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Take part in an after school or holiday Programs. Search for local providers. Costs vary between providers. These inspiring stories demonstrate what is possible! See what other kids are doing with Digital Technologies, and how they are teaching themselves and others to use the wide range of tools available.
Create a space or storage system that makes it easy for your junior techies to be creative. Our Play around section lists a whole host of tools for learning and creating with digital technologies. Your children could use them to:. Sometimes we need a little inspiration to get creating.
Explore these sites for instructions and inspiration. They include activities for both design and digital technologies. Best to check out this information when the kids are in bed. Some very cool toys and kits here, but be warned, they come with a price tag. When buying online it always pays to compare prices and search for Australian suppliers to reduce delivery costs. There is an ever-increasing range of board games and hands-on activities that allow kids to learn computational thinking.
Some of them are shown below. Cubetto Coding toy for youngies aged 3 and up, which includes a physical programming console and colourful coding blocks to program the cute wooden robot. Use Blockly or Tickle to program Dash and Dot. Hunt around your local electronics shop or website for robotics kits. While a small number are listed below, there are many more on the market. There are two options — Galileo and Edison.
Both these hardware development boards let you write code and create electronic circuits to build your own projects. See the guides for more information.
You can use your Makey Makey with many free apps. See below for links to potential student projects run by industry, examples from schools, examples of lunch and after-school activities, things students can do at home, and inspiring student-led activities. Skip to main content. Families Digital Technologies What it means for your child. How can you as a parent help your child? Learn with your child at the fabulous Code.
Inspirational students… These inspiring stories demonstrate what is possible! Kids teach other kids how to code 'Two Valley teen programmers have started a movement where kids teach other kids how to code. It started with two teenage friends in the USA who weren't happy with kids learning code online without any support. So they decided to teach an after-school coding class to some younger students, with the help from their local library. Since then, they have created their own organisation, which has spread across the country.
Create a space Create a space or storage system that makes it easy for your junior techies to be creative. Give them a purpose Our Play around section lists a whole host of tools for learning and creating with digital technologies. Your children could use them to: Purchasing tech stuff Best to check out this information when the kids are in bed.
Learn to code games and toys There is an ever-increasing range of board games and hands-on activities that allow kids to learn computational thinking. Kits Hunt around your local electronics shop or website for robotics kits. Search for Australian suppliers. It is a great tool for quick prototyping. It is a great option for Arduino users looking to upgrade their project on a powerful processor.
These sensor kits and other components can be used in conjunction with a development board. The kits provide guidance on programming the various electronic components. This one is designed to use with Intel Edison above. This sensor kit is designed specifically for Raspberry Pi. Register for Term 3 for Junior Engineers after school classes teaching coding and robotics. Projects See below for links to potential student projects run by industry, examples from schools, examples of lunch and after-school activities, things students can do at home, and inspiring student-led activities.
Subscribe to our email newsletter. Creative Commons Attribution 4. Digital Technologies Hub is brought to you by. Australian Government Department of Education and Training.