The Blockchain Explained to Web Developers, Part 1: The Theory
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Nicsho 2 Comments October 22, A user on BitcoinTalk has posted a list of Bitcoin Heists since It was so big, they had to start a new thread due to character limits. Do you know what an awesome movie that could potentially be?
The currency of the future: The paper wallet was broken in to pieces and held by X number of people around the world. Two different groups are racing to collect the pieces.
No one knows how many signatures they need. After three failures the cold wallet locks forever. What a weird concept. My script was based around a developer that creates an app that allows him to create anonymous bounties to get anything done in the real world.
The bad guys are chasing him, but the app allows him to stay one step ahead of them by paying anonymous strangers to do tasks.
Months of planning and reconnaissance, daring social engineering, hi-tech gadgetry and zero day exploits. Also, Jack Bauer is a trademarked character. I know you can understand that. And, to be clear, the plot here is a highly skilled team breaks into the FBI, a highly secure area with the potential of being shot on sight, and steal millions with their hi-tech gear. I hope the meta-humour aspect is obvious…. Except you need a physical break in aspect to the heist, and probably some kind of special government strike force in play at the same time.
And based on Mt. A heist movie based on that would not be related to the Mt. Gox tragedy story at all! Sure, they have that Tim Burton connection, but one is a porno, and the other is a kids movie!
Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do…. Did a Google Video search, and found this pro-marijuana site. Do an Image search on his nameand its marijuana everything. Get on it, N1nj4! At the end, when the police get the paper wallet, the owners transfer their bitcoins to another offline wallet, making the physical paper worthless.
They are just looking for the reward, and not doing the work themselves. Explains a lot, actually. When it got inducted into Guinness Book of World Records? When research papers popped up around it? When it made a Billion globally? There is no work here. In the beginning of the Reddit post, the OP asked for a producer. Movies are a blend of art and business. That basically means movies are half artistic, as in writing, acting, set design, props, directing, lighting, etc.
October 23, 9: Meet the Board What are Buttcoins? Why should I invest in bitcoins? By their estimates, that means 1 out of every BTC is owned by someone who stole it. I hope the meta-humour aspect is obvious… Oh yeah! Bitcoin Boogaloo Directed by M. Shywhatever Soundtrack by Skrillex Plot: Left here, without comment. Nic Schweitzer I am a journalist by trade.
I also enjoy pistachios.