated with the same care as your regular wallet, or even more in some cases! Please see this link to the note on the official Bitcoin website. Receive protection from hackers by receiving payments directly into an offline cold storage address or paper wallet. Use the blockchain api callback url address of your Bitcoin exchange to blockchain api callback url receive BTC ready for exchange into your local currency.
Sign up for an online wallet like Blockchain api callback url. While it is currently relatively small, our current array of endpoints and methods will grow in the future. The file tree below shows the hierarchy we have online currently so you can visualize the structure of our system. Please note that payments of less than 1.
We offer support for bitcoin and bitcoin cash addresses. The following table lists all additional GET parameters for the request:. The following table lists all potential properties of the JSON object returned in the response body:. The following code shows an example of the response body in the event of an error:.
Blockchain api callback url following PHP code shows an example of how to make a request to this API endpoint and how to process the response:. As mentioned before, each time a payment is received and forwarded to your Bitcoin address, your callback URL will be sent data about the payment.
This is necessary for automated systems to know when a specific payment is sent. Our server will forward the payments and send these callbacks to your server immediately after payments are received and confirmed 1 times.
Callbacks will always be sent as GET requests containing the details of the payment and the forwarded transaction, in addition to any parameters already present in the callback URL.
Once again, please recall that callback URLs have a maximum length of characters. Remember that for security, you should make sure that you include a unique, secret parameter in your callback URL. This secret string will be passed back to the callback script when the callback is sent, along with any other parameters already present in the callback URL.
It should be checked against the original secret string to ensure that the callback is coming from us and is not forged. The following table lists all GET parameters that will be sent in the request to your server:. Callbacks will be marked as successful when if the exact text below is returned by your server:. You can find failed callbacks using the callback log endpoint described later. The following PHP code shows an example of handle the callback sent to you by our server:.
Main features Our system was designed from the ground up to be the most easy-to-use Bitcoin payment processor possible. No Registration Required No need to worry about getting a merchant application accepted or going through any tedious signup processes. No Branding No logos or external pages or branded buttons. Compatibility As we mentioned earlier, this API is fully compatible with existing applications based on Blockchain.
Getting started If you do not have a Bitcoin wallet yet, it's time to get one. Some things you need to know If you are about to explore Bitcoin, there are a few things you should know. Cold Storage Receive protection from hackers by receiving payments directly into an offline cold storage address or paper wallet. Exchange Wallet Use the deposit address of your Bitcoin exchange to directly receive BTC ready for exchange into your local currency. Online Wallet Sign up for an online wallet like Blockchain.
Generate addresses The create method of the receive endpoint generates a unique Bitcoin address to which the customer may send payments. Bitcoin Bitcoin cash We offer support for bitcoin and bitcoin cash addresses. Parameter Description Required address The address you would like for payments to be forwarded to. This blockchain api callback url be a valid Bitcoin address. Yes callback The URL you would like for callbacks to be sent to. This must be a valid URL.
Maximum length is characters. See more information on callbacks in the section below. This will always be set to 1. Always destination The supplied destination Bitcoin address; payments will be forwarded here, so ensure that it's the right one. Receiving callbacks You'll need some server-side code to handle the callbacks sent blockchain api callback url our system when a payment is detected.
Make blockchain api callback url to convert this to BTC when necessary by dividing by , Always confirmations The blockchain api callback url of times blockchain api callback url transaction has been confirmed at the time the callback is sent. This will always be 1. Parameter Description Required callback The callback URL for which you would like to retreive a list of sent blockchain api callback url and corresponding payments. Always callbacks An array of objects. Each one is a callback and its respective payment.
The properties of these objects are self-explanatory. If there's anything you don't understand, try looking for answers here. Type some keywords into the search bar below and try to find the information you need. If you can't find what you're looking for, just head over to the contact page and send us a message! Bitcoin is a digital currency also called crypto-currency that is not backed by any country's central bank or blockchain api callback url.
Bitcoins can be traded for goods or services with vendors who accept Bitcoins as payment. Bitcoin-to-Bitcoin transactions are made by digitally exchanging anonymous, heavily encrypted hash codes across a peer-to-peer P2P network. The P2P network monitors and verifies the transfer of Bitcoins between blockchain api callback url.
Each user's Bitcoins are stored in a program called a digital wallet, which also holds each address the user sends and receives Bitcoins from, as well as a private key known only to the user. BlockchainAPI is a Bitcoin payment processor.
Bitcoin has been growing very quickly into a very popular and unique currency, so it is becoming increasingly desirable for merchants to accept Bitcoin as a payment method on their websites. Merchants like you who want to accept Bitcoin as payment for goods or services on a website can use our API to generate unique Bitcoin addresses to which customers can send payments.
Your blockchain api callback url will be blockchain api callback url of all of your customers' payments. Your server will send a request to our API for a unique payment address which it can present to the customer. The address you would like for payments to be forwarded to. The URL you would like for callbacks to be sent to.
An integer representing the percentage of the payment that is taken as a fee. The blockchain api callback url destination Bitcoin address; payments will be forwarded here, so ensure that it's the right one. The supplied blockchain api callback url URL; callbacks will be sent here, so ensure that it's the right one. The number of times the transaction has been confirmed at the time the callback is sent.
The destination address that you supplied when generating the blockchain api callback url to which the payment was forwarded. The callback URL for which you would like to retreive a list of sent blockchain api callback url and corresponding payments. The callback URL for which you have requested this list of sent callbacks and corresponding payments.