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It provides quick access to market data for storage, analysis, visualization, indicator development, algorithmic trading, strategy backtesting, bot programming, webshop integration and related software engineering.
It is intended to be used by coders, developers, technically-skilled traders, data-scientists and financial analysts for building trading algorithms on top of it. The ccxt library currently supports the following cryptocurrency exchange markets and trading APIs:.
The list above is updated frequently, new crypto markets, altcoin exchanges, cex io api python fixes, API endpoints are introduced and added on a regular basis.
See the Manual for details. The library is under MIT licensethat means it's absolutely free for any developer to build commercial and opensource software on top of it, but use it at your own risk with no warranties, as is.
This library is shipped as an all-in-one module implementation with minimalistic dependencies and requirements:. You can also clone it into your project directory from ccxt GitHub repository:. An alternative way of installing cex io api python library into your code is to copy a single file manually into your working directory with language extension appropriate for your environment.
When compiling with Webpack and Babel, make cex io api python it is not excluded in your babel-loader config. All-in-one browser bundle dependencies includedserved from unpkg CDNwhich is a fast, global content delivery network for everything on NPM. The ccxt library in PHP: Read the Manual for more details. The ccxt library consists of a public part and a private part. Anyone can use cex io api python public part out-of-the-box immediately after installation. Public APIs open cex io api python to public information from all exchange markets without registering user accounts and without having API keys.
It often means registering with exchanges and creating API keys cex io api python your account. Most exchanges require personal info or identification.
Some kind of verification may be necessary as well. If you want to trade you need to register yourself, this library will not create accounts or API keys for you. Some exchange APIs expose interface methods for registering an account from within the code itself, but most of exchanges don't.
You have to sign up and create Cex io api python keys with their websites. The ccxt library supports both camelcase notation preferred in JavaScript and underscore notation preferred in Python and PHPtherefore all methods can be called in either notation or coding style in any language. Also, read the Manual for more details. We are investing a significant amount of time into the development of this library.
If CCXT made your life easier and you like it and want to help us improve it further or if you want to speed up new features and exchanges, please, support us with a tip. We appreciate all contributions! Support this project by becoming a sponsor.
Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. Thank you to all our backers! Install The easiest way to install the ccxt library is to use builtin package managers: Usage Intro The ccxt library consists of a public part and a private part. Public APIs include the following: Private APIs allow the following: Support Developer Team We are investing a significant amount of time into the development of this library. Sponsors Support this project by becoming a sponsor.